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1.The concept of Social Medicine was first introduced by
a) Neuman and Virchow
b) Robert Grotjahrr
c) John Ryle
d)Rene sand
2.Following are true about Kerala except
a) BR- 29/1000
b) per capita annual income – Rs. 2594
C) Life Expectancy – 66.6 years t
d) Female literacy rate-65%.
3.Rules of Sanitation in UK is proposed by
a) John Snow
b) Chadwick
c) Winslow
d) John Howard
4.Human Development Index (UNDP) includes
a)Life Expectancy , gross national product and per capita income
b)Education ,social status and life expectancy
c)Per capita income, education and life expectancy
d) Education, life expectancy and purchasing power
5.Best method for collecting vital statistics in India
a) Active surveillance
b) Passive surveillance
c) Sentinel surveillance
d) Contact tracing
6.Surveillance by WHO is not done for
a) Polio
b) Malaria
c) Viral encephalitis
d) Relapsing fever
7.Which one of the following branches of Sociology studies the relationship between organism and environment?
a) Ergonomics
b) Social physiology
c) Ecology
d) Social pathology
8.Primordial prevention is the
a)Prevention of diseases among-the hill – dwelling and tribal people
b)Prolongation of human life span to the maximum extent
c)Promotion of health, well-being and efficiency
d)Prevention of diseases through modification of their risk factors.
9.What is the definition of society
a) System of social relationship between individuals
b) Social relationship between families
c) intervention of individuals and people
d) relationship of individual, family and the country
10.Which of the following is tertiary level of prevention
a) Health promotion
b) Specific protection
c) early diagnosis and treatment
d) disability limitation.
11.All of the following require surveillance according to WHO except
a) Chicken Pox
b) yellow fever
c) malaria
d) Rabies
12.PQLI includes all except
a) Literacy rate
b) per capita GNP
c) IMR
d) life expectancy at 1 yr.
13.In a country, socio economic progress is best indicated by
a) Gross net production
b) IMR
C) Annual per capital income of the family
d) Death rate
14.VftA Prophylaxis in 3-6 yrs children is an example of
a) Health promotion
b) Specific protection
c) Early diagnosis and treatment
d) Disability limitation.
15.Prophylactic administration of Vitamin A in a child is
a) Health promotion
b) Treatment
c) Specific protection
d) Rehabilitation.
16.The period of pathogenesis is the period
a) Of incubatory processes only
b) Which begins with the entry of disease causing agent
c) Of subclinical manifestation
d) Preliminary to the onset of disease in man
17.The current concept of health promotion and the related activities lead to
a) Better treatment of a problem
b) Critical awareness and life style changes
c) Adoption of prophylactic services
d) Better health services usage
18.Disease rate is
a) Risk of susceptibility
b) Usually expressed as percentage
c) Time period in a calendar year
d) disease occurrence in a specified time period
19.The measure used to express the global burden of diseasg, i. e. how a healthy life is affected by disease is
a) Disability – Adjusted life year
b) Case fatality rate
c) Life Expectancy
d) Age- Specific incidence rate.
20.Leprosy and tuberculosis are best prevented by
a) Chemoprophylaxis
b) Early diagnosis and treatment
c) Influenza
d) Immunoprophylaxis
21.All show iceberg phenomenon except
a) Influenza
b) Polio
c) Hepatitis
d) Chicken pox
22.Provision of carotene – rich diet in order to prevent xerophthalmia is a measure under
a) Health promotion
b) Specific protection
c) Early diagnosis and treatment
d) Rehabilitation
23.The concept of Levels of Prevention” aims at
a) Ascertaining the prognosis of a disease
b) Eradication of a disease
c) Preventing epidemics
d) Intervening in the natural history of a disease
24.The disease which is known as “Father of public health” is
a) Small pox
b) Rabies ‘
c) Plague
d) Cholera
25.A list of comments against the World Health Organization’ definition of health given. Which of them is not a critics
a) Health is considered a state responsibility
b) No satisfactory definition of well being
c) It sets standards of ‘positive’ health to be attained by all people
d) Utopic rather than realistic goal
26.What is the actual intention of doing sentinel surveillance ?
a) To know the total number of cases
b) Eor health planning
c) To know the natural history of the disease
d) To prevent the disease.
27.Virulence of a disease is indicated by
a) proportional mortality rate
b) specific mortality rate
c) case fatality ratio
d) amount of GDP spent on the disease
28.All are true of Crude death rate except
a) It is a proportion
b) Includes death in all age groups
c)Can be used to compare mortality between 2 countries
d)No. of deaths in a year/Mid year pop x 1000.
29.Provision of free medical care to the people at government expense is known as
a) State medicine
b) Social therapy
c) Social medicine
d) Social insurance programme.
30.The first country to socialize medicine completely was
a) Germany
b) Great Britain
c) Russia
d)U. S. A.
31.Man is a secondary host for
a) malaria
b) Tuberculosis
c) filariasis
d) relapsing fever
32.Living standard of a people is best assessed by
a) Infant mortality rate
b) Material mortality rate
c) Physical quality of life index
d) death rate
33.Pap smear is an example of
a) Primary level of prevention
b) Secondary level of prevention
c) Tertiary level of prevention
d) None of the above.
34.The first scientist to observe bacteria and other microscopic organisms was
a) Sydenham
b) Virchow
c) Harvey
d) Van Leeuwenhoek
35.The following parameter is not included while computing PQLI Index
a) Life expectance at 1 year
b) Infant mortality rate
c) Life expectancy at birth
d) Literacy rate
36.Prevention of emergence of risk factor is
a) Primordial prevention
b) primary prevention
c) Secondary prevention
d) Tertiaiy prevention .
37.Notifiable disease is
a) Varicella
b) cholera
c) malaria
d) influenza
38.Checking for sputum AFB comes under
a) primary prevention
b) secondary prevention
c) tertiary prevention
d) quartemary prevention.
39. Which of the following is not in WHO surveillance
a) Rabies
b) Influenza
d) Varicella
40.One of the following is not true of International Classification of Disease
a) It is revised once in 10 years
b) It was devised by UNICEF
c)The 10lb revision consists of 21 major chapters.
d)It is accepted for National and International use
e)It provides the basis for use in other health fields.
41.Surveillance is necessary for’ alLrecommended bx WHO except
a) Relapsing fever
b) Malaria
c) Plague
d) Tuberculosis.
42.The method of detecting missing contacts in a disease is
a) Screening
b) Monitoring
c) Active surveillance
d) Continuous surveillance
43.Which is not under WHO surveillance
a) Malaria
b) Polio
c) Varicella
d) Influenza
44.The level of prevention practiced by wearing of spectacles is
a) Specific protection
b) Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
c) Disability limitation
d) Rehabilitation.
45.For searching missing cases used is
a) Active surveillance
b) Sentinel surveillance
c) Passive surveillance
d) Monitoring.
46. Keeping the frequency of illness within acceptable limits is best described as disease
a) Control
b) Prevention
c) Eradication
d) Surveillance
47.Object the health services include each of the following except
a) Delivery of curative care only
b) Health promotion
c) Prevention, control or eradication of disease
d) Treatment
and rehabilitation
48.The best method of promoting healthy life style in children
a) primordial prevention
b) specific protection
c) secondary prevention
d) high risk strategy
49.Kuppuswamy’s Socio Economic scale does not include
a) Housing
b) Education
c) Income
d) Occupation.
50. Following are both Notifiable disease as well as disease under surveillance
a) Epidemic typhus
b) Relapsing fever
c) Plague
d) Cholera
SOCIAL and PREVENTIVE Objective type Questions with Answers
51.The concept of Multifactorial causation of disease was first mooted by
a) Pettenkofer
b) John Snow
c) Lemuel Shattuk
d) Edwin Chadwick
52.Sullivan’s index indicates
a) Life free of disability
b) Pregnancy rate per HWY
c) Hook worm eggs/gm of stool
d) Standard of living
53.”Father of Immunization” was i 4
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
d) Sabin
54. Rheumatic fever prophylaxis is an example of
a) Primary prevention
b) Primordial prevention
c) Secondary prevention
d) Tertiary prevention
55. Toxoid is prepared from
a) Exotoxin
b) Endotoxin
c) Both
d) None.
56.accine which must be stored in the freezer compartment of a fridge is/are
c) smallpox
d) all of the above
57.The sterilization temperature of hot air oven is
a) 100 C for 1 hour
b) 160 C for 30 min
d) 160 C fori hour
58.While analyzing data, allocation into similar groups is done to ensure
a) comparability
b) accuracy
c) validity
d) sensitivity
59.Odd’s ratio can be calculated from .
a) Relative risk
b) Odd’s ratio
c) Attributable risk
d) Incidence rates
60.Not included in Expanded programme of Immunization
a) Influenza
b) Tetanus
c) Tuberculosis
d) Polio
61.Which study method yields relative risk ?
a) Case series
b) Case control
c) Cohort
d) Double blind
62.The criteria for validity of a screening test are
a) accuracy
b) predictability
c) sensitivity & specificity
d) cost effectiveness
63. All are true of standardized mortality ratio except
a) Expressed as rate per year
b) can be adjusted for age
c) can be used for events other than death
d) ratio of observed deaths to expected deaths.
64. All are true of Randomized controlled trial except
a)Groups are representative of the population
b)Bias may arise during evaluation
c)both study and control groups should be comparable.
d)in a Single blind trial the doctor does not know of group allocation.
65. DPT vaccine is ‘
a) Toxoid
b) Killed vaccine
c) Both
d) None
66. All are morbidity indicators except
a) Period of stay in hospital
b) Doctor : Population ratio
c) attendance of out patient department
d) Notification rates.
67. Diseases which are imported into a country in which thev do not otherwise ocrirr is
a) Exotic
b) Epizootic
c) Endemic
d) None of the above.
68.Which is false about cohort study
a) incidence can be measured
b) used to study chronic diseases,
c) expensive
d) always prospective
69. All of the following can be considered afc Epidemiological variables except
b) Incubation period
c) Diagnostic tests
d) Environmental factors.
70.Descriptive Epidemiology is study in relation to
a) Time
b) Place
c) Person
71.Live attenuated vaccines are
b) Hepatitis
c) Japanese B encephalitis
d) Chicken pox
72.The true statement about secular trend is
a)Occurs due to naturally occurring variation in herd immunity
b)Road side accident is a good example
c)Mainly due to environmental factors
d)consistent change in a particular direction over a period of time.
73.Numerator is not a part of denominator in
a) Rate
b) Ratio
c) Proportion
d) All of the above
74.Denominator in crude death rate is
a)Mid year population
b) Mid year females 15-44 years
c) Mid year married females 15-44 years
d) Mid year males 15-44 years
75.Vaccine which is given at earliest
76.Longitudinal studies
a) Are easy to conduct
b) can detect only one risk factor
c) can find out incidence of disease.
d) Have increased bias.
77. Which vaccine is most effective
a) Cholera
b) Typhoid
c) yellow fever
d) Chicken pox
78. Incidence rate is calculated using
a) No. of new cases
b) No. of old cases
c) Both
d) Neither
79.Predictability value is
a)TP/TP + FPxlOO
b)TP/TP + TNxlO0
c)TP/TP + FNxl00
d)FP/TP + FPxl00
80.Transovarian transmission of infection occurs in
a) Fleas
b) Ticks
c) Mosquitoes
d) Sandfly
81.If the incidence of the disease in females is 3 times as in males, but the prevalence is equal in males and females, what is the inference
a) Less duration of the disease in males
b) Mortality more in females
c) Mortality is less in males
d) None of the above.
82.In a community of 3000 people, 80% are Hindus, 10% Muslims, 5% Sikh, 4% Christians and y 1% Jains. To select a sample of 300 people to analyze food habits, ideal sample would be
a) Sample random
b) Stratified random
c) Systematic random
d)Inverse sampling
83. In a population of 10,000 beta carotene was given to 6000; not given to the remainder, 3 out of the first group got lung cancer, 2 out of the other 4000 also got lung cancer conclusion:
a)beta carotene and lung cancer have no relation to one another
b)the p value is not significant
c)the study is not designed properly
d)beta carotene is associated with lung cancer
84.Active and passive immunity is given simultaneously for all except
a) Hepatitis
b) Tetanus
c) Measles
d) Rabies
85. Quarantine is for
a) Infective period
c) Shortest incubation period
b) Generation time
d) Longest incubation period.
86.In the overhead tank of a hostel, cysts of entameba were found. The best method of disinfection is
a) Ultraviolet radiation
b) Boiling
c) Iodination
d) Chlorination
87.Disease imported to a country not otherwise present
a) Exotic
b) Enzootic
c) Epizootic
d) Endemic
88. Retrospective study of case sheets (hospital data) and evaluation of medical data is called
a) Medical audit
b) Medical evaluation
c) Performance evaluation
d) Progressive screening
89. AH are live vaccines except
a) 17-D
b) Rubella
c) Salk
d) Measles
90.All are true about cohort studies except
a) Prospective
b) Useful for rare diseases
c) necessary for incidence
d) costly
91.Odds Ratio is derived from
a) Case control study
b) Cohort study
c) Cross sectional study
d) Randomized trial
92.Scientific-proof of an etiological factor is given by
a) Case control study
b) Cohort study
c) Randomized clinical trial
d) Non randomized trial
93.Matching is done to minimize which of the following errors
a) Sampling bias
b) Selection bias
c) Confounding bias
d)Interviewer bias
94.Communicability of a disease is determined by
a) Secondary attack rate
b) Primary attack rate
c) Attributable risk
d) Relative risk
95.In a cohort study non smokers are found having Calung it indicates
a) Smoking does not cause lung cancer
b) Multifactorial cause of Ca lung
c) Smoking is the only cause of lung cancer
d) All of the above
96. Diagnostic accuracy of a test is determined by
a) Sensitivity
b) Specificity
c) Predictive value
d) None
97.t&’h Screening test is not useful when
a)Incidence of the disease is high in the community
b)Incidence is low in the community
c)Early detection leads to favorable outcome
d)The disease has a lead time
98. Which is most economical and best screening
a) Mass Screening
b) High risk screening
c) Multiphasic screening
d) Any of the above
99.Vertical transmission is by
a) Mosquitoes
b) Direct contact
c) Droplet
d) Placenta
100.B. C. G. vaccine is administered to children
a) Intradermally
b) Subcutaneously
c) Intramuscularly
d) Orally
101. Which of the following is most powerful chemical disinfectant
a) Phenol
b) Lysol
c) Dettol
d) Pot. Permanganate
102. Sharp instruments may be sterilized with
a) Radiation
b) Lysol
c) Hot air
d) Any of the above