200+ TOP PSYCHIATRY Online Quiz Questions – Exam Test

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1. Delusions in clear consciousness are seen in:
a) Dementia
b) Delirium
c) Schizophrenia
d) Neurosis


2. Impaired consciousness, visual hallucination, hyperactivity and fragmentary delusions are
a) Delirium
b) Dementia
c) Paranoid psychosis
d) Schizophrenia


3.Dementia is seen in all except
a) Schizophrenia
b) Head injury
c) Huntington’s chorea
d) Cannabis


4. Common cause of mood congruent delusions is:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Paraphrenia
c) Paranoia
d) Depression


5.IQ is
a) Mentalage/chronological x 100


6.Which is not a feature of Hyperkinetic child
a) Low IQ
b) Low attention span
c) Right to left dissociation

7.Who introduced cocaine in psychiatry.
a) Freud
b) Jung
c) Miller
d) Stanley


8.Which of the following is a mature defense mechanism
a) Projection
b) Reaction formation
c) Anticipation
d) Denial


9.Most common cause of mood congruent delusion is:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mania
d) Dementia


10.The most common post-partum psychosis is
a) Mania
b) Depression
c) Dementia
d) Schizophrenia


PSYCHIATRY Objective Questions

11.Not a proper match
a) Auditory hallucination – Alcoholism
b) Thought broadcasting-schizophrenia
c) Delusion of infidelity – obsessive compulsive neurosis
d) Delusion of grandeur – mania


12.Suicidal tendencies are least common with
a) Alone
b) Depression
c) Old age
d) Married person


13.Psycho analysis was introduced by
a) Freud
b) Schielder
c) Dale & Denicker
d) Eugen Bluer


14.’Reinforcement’ is used in:
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Hypnoanalysis
c) Abreaction
d) Conditioned learning


15.Dissociation is seen in all except
a) Somnambulism
b) Fugue
c) Multiple personality
d) None


16.Thematic perception test is named after
a) Freud
b) Simon paul
c) Douglas
d) Wechslers


17.That part of mind which is working on reality principle is:
a) Id
b) Ego
c) Super ego
d) Ego-ideal


18.All are features of type A behavior, proposed by Friedman and Rosenman except:
a) Time urgency and impatience
b) Hard driving career orientation
c) Ambitiousness
d) Poor job involvement


20.The commonest cause of mental retardation is:
a) Alkaptonuria
b) Kluver-Bucy syndrome
c) Korsakoffs syndrome
d) Birth asphyxia


21.A Tibetian living in high altitude is now at sea level. His wife died 2 weeks back. He says he has seen his wife twice during this period and she asked him to join her at heaven. The diagnosis is
a) Normal grief reaction
b) Brief reactive psychosis
c) Bereavement reaction
d) Schizophrenia


22.The best account for diagnosis of psychoneurosis is derived from:
a) Verbal accounts
b) Visceral reactions
c) Motor behavior
d) Reaction to environment


23.Ego’s defense mechanism “Undoing” is typically seen in:
a) Depression
b) Schizophrenia
c) Obsessive-compulsive neurosis
d) Hysteria


24.Kalloo, a 24 year old occasional alcoholic has got a change in his behavior. He has become suspicious that people are trying to conspire against him though his father states that there is no reason for his fears. He is getting hallucinations of voices commenting on his actions. What is the most probable diagnosis
a) Delirium tremens
b) Alcohol induced psychosis
c) Schizophrenia
d) Delusional disorder


25.The eight-stage classification of human life is proposed by
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Pavel
c) Strauss
d) Erikson


26.An alcoholic woman was brought to the casualty following a suicide attempt by taking several tablets of diazepam. There is history of previous attempts of suicide by wrist slashing, etc. The type of personality dis order in this woman is
a) Histrionic personality
b)Dependent personality
c) Narcissistic personality
d) Border line personality


27.Patient presents with altered behavior, delusions & hallucination suggest
a) Psychotic disorder
b) Confirms schizophrenia
c) Korsakoff’s psychosis
d) Obsessive-compulsive neurosis


28.All are affective disorder except
a) Depression
b) Obsessive compulsive neurosis
c) Reaction formation
d) Adjustment reaction


29.Commonest psychiatric illness in India is:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Endogenous depression
c) Neurotic depression
d) Anxiety neurosis


30.One of the important defence mechanisms is:
a) Alienation
b) Confabulation
c) Repression
d) Suppression


31.A middle-aged patient was brought to the hospital in stuporous conditions with loss of power in all four limbs. Waxy flexibility of muscle tone in the limbs was detected. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Hysterical stupor
b) Organic stupor
c) Catatonic stupor
d) Depressive stupor


32. Oedipus complex (given by Sigmund Freud) is seen in:
a) Boys of 1 -3 years of age
b) Girls of 1 -3 years of age
c) Boys of 3-5 years of age
d) Girls of 3-5 years of age


33.The term “Ambivalence” was coined by:
a) Hippocrates
b) Eugen Bleuler
c) Kraeplin
d) Sigmund Freud


34.Which of the following is a dissociative phenomenon
a) Fugue
c) Deafness
d) Lack of insight


35.Which is most specific of psychosis
a) Pressure of speech
b) Neologism
c) Incoherence
d) Preservation


36.Lesion in autistic disorder is in
a) Corpus collosum
b) Frontal lobe
c) Temporal lobe
d) Cerebellum


37.Basanti age 27 years, female thinks her nose is ugly, her idea is fixed not shared by anyone else. Whenever she goes out of home, she hides her face with a cloth. She visits to surgeon. Next step would be
a) Investigate and then operate
b) Refer to psychiatrist
c) Reassure the patient
d) Immediate operation


38.Irresistible urge to move about and increased motor activity is
a) Rabbits syndrome
b) Malignant neuroleptic syndrome
c) Akathasia
d) Tardive dyskinesia


39.Which is in first rank symptom described by Scheidner?
a) Echolalia
b)Thought insertion
c) Autism
d) Suicidal tendency


40.The characteristic symptom of Hyperkinetic syndrome is
a) Reduced attention span
b) Mental retardation
c) Extreme shyness
d) Truancy


41.Disturbances of affect include all except
a) Panic
b) Apathy
c) Phobia
d) Obsession


43.A false belief unexplained by reality, shared by a number of people is:
a) Superstition
b) Illusion
c) Delusion
d) Obsession


44.Which of the following is a center for recent memory:
a) Parietal cortex
b) Temporal lobe
c) Hippocampus
d) Thalamus and sub thalamus


45.Sleep deprivation leads to:
a) Psychotic behavior
b) Decreased mental alertness
c) Emotional disturbances
d) Anxiety neurosis


46.A person who is a chronic alcoholic is brought to the casualty. When asked he says that he is drinking because of the quarrels with his wife. The defence mechanism is
a) Denial
b) Rationalization
c) Sublimation
d) Projection


47.Fugue state may be seen in:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Hysteria
c) Epilepsy
d) All of the above


48.Mature defence mechanism is seen in
a) Altruism
b) Repression
c) Regression
d) None


49.The following are psychotic disorders except
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mania
c) Psychotic depression
d) Hysteria


50.A person quarrels and hits his neighbor. The next day starts feeling that he is being followed by police and that they may arrest him. He also feels that his neighbors are controlling him by radio waves. Diagnosis is
a)Delusion of persecution
b) Schizophrenia
c) Passivity
d) Thought insertion


PSYCHIATRY Objective Questions with Answers

51.Mental retardation implies
a) Depression of brain
b) Intellectual deficiency
c) Suspicious behavior
d) Emotional disorder


52.Major psychosis is
a) Neurosis
b) Dementia
c) Reactive depression
d) Endogenous depression


53.All are true about hyper kinetic child except
a) Poor impulse control
b) Increase in the anger outburst
c) Right to left disorientation
d) Decrease in attention span


54.A person missing from home, found wandering purposefully, well groomed, has some degree of amnesia
a) Dissociative fugue
b) Dissociative amnesia
c) Schizophrenia
d) Dementia


55.Delirium and schizophrenia differ from each other by:
a) Change in mood
b) Complete consciousness
c) Tangential thinking
d) All


56.Concept of super ego was given by:
b) Sigmund Freud
c) Eric Erikson
d) Carl Jung


57.The following are psychosomatic disorders except
a) Hypertension
b) Pepticulcer
c) Cirrhosis of liver
d) Asthma


58.Confabulation means
a) Conversation with imaginary person
b) Misinterpretation of stimulus
c) Perception in the absence of stimuli
d) Making stories to IIII up gaps in memory loss


59.Which category is most prone for suicide
a) Adolescent girl
b) Old man
c) Unemployed youth
d) Married woman


60.One of the following is used to test
a) Eyesenck personality
b) Ink blot test
c)Sentence completion
d) Binet Stanford test


61. Fugue’ state occurs in
a) Head injury
b) Depression
c) Hysteria
d) Mania


62.AH the following are defense mechanisms of ego except
a) Projection
c) Reaction formation
d) Transference


63.Characteristic feature of psychosis is
a) Mood disturbance
b) Suicidal tendency
c) Autistic tendency
d) Acceptance of other persons delusion


64.The commonest mental illnesses in children are:
a) Mental retardation
b) Infantileautism
c) Enuresis
d) Neuroses


65.Oedipus complex has been described by:
a) Plato
b) Socrates
c) Freud
d) Huxley


66.Preoccupation with body diseases is seen in
a) Obsession
b) Somatisation
c) Hypochondriasis
d) Conversion disorder


67.The most common psychiatric disorder is
a) Depression
b) Dementia
c) Schizophrenia
d) Paranoia


68.Mental retardation implies
a) Depression of brain
b) Intellectual deficiency
c) Suspicious behavior
d) Emotional disorder


69.The classic psychosomatic illness include all of the following except
a) Essential hypertension
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Hyperventilation
d) Bronchial asthma


70.22 year old Babu had a fight with his neighbor’s son. Next day, while going to the bus stop, he felt that 2 uniformed policemen were following him. On reaching home he was frightened and he felt that the neighbors were using radio waves to control his mind. What is his symptom
a) Delusion of persecution
b) Passivity
c) Auditory hallucination
d) Thought insertion


71.Delusion is
a) A feeling of loss of sensation
b) Not able to get proper answer
c) A false belief
d) An uncomfortable sensation


72.Which does not cause dementia?
a) Multiple infarction
b) Huntington’s chorea
c) Alzheimer’s disease
d) Schizophrenia


73.Illusion with loss of consciousness is seen in
a) MDP
b) Delirium
c) Schizophrenia
d) Anxiety Neurosis


74.Dementia is produced by deficiency of vitamin:
a) A
b) D
c) Pyridoxine
d) Niacin


75.Persistent belief in something which is not a fact is
a) Illusion
b) Hallucination
c) Delusion
d) Delirium


76.All are features of Dementia except
a) Impaired memory
b) Loss of judgment
c) Impaired consciousness
d) Loss of learned function


77.The most common cause of organic amnestic syndrome is:
a) Alzheimer’s disease
b) Concussion
c) Hypoxia
d) Vitamin deficiency


78.Biochemical etiology of Alzheimer’s disease relates it to:
a) Acetylcholine
c) Serotonin
d) Dopamine


79.Dementia is seen in all except:
a) Head injury
b) Alzheimer’s
c) chizophrenia
d) Huntington’s chorea


80.Dissociation is seen in
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mania
c) Hysterical conversion
d) Organic brain syndrome


81.22 year old Mahesh had fight with his neighbor’s son. Next day, while going to the bus stop, he felt that 2 uniformed policeman were following him. On reaching home in the evening,he was frightened. He felt that the neighbors were using radio waves to control his mind.What is his symptom?
a) Passivity
b) Delusion of persecution
c) Auditory hallucination
d) Thought insertion


82.Sub cortical dementia is
a) Memory
b) Dyslexia
c) Tactile Agnosia
d) Receptive Aphasia


83.A 68 year old man complaining of hearing voices from the upper floor using abusive language believes that somebody is trying to take away his property. He also does unusual things as wearing his vest over his shirt. He could be suffering from
a) Schizophrenia
b) Dementia
c) Delusion
d) Hysteria


84.Tick the proper answer among the answer provided. Hallucination is a
a) Thinking disorder
b) Disorder of perception
c) Disorder of motor behavior
d) Disorder of consciousness


85.Reversible cause of dementia
a) Post encephalitis
b) Multi infarct
c) Hydrocephalus
d) Senile dementia


86.Following are predispositions to Alzheimer’s disease except
a) Down’s syndrome
b) Head trauma
c) Smoking
d) Low education group


87.In the absence of auditory hallucination, visual or tactile hallucinations are in favour of one
the following conditions
a) Conversion disorder
b) Panic disorder
c) Manic disorder
d) Organic brain syndrome


88.Delusions are found in all of the following disorders except
a) Schizophrenia
b) Psychotic depression
c) Mania
d) Personality disorder


89.False perception without any external stimulus is
a) Hallucination
b) Delusion
c) Illusion
d) Mania

Answer: a

90. Delusion is not seen in
a) Depression
b) Anxiety
c) Schizophrenia
d) Mania


92. Subcortical dementia is seen in all except
a) Parkinsonism
b) Alzheimer’s disease
c) Wilson’s disease
d) Huntington’s Chorea


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