Pulp Therapy Multiple Choice Questions
1. The material of choice for pulpotomy in primary molars is
A. Calcium hyroxide
B. Zinc oxide eugenol
C. Formocresol or gluteraldehyde
D. Reinforced zinc oxide eugenol
2. What is the common cause of failure of pulpotomy, that employs Ca(OH)2 in primary molars?
A. Pulp fibrosis
B. Pulp calcification
C. Ankylosis
D. Internal resorption
3. The treatment of choice for vital, wide apex tooth which shows pulp exposure is:
A. Pulpotomy
B. Pulpectomy
C. Apexification
D. Apexogenesis
4. A severe toothache at night usually means extensive degeneration of the pulp. this calls for more than a conservative types of pulp therapy
A. both the statements are false
B. both the statements are true
C. first statement is true and the second statement is false
D. first statement is false and the second statement is true
5. the material of choice for direct pulp capping in permanent molars is
A. Calcium hydroxide
B. Zinc oxide eugenol
D. reinforced zinc oxide eugenol