300+ TOP Reading Literature in English MCQs and Answers Quiz

Reading Literature in English Multiple Choice Questions

1. Anne Frank was a victim of 
A. Mussolini’s despotism

B. Anti-Jewish laws of Nazi Germany

C. Second World War

D. None of these

Answer: B. Anti-Jewish laws of Nazi Germany

2. Anne Frank wrote her diary in
A. English

B. German

C. Dutch

D. Spanish

Answer: C. Dutch

3. Anne Frank’s diary was addressed to
A. Kitty

B. Margot

C. Harry

D. Van Daan

Answer: A. Kitty

4. “But I’m not sorry; memories mean more to me than dresses.” Whose words are
A. Aldous Huxley

B. The slave

C. Edmond Spenser

D. Anne Frank

Answer: D. Anne Frank

5. Who sent the currant cake with the words “Happy Whitsun” to Anne’s Family in hiding?
A. Van Daan

B. Meip

C. Mr. Goudsmit

D. Harry

Answer: B. Meip

6. The seventh Sunday after Easter-
A. Good Friday

B. Christmas

C. Whitsun

D. None of these

Answer: C. Whitsun

7. ————- was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.
A. Aldous Huxley

B. Anne Frank

C. Bertrand Russell

D. S. Radhakrishnan

Answer: C. Bertrand Russell

8. What was Aristotle’s mistake?
A. Stated that women had fewer teeth than men without verifying it

B. Believed that beauty was an external aspect

C. Believed that travel can reduce insular prejudice

D. None of these

Answer: A. Stated that women had fewer teeth than men without verifying it

9. “Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.” Whose words are these?
A. Maxim Gorky

B. Lewis Carroll

C. Bertrand Russell

D. Martin Luther King

Answer: C. Bertrand Russell

10. Who wrote Republic?
A. Bertrand Russell

B. Aristotle

C. Longinus

D. Plato

Answer: D. Plato

11. September fifth is the birthday of-
A. S. Radhakrishnan

B. C. Radhakrishnan

C. Huxley

D. Russell

Answer: A. S. Radhakrishnan

12. What are the three great obstacles that hinder India’s development?
A. Intellectual rubbish, beauty & lack of awareness

B. Poverty, disease & ignorance

C. Five year plans, lack of infrastructure &lack of money

D. None of these

Answer: B. Poverty, disease & ignorance

13. “The tree of life is sustained by art, the tree of death by science.” Who said this?
A. William Wordsworth

B. William Harvey

C. William Blake

D. S. Radhakrishnan

Answer: C. William Blake

14. “Jnanam vijnana sahitham” is a quotation from-
A. The Bible

B. The Quran

C. The Upanishad

D. The Bhagavad Gita

Answer: D. The Bhagavad Gita

15. “Adhyatma vidya” means-
A. Knowledge of your own Self

B. Knowledge of Truth

C. Knowledge of God

D. Knowledge of Science

Answer: A. Knowledge of your own Self

16. Brave New World (1932) was written by-
A. S. Radhakrishnan

B. Aldous Huxley

C. Bertrand Russell

D. None of these

Answer: B. Aldous Huxley

17. The American Depression occurred in-
A. 1929

B. 1919

C. 1939

D. 1949

Answer: A. 1929

18. “‘Old Ladies’ are becoming rare.” Why?
A. Because they die early

B. Because of the beauty industry

C. Because of wealth

D. None of these

Answer: B. Because of the beauty industry

19. “We must be content with moderate hopes” This is the last line of-
A. Humanities vs Science

B. The Diary of a young Girl

C. How to Escape from Intellectual rubbish

D. The Beauty Industry

Answer: D. The Beauty Industry

20. What did Spenser write upon the strand?
A. Her name

B. His love

C. Poetry

D. None of these

Answer: A. Her name

21. A sonnet is a poem of ——– lines.
A. 12

B. 14

C. 150

D. 200

Answer: B. 14

22. ———–, by Spenser is a sequence celebrating youthful love and devotion.
A. How do I love there

B. To Anthea

C. Amoretti

D. A Ring to me is bondage

Answer: C. Amoretti

23. What is the theme of Spenser’s poem?
A. Chivalry

B. Death

C. Love

D. Sacrifice

Answer: C. Love

24. H. W. Longfellow was an ———– poet.
A. American

B. English

C. German

D. Indian

Answer: A. American

25. The theme of The Slave’s Dream is:
A. Plight of women

B. Plight of slaves

C. Plight of children

D. Plight of animals

Answer: B. Plight of slaves

26. “He did not feel the driver’s whip”. Why?
A. He had taken opium

B. He was under medication

C. He moved away

D. He was dead

Answer: D. He was dead

27. What does the hyaena’s cry suggest?
A. Death

B. Life

C. Love

D. Happiness

Answer: A. Death

28. ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter” is a ——— poem.
A. Seriou

B. Fantasy

C. Nonsense

D. Realistic

Answer: C. Nonsense

29. Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work by:
A. H. W. Longfellow

B. Sylvia Plath

C. Lewis Carroll

D. Martin Luther King

Answer: C. Lewis Carroll

30. What is meant by billows?
A. Sun’s ray

B. Sea waves

C. Pillow

D. The wind

Answer: B. Sea waves

31. Why did the moon sulk?
A. Because the carpenter walked with the walrus

B. Because he could not come up in the sky

C. Because the sun did not go away even at midnight

D. Because she was hungry

Answer: C. Because the sun did not go away even at midnight

32. “Their shoes were clean and neat/ And this was odd”. Why?
A. They had tiny feet

B. They had no feet

C. They did not have shoes.

D. None of these

Answer: B. They had no feet

33. “It seems a shame. I weep for you. I deeply sympathize” Whose words are these?
A. Tweedledum and Tweedledee

B. Walrus

C. Alice

D. Carpenter

Answer: B. Walrus

34. The theme of “Walrus and the Carpenter” is:
A. Marriage

B. Corruption

C. Love

D. Freedom

Answer: B. Corruption

35. Colossus is the first book of poems by ———.
A. Mina Assadi

B. Dilip Chitre

C. Sylvia Plath

D. None of these

Answer: C. Sylvia Plath

36. The poem ————- reflects the anxieties of a mother, poet and woman.
A. A Ring to me is Bondage

B. Father Returning Home

C. Gift

D. Mirror

Answer: D. Mirror

37. A young girl drowning in the lake- mirror recalls the story of Ophelia in Shakespeare’s —-
A. Macbeth

B. Hamlet

C. King Lear

D. Othello

Answer: B. Hamlet

38. Dilip Chitre is a prolific poet and essayist in ————-
A. Hindi

B. Arabic

C. Urdu

D. Marathi

Answer: D. Marathi

39. Dilip Chitre translated the poem of ————–, the Marathi Bhakti poet.
A. Kalidasa

B. Tukaram

C. Thulasidas

D. Tagore

Answer: B. Tukaram

40. The theme of “Father Returning Home” is ————-
A. Adolescence

B. Youth

C. Middle age

D. Old age

Answer: D. Old age

41. “I know Why Caged Bird Sings” is a poem by ————-
A. Mina Assadi

B. Maya Angelou

C. Dilip Chitre

D. H. W. Longfellow

Answer: B. Maya Angelou

42. “Poor Girl” is a ———- poem.
A. Sonnet

B. Ode

C. Lyric

D. Epic

Answer: C. Lyric

43. Words, phrases or lines repeated in a poem for creating a particular effect is called ——–
A. Quatrain

B. Sestet

C. Refrain

D. Blank verse

Answer: C. Refrain

44. What is the refrain in Maya Angelou’s poem?
A. Poor girl/ Just like me

B. But it was odd

C. Like a word dropped from a long sentence

D. None of these

Answer: A. Poor girl/ Just like me

45. ———- was born in the Mazandaran province of Iran.
A. Dilip Chitre

B. Mina Assadi

C. Maya Angelou

D. None of these

Answer: B. Mina Assadi

46. The works of ———– are banned in Iran.
A. Mina Assadi

B. Maya Angelou

C. Khalid Hosseini

D. Salman Rushdie

Answer: A. Mina Assadi

47. The theme of “A Ring to Me is Bondage” is:
A. Captivity and freedom

B. Love and Hate

C. Anger and protest

D. None of these

Answer: A. Captivity and freedom

48. Aleksei Peshkov is the real name of:
A. Tolstoy

B. Dostoevsky

C. Gogol

D. Maxim Gorky

Answer: D. Maxim Gorky

49. Gorky’s stories are about the lives of ———-
A. The wealthy

B. The bourgeois

C. The poor and the uncared for

D. None of these

Answer: C. The poor and the uncared for

50. “Everything lives, for something better to come”. These are the words of-
A. Tolstoy

B. Mahatma Gandhi

C. Martin Luther King

D. Maxim Gorky

Answer: D. Maxim Gorky

51. Who is the protagonist of the story “One Autumn Night”?
A. A young girl

B. A young boy

C. An old woman

D. An old man

Answer: B. A young boy
52. A musical instrument mentioned in “One Autumn Night” is-
A. Bonbon

B. Banjo

C. Skiff

D. Dithyramb

Answer: B. Banjo
53. Who is the female character in “One Autumn Night”?
A. Natasha

B. Dimka

C. Pashka

D. None of these

Answer: A. Natasha
54. Bessie Head’s first novel-
A. The Collector of Treasure

B. When Rain Clouds Gather

C. The Lower Depths

D. None of these

Answer: B. When Rain Clouds Gather
55. Who tells the story of Galethebege?
A. Raloke

B. Modise

C. The Christian Missionary

D. None of these

Answer: B. Modise

56. Raloke believed in-
A. Christainity

B. Setswana Custom

C. Hinduism

D. Islam

Answer: B. Setswana Custom
57. ———-was a holy thing for the people of Setswana community.
A. Cat

B. Dog

C. Cow

D. None of these

Answer: C. Cow
58. ———- is a Japanese story teller of the Meiji era.
A. Natsume Soseki

B. Bessie Head

C. Maxim Ghorky

D. None of these

Answer: A. Natsume Soseki
59. Who is the narrator of the story “I Am a Cat”?
A. The boy

B. Osan

C. The cat

D. Mike

Answer: C. The cat
60. Who was the first person that the cat met on reaching the master’s house?
A. Mike

B. Shiro

C. The Master

D. Osan

Answer: D. Osan

61. Which Italian painter is referred to in “I Am a Cat.”
A. Andrea Del Sarto

B. Davincci

C. Picasso

D. None of these

Answer: A. Andrea Del Sarto
62. The play by A A Milne is titled-
A. Refund

B. The Boy Comes Home

C. The King Who Limped

D. None of these

Answer: B. The Boy Comes Home
63. The young soldier, the hero of A A Milne’s play has come home after-
A. The II World War

B. The Trojan War

C. The I World War

D. None of these

Answer: C. The I World War
64. Who is the character placed in contrast to Uncle James in “The Boy Comes Home”?
A. Marie

B. Emily

C. Alice

D. None of these

Answer: B. Emily
65. Fritz Karinthy is described as a ———-
A. Lyricist

B. Absurdist

C. Pseudo-humorist

D. None of these

Answer: C. Pseudo-humorist
66. Who came back to school for refund?
A. Leaderer

B. Uncle James

C. Philip

D. Wasserkopf

Answer: D. Wasserkopf

67. What did the principal do when he heard Wasserkopf’s demand?
A. Shouted at Wasserkopf

B. Threw Wasserkopf out with the help of the sentry

C. Called a meeting of the teachers

D. Gave Wasserkopf the money

Answer: C. Called a meeting of the teachers
68. Who is called stick-in-the mud?
A. The Geography teacher

B. The Mathematics teacher

C. The Physics teacher

D. The Principal

Answer: B. The Mathematics teacher
69. How many questions did the Mathematics Master ask?
A. Three

B. Five

C. Two

D. One

Answer: C. Two
70. Which question trapped Wasserkopf?
A. How long did the Hundred Years war last?

B. Is that your answer?

C. What city of the same name is the capital of Brunswick?

D. How much do we owe you, Herr Wasserkopf?

Answer: D. How much do we owe you, Herr Wasserkopf?
71. The translation of Anne Frank’s Diary was published in:
A. 1951

B. 1952

C. 1953

D. 1954

Answer: B. 1952
72. Anne Frank died of ———
A. Plague

B. T B

C. Typhoid

D. None of these

Answer: C. Typhoid

73. The first entry of the Diary of Anne Frank is on ———
A. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942

B. Thursday, 25th May, 1944

C. Friday, 26th May, 1944

D. None of these

Answer: A. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942
74. Who was served the ‘call – up’ notice?
A. Anne

B. Anne’s Father

C. Van Daan

D. Margot

Answer: D. Margot
75. Who was Van Daan?
A. Anne’s friend

B. Mother’s friend

C. Anne’s Father’s friend

D. None of these

Answer: C. Anne’s Father’s friend

76. Anne bid farewell only to-
A. Mr. Goudsmit

B. Meip

C. Van Daan

D. The cat

Answer: D. The cat
77. When was the vegetable man picked up for having two Jews in his house?
A. Thursday, 25th May, 1944

B. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942

C. Friday, 26th May, 1944

D. None of these

Answer: A. Thursday, 25th May, 1944
78. What is a ‘call- up’ notice?
A. Imprisonment

B. Order to show up before the S. S.

C. Order for deportation

D. None of these

Answer: B. Order to show up before the S. S.
79. Why did Anne’s family sacrifice breakfast?
A. Food was costly

B. Vegetable man was arrested.

C. There were no shops nearby.

D. None of these

Answer: B. Vegetable man was arrested.
80. How to Escape from Intellectual Rubbish is written by ————
A. Radhakrishnan

B. Voltaire

C. Huxley

D. Russell

Answer: D. Russell

81. Russell pleaded for the establishment of a ————-
A. School for peace

B. A stable Government

C. A world Government

D. None of these

Answer: C. A world Government
82. What is the good way for getting rid of dogmatism?
A. Reading

B. Answer:
C. Watching T V

D. Become aware of other people’s opinion

Answer: D. Become aware of other people’s opinion
83. What happened when Manchus conquered China?
A. Chinese began to wear pigtails

B. Chinese retained their custom of having small feet

C. Manchus imitiated Chinese custom of small feet.

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above
84. Be very wary of opinions that ———–
A. Test your experience

B. Are different from yours

C. Flatter your self-esteem

D. None of these

Answer: C. Flatter your self-esteem
85. Beside self-esteem there is another source of error. What is it?
A. Fear

B. Imitation

C. Hypocrisy

D. None of these

Answer: A. Fear

86. ———- is the main source of superstition.
A. Imitation

B. Fear

C. Ignorance

D. Disease

Answer: B. Fear
87. To conquer fear is the beginning of —————-
A. Ignorance

B. Wealth

C. Wisdom

D. Spirituality

Answer: C. Wisdom
88. From the Romans magic descended to medieval —————- and —————
A. India and China

B. Egypt and Africa

C. Russia and Ukraine

D. Christendom and Islam

Answer: D. Christendom and Islam
89. What is Radhakrishnan’s greatest academic achievement?
A. September 5th is celebrated as teacher’s day

B. He wrote Humanities Vs Science

C. Elected to Oxford’s most prestigious Spalding Professorship

D. Received Bharat Ratna in 1954

Answer: C. Elected to Oxford’s most prestigious Spalding Professorship
90. Humanities Vs Science is a plea for ————
A. Study of science

B. Study of Humanities

C. Integrated study of applied sciences and Humanities

D. None of these

Answer: C. Integrated study of applied sciences and Humanities
91. Who can transform our societies?
A. Ignorant youth

B. People with technical skills

C. People who have humane feelings

D. Young men having competence, skill, a sense of direction and a social purpose

Answer: D. Young men having competence, skill, a sense of direction and a social purpose

92. People now –a- days are attracted to ———- education
A. Humanistic

B. Technological

C. Job-oriented

D. None of these

Answer: C. Job-oriented
93. The industrial growth of our country needs ———–, ———— and ———–.
A. Poets, novelists and dramatists

B. Scientists, technicians and engineers

C. Spiritualists, humanists and wealthy

D. None of these

Answer: B. Scientists, technicians and engineers
94. The great crimes against civilization are committed by ————-
A. So-called civilized people

B. Uneducated people

C. Primitive people

D. None of these

Answer: A. So-called civilized people
95. The abuse of science is the fault of ————–
A. Scientist

B. Technicians

C. Spiritualists

D. Man

Answer: D. Man
96. National heritage means ——————
A. Tradition of values

B. Tradition of science

C. Tradition of geographical abstraction

D. None of these

Answer: A. Tradition of values
97. Thirukkural is claimed by the followers of ———-
A. Jainism

B. Buddhism

C. Hinduism

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these

98. Crome Yellow is written by
A. Huxley

B. Gorky

C. Radhakrishnan

D. Bessie Head

Answer: A. Huxley
99. Huxley wrote an essay on the ———– after his visit to India
A. Qutab Minar

B. Agra Fort

C. Taj Mahal

D. Golden Temple

Answer: C. Taj Mahal
100. Which is the only industry unaffected by the Great Depression?
A. Mining Industry

B. I T Industry

C. Steel Industry

D. Beauty Industry

Answer: D. Beauty Industry

101. Europe is poor, and a face can cost as much in upkeep as a ————–
A. Rolls- Royce

B. Linea

C. Limousine

D. Chevorlet

Answer: A. Rolls- Royce
102. What are the reasons for the growth and expansion of beauty industry?
A. Wealth

B. Freedom of women

C. Awareness to express their rights

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these
103. For real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the ———— self.
A. Outer

B. Physical

C. Environmental

D. Spiritual

Answer: A. Outer
104. Psychological ugliness according to Huxley is —————
A. Stupidity

B. Unawareness

C. Greed

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these
105. What do we find on the faces of those who are trying to have a continuous “good time”?
A. Beauty

B. A bored sullenness

C. Ugliness

D. Determination

Answer: B. A bored sullenness

106. What is the result of over-painting?
A. Disharmony

B. Ugliness

C. Sullenness

D. Cease to look human

Answer: D. Cease to look human
107. “One Day I Wrote Her Name” is a ————–
A. Elegy

B. Sonnet

C. Narrative

D. Ballad

Answer: B. Sonnet
108. “The Faerie Queene” is a famous work by ———–
A. H. W. Longfellow

B. Sylvia Plath

C. Edmund Spenser

D. Shakespeare

Answer: C. Edmund Spenser
109. Spenser married ——————
A. Elizabeth Barret Browing

B. Elizabeth Boyle

C. Eliza Doolittle

D. Elizabeth Taylor

Answer: B. Elizabeth Boyle
110. ————— celebrates courtship of Spenser and Elizabeth Boyle
A. The Shephearde’s Calender

B. The Faerie Queen

C. The Epithalamion

D. Amoretti

Answer: D. Amoretti

111. “The Epithalamion” celebrates Spenser’s ——————-
A. Marriage

B. Birth

C. Love affair

D. None of these

Answer: A. Marriage
112. What is a quatrain?
A. 6 line

B. 8 lines

C. 4 lines

D. 12 lines

Answer: C. 4 lines
113. What did the waves do when the lover wrote his beloved’s name upon the strand?
A. The waves rose high

B. The waves washed the words away

C. The waves receded

D. None of these

Answer: B. The waves washed the words away
114. Who is called the ‘vain man’?
A. The shepherd

B. Amoretti

C. Spenser/ lover

D. None of these

Answer: C. Spenser/ lover
115. Where, when as death shall all the world subdue
Our love shall live, and later life renew” Whose lines are these?
A. Shakespeare

B. Keats

C. Shelley

D. Spenser

Answer: D. Spenser
116. The technical name for comparison of one item to the other using words of comparison
like then, like etc. is-
A. Metaphor

B. Simile

C. Symbol

D. Imagery

Answer: B. Simile

117. “The song of Hiawatha” is written by –
A. William Wordsworth

B. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

C. William Shakespeare

D. None of these

Answer: B. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
118. ‘The slave’s Dream’ describes-
A. The happy life of a slave

B. The end of slavery

C. The dying moment of a black slave

D. None of these

Answer: C. The dying moment of a black slave
119. Through the poem ‘The Slave’s Dream’, the poet celebrates —————-
A. Slavery

B. The plight of slaves

C. Death of a slave

D. Liberty and dignity

Answer: D. Liberty and dignity
120. “Beneath the palm trees on the plain
Once more a king he strode”. Who is the king here?
A. The land owner

B. The poet

C. The slave

D. None of these

Answer: C. The slave
121. What does the slave dream of?
A. His family

B. His homeland

C. The river Niger

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these
122. “And it passed, like a glorious roll of drums,
Through the triumph of his dream”. What is the triumph?
A. His dream of homeland

B. His dream of flamingoes

C. His dream of family

D. His dream of liberty

Answer: D. His dream of liberty

123. “He did not feel the drivers whip”. Why?
A. He was asleep

B. He was unconscious

C. He was dreaming

D. He was dead

Answer: D. He was dead
124. What had illumined the land of sleep?
A. The dream

B. Death

C. The whipping

D. None of these

Answer: B. Death
125. ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter” is a poem recited by —————–
A. Walru

B. Carpenter

C. Alice

D. Tweedledum andTweedledee

Answer: D. Tweedledum andTweedledee

126. Stories in which animals are characters who speak like human beings are called ———-
A. Folk tale

B. Ballad

C. Fable

D. Legend

Answer: C. Fable
127. A fat animal with tusks found in the sea is —————
A. Elephant

B. Sea-horse

C. Oysters

D. Walrus

Answer: D. Walrus
128. Where do the Walrus and the Carpenter go for a walk?
A. Garden

B. Briny Beach

C. Hillside

D. Park

Answer: B. Briny Beach
129. Why was it odd that the sun was shining with all his might?
A. It was midnight

B. It was twilight

C. It was morning

D. It was noon

Answer: A. It was midnight
130. Why did the Walrus and the Carpenter cry?
A. The sea was wet

B. The sand was dry

C. To see such quantities of sand

D. The moon was sulking

Answer: C. To see such quantities of sand

131. How many maids were to be employed to clear the sand?
A. 5

B. 7

C. 9

D. 11

Answer: B. 7
132. Who was easily attracted by the words of the Walrus and the Carpenter?
A. The old oyster

B. Alice

C. The young oysters

D. Tweedledom and tweedledee

Answer: C. The young oysters
133. What were the topics to be discussed amongst the Walrus, Carpenter and Oysters?
A. Of shoe

B. Of ships

C. Sealing wax

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above
134. “But not on us!” Whose cry is it?
A. The Walru

B. The oysters

C. The Carpenters

D. Alice

Answer: B. The oysters
135. “Shall we be trotting home again?
But answer came there none.” Why?
A. The oysters had gone home

B. The oysters did not leave their bed

C. The oysters were all eaten up

D. None of these

Answer: C. The oysters were all eaten up

136. “I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions”. Whose words are these?
A. Sylvia Plath

B. The mother

C. The young woman

D. The mirror

Answer: D. The mirror
137. “In me she has drowned a young girl and in me an old woman rises towards her”. What
does this suggest?
A. Youth

B. Coming of old age

C. Death

D. Birth

Answer: B. Coming of old age
138. The poet calls the moon and the candles ————
A. Good angle

B. Illuminators

C. Liars

D. None of these

Answer: C. Liars
139. Who is like a word dropped from a long sentence?
A. Dilip Chitre

B. The father

C. Tukaram

D. Grandchildren

Answer: B. The father
140. Weak tea, stale chappathi etc. represent ————-
A. Youthfulnes

B. Selfishness

C. Plight of old age

D. None of these

Answer: C. Plight of old age
141. What does the father contemplate?
A. About the train

B. About his children

C. About music

D. About man’s estrangement

Answer: D. About man’s estrangement

142. What does the father’s dream suggest?
A. Happy day

B. Ancient grandeur

C. Rootlessness of modern man

D. None of these

Answer: C. Rootlessness of modern man
143. Dilip Chitre portrays Father in a ————– way
A. Seriou

B. Comic

C. Tragic

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above
144. Who is the speaker in the poem Poor Girl?
A. An old woman

B. A poor woman

C. A young girl

D. None of these

Answer: B. A poor woman
145. Which line is the refrain in Maya Angelou’s poem?
A. Poor Girl/ Just like me

B. Then she’ll begin/ to sing this song

C. You’ve got another love/ and I know it

D. None of these

Answer: A. Poor Girl/ Just like me
146. What is the significance of the word ‘poor’ in Angelou’s poem?
A. It means the girl has no money

B. It tells us about her background

C. She is going to be cheated and she does not know that

D. She does not know her future

Answer: C. She is going to be cheated and she does not know that
147. The theme of the poem ‘Poor Girl’ is ———–
A. Being deceived in love

B. Disillusionment

C. Repeated experience of girls

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

148. “————— is what I call happiness”.
A. Affection

B. Prayer mats

C. Aloneness

D. Music of sparrows

Answer: C. Aloneness
149. What is freedom according to Assadi?
A. Being in a cage

B. Picking flowers

C. Short walk in the garden of memories

D. Roads

Answer: C. Short walk in the garden of memories
150. How does Mina Assadi realize her smallness?
A. Comparing herself to the sea

B. Thinking of being in a cage

C. Wearing a ring

D. None of these

Answer: A. Comparing herself to the sea

151. To me a ring is —————
A. Freedom

B. Affection

C. Aloneness

D. Bondage

Answer: D. Bondage
152. Who is a Gaoler according to Mina Assadi?
A. One who has a garden

B. One who has a cage

C. One who has a kibla

D. One who has prayer mats

Answer: B. One who has a cage
153. “Mother” is a novel written by ————
A. Alexander Pushkin

B. Anton Chekov

C. Tolstoy

D. Gorky

Answer: D. Gorky
154. What is “Farthing”?
A. Tit bit

B. A coin of small denomination

C. Bread crumbs

D. None of these

Answer: B. A coin of small denomination
155. Which is the locale of “One Autumn Night”?
A. Leningrad

B. Yste

C. St. Petersberg

D. Moscow

Answer: B. Yste

156. “—–and the sky flowed with undryable tears.” What does it mean?
A. Tears of the hungry boy

B. Tears of Natasha

C. The continuous autumn rain

D. None of these

Answer: C. The continuous autumn rain
157. What good idea hit Natasha’s head?
A. To dig under the crate

B. Wait for someone to come and open the crate

C. To beg for food

D. To break open the crate

Answer: D. To break open the crate
158. What is dithyramb?
A. Song of praise

B. Elegy

C. Lyric

D. None of these

Answer: A. Song of praise
159. Where did the narrator and Natasha go after getting bread from the crate?
A. To the sea side

B. Under a tree

C. Under a canoe

D. Nowhere

Answer: C. Under a canoe
160. Bessie Head was a ————- writer
A. South-African

B. Australian

C. Indian

D. American

Answer: A. South-African

161. The themes discussed by Bessie Head are ———–
A. Cast difference, poverty and hunger

B. Societal displacement, identity conflict and discrimination

C. Africa’s past, present and future

D. None of these

Answer: B. Societal displacement, identity conflict and discrimination
162. ‘Heaven is not Closed’ is a short story by ———–
A. Maxim Gorky

B. Tolstoy

C. Bessie Cemery Head

D. None of these

Answer: C. Bessie Cemery Head
163. Why was Galethebege held in esteem by a whole village?
A. She married Raloke

B. She went to church

C. She followed Setswana custom

D. She was so much devoted to God

Answer: D. She was so much devoted to God
164. At what age did Galethebege die?
A. 85

B. 86

C. 90

D. None of these

Answer: C. 90
165. Who was Raloke?
A. A carpenter

B. A Christian

C. A mason

D. A farmer

Answer: D. A farmer
166. What did the missionaries from the West ask the black people to do?
A. To believe in their own custom

B. To embrace Christianity

C. To pray to God

D. None of these

Answer: B. To embrace Christianity

167. Why should the Blacks get converted?
A. To go to heaven

B. To please God

C. To become civilized

D. None of these

Answer: C. To become civilized
168. Raloke rejected all things ———-
A. African

B. American

C. Foreign

D. None of these

Answer: C. Foreign
169. The marriage of Raloke and Galethebege was solemnized according to ———–
A. Christian tradition

B. Setswana custom

C. Indian tradition

D. Islamic tradition

Answer: C. Indian tradition
170. Why did the church expel Galethebege?
A. She married a non- believer

B. She went to church daily

C. She stopped going to church

D. None of these

Answer: A. She married a non- believer
171. Natsume Soseki, makes fun of the pretence in ———-, through his story.
A. Academic world

B. Home

C. Neighbourhood

D. None of these

Answer: A. Academic world
172. I am a ———– but as yet I have no name
A. Man

B. Cat

C. Teacher

D. Painter

Answer: B. Cat

173. This was probably the first time I had “a good look at a so-called ——————“
A. Animal

B. Aunt

C. Painter

D. Human being

Answer: D. Human being
174. Meaning of the word ‘muster up’ is ———–
A. Dissolve

B. Distribute

C. Gather

D. None of these

Answer: C. Gather
175. Who is Osan?
A. Maid

B. Aunt

C. Master

D. None of these

Answer: A. Maid

176. “I am a Cat” is ————-
A. An Autobiography

B. A simple story

C. An animal story

D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these
177. A. A Milne wrote comic essays for the ———
A. Punch

B. Myojo

C. The week

D. Outlook

Answer: A. Punch
178. “The Boy Comes Home” was written in ———-
A. 1920

B. 1930

C. 1945

D. 1918

Answer: D. 1918
179. Who is the hero in “The boy Comes Home”?
A. Jame

B. Bill

C. Philip

D. None of these

Answer: C. Philip
180. Uncle James’ house was furnished in ——————
A. Greek style

B. Mid-Victorian style

C. Modern style

D. None of these

Answer: B. Mid-Victorian style

181. “If I were to be reborn as a man, I would, without doubt, become a ———–“
A. Maid

B. Student

C. Teacher

D. Painter

Answer: C. Teacher
182. Where does the cat sleep on fine days?
A. Container for boiled rice

B. Charcoal-burning foot warmer

C. Master’s lap

D. Veranda

Answer: D. Veranda
183. Who told the cat that humans were inconsiderate?
A. Osan

B. Shiro

C. Mike

D. Andrea del Sarto

Answer: B. Shiro
184. What is the master’s nickname?
A. Shiro

B. Myojo

C. Mr Mensroom

D. None of these

Answer: C. Mr Mensroom
185. Why did Philip ring the bell?
A. He was going out

B. He wanted to enter the house

C. He wanted breakfast

D. None of these

Answer: C. He wanted breakfast

186. Who is the cook in Uncle James’ house?
A. Mary

B. Mrs. Higgins

C. Emily

D. None of these

Answer: B. Mrs. Higgins
187. Who is the guardian of young Philip?
A. Emily

B. Mary

C. Uncle James

D. Mrs. Higgins

Answer: C. Uncle James
188. What was Uncle James so particular about?
A. War

B. Happiness

C. Relaxation

D. Punctuality

Answer: D. Punctuality
189. “I will not have impertinence”. Whose words are these?
A. Emily

B. Philip

C. Uncle James

D. None of these

Answer: C. Uncle James
190. What business did James propose for Philip?
A. Toy busines

B. Automobile industry

C. Jam business

D. None of these

Answer: C. Jam business
191. How many Germans were killed by Philips’ revolver?
A. Five

B. Ten

C. Hundred

D. Twenty

Answer: D. Twenty

192. Who is the author of the play “Refund”?
A. A. A. Milne

B. Fritz Karinthy

C. Lewis Carroll

D. None of these

Answer: B. Fritz Karinthy
193. A light dramatic composition of a satirical or humorous cast is called ———–
A. Farce

B. Elegy

C. Sonnet

D. Lyric

Answer: A. Farce
194. Wasserkopf in Germen means ———-
A. Idiot

B. Insane

C. Water-head

D. None of these

Answer: C. Water-head
195. To get the refund, Wasserkopf was to take ———- examination.
A. An oral

B. A written

C. A viva-voce

D. None of these

Answer: A. An oral
196. What is the climax of the play “Refund”?
A. Written test

B. Oral test

C. Geography question

D. Physics question

Answer: B. Oral test
197. What did the teachers decide to give Wasserkopf?
A. Refund

B. Abuse

C. An ‘Excellent’ for all subjects

D. None of these

Answer: C. An ‘Excellent’ for all subjects

198. Why did the teachers give excellent in physical education?
A. Wasserkopf shouted at the teachers

B. He refused to sit

C. He abused the teachers

D. None of these

Answer: B. He refused to sit
199. Who motivated Wasserkopf to go to school and ask for refund?
A. Mathematics master

B. The Principal

C. Leaderer

D. None of these

Answer: C. Leaderer
200. Who is Leaderer?
A. Wasserkopf’s friend

B. The Mathematics Master

C. The Geography Master

D. The Physics Master

Answer: A. Wasserkopf’s friend

201. Charles Lamb is best known for his ________.
A. Essays of Edison

B. Essays of Selina

C. Essays of Elia

D. Essays of Addison.

Answer: C. Essays of Elia
202. What was Charles Lamb’s grandmother’s name?
A. Field

B. Gable

C. Aan

D. Jane.

Answer: A. Field
203. In the essay Dream Children, grandmother Field died of________.
A. Pneumonia

B. Tuberculosis.

C. Cancer.


Answer: C. Cancer.
204. What is the name of the river the children had to cross in order to be born again?
A. Thame

B. English Channel.

C. Lethe

D. Nile.

Answer: C. Lethe
205. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the ________ President of India.
A. 13th

B. 14th

C. 11th

D. 12th

Answer: C. 11th

206. According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam till the age of 15 every student can take their
__________ and ____________ as their role models.
A. Parents and teachers.

B. Teachers and friends

C. Siblings and friends.

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Parents and teachers.
207. Give us a Role Model is taken from A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s book named _________.
A. Wings of Fire.

B. Judicious decisions.

C. None of the above.

D. Ignited Minds.

Answer: D. Ignited Minds.
208. Which of the books given below belong to J.B. Priestley’s collection of essays?
A. Apes and Angel

B. Distant Sorrow.

C. A Journey Down Memory’s Lane.

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Apes and Angel
209. ‘On Travel by Train’ is a humorous account of the English ___________.
A. Capabilities.

B. Eccentricities.

C. Realities.

D. Employability skills.

Answer: B. Eccentricities.
210. According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam it is the _____________ who generates creativity in the child.
A. Doctor

B. Teacher

C. Parent

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Teacher

211. In the stories in the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, the battle took place
between______________and ________________.
A. Black and white

B. Justice and injustice

C. love and hatr

D. d. Good and evil.

Answer: D. d. Good and evil.
212. The _____________ is one of the four books that have influenced him A.P.J. in his
A. Davinci Code

B. Holy Quraan

C. Secret Seven

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Holy Quraan
213. According to the boy A.P.J. Abdul Kalam met at Ananad , Gujarat; our greatest enemy is___________.
A. Poverty

B. Liberty

C. Hatred

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Poverty
214. The most offensive traveller in J. B. Priestley’s ‘On Travel by Train’ is ___________.
A. The teacher

B. The carpenter

C. The middle-aged woman

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. The middle-aged woman
215. Bertrand Russell received the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year________.
A. 1960

B. 1940

C. 1950

D. 1970

Answer: C. 1950
216. According to Bertrand Russell Knowledge without wisdom can be ____________.
A. Beautiful

B. Harmful.

C. Enchanting

D. Ugly

Answer: B. Harmful.

217. Men who have knowledge and have no feelings lack _________.
A. Education

B. Bravery

C. Information

D. Wisdom.

Answer: D. Wisdom.
218. According to Russell, wisdom is needed in personal life to avoid _____________ for another.
A. Dislike

B. Love

C. Affection

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Dislike
219. ________________ can be taught as a goal of education says Russell.
A. Education

B. Wisdom

C. Dislike

D. Compassion.

Answer: B. Wisdom
220. Let me not to the marriage of true minds is Sonnet___________.
A. 116

B. 118

C. 120

D. 111

Answer: A. 116
221. The structure and form of Sonnet 116 are a typical example of the _____________.
A. Ballad

B. Lyric

C. Petrarchan sonnet

D. Shakespearean sonnet

Answer: D. Shakespearean sonnet
222. A sonnet is a ____________ line verse form.
A. Eighteen

B. Fourteen

C. Sixteen

D. Twelve

Answer: B. Fourteen

223. Sonnet was introduced by the Italian poet named______________.
A. Peter

B. Petrarch

C. Penguin

D. Punich

Answer: B. Petrarch
224. William Blake is known as a _______ Poet.
A. People’

B. Pleasant

C. Prophetic

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Prophetic
225. William Blake has written Songs of Innocence and ____________.
A. Songs of Experience

B. Songs of Expression

C. Songs of Experiments

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Songs of Experience

226. In the poem ‘A Poison Tree’, the poison tree is a metaphor of
A. Love

B. Anger

C. Wisdom

D. Fear

Answer: B. Anger
227. The original title of the poem ‘A Poison Tree’ was____________.
A. Christ in pain

B. Christian Forbearance

C. Christian Tolerance

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Christian Forbearance
228. In the poem ‘A Poison Tree’, the enemy slowly entered into the garden of the speaker and _____________ the apple.
A. Ate

B. Kissed

C. Stole

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Stole
229. The Lyrical Ballads was published in the year__________.
A. 1798

B. 1764

C. 1789

D. 1770

Answer: A. 1798
230. Lucy Gray’s parents traced the trail of her foot steps to the middle of a little________.
A. House

B. bridge

C. river

D. None of the above

Answer: B. bridge

231. Lucy Gray is written imitating the 18th Century ___________ form.
A. Sonnet

B. Epic

C. Elegy

D. Ballad

Answer: D. Ballad
232. The poem Lucy Gray narrates the sad incident of Lucy Gray’s____________.
A. Death

B. Life

C. Missing

D. Lonely life

Answer: A. Death
233. Robert Frost is a well known _______ poet.
A. Afro American

B. American

C. English

D. Irish

Answer: B. American
234. The ‘Yellow wood’ shows that it is the season of __________.
A. Summer

B. Winter

C. Spring

D. Autumn

Answer: D. Autumn
235. The traveller in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ chose the path that was_______________.
A. More used

B. Effectively used

C. Less used

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Less used

236. ‘There is Certain Slant of Light’s is a poem written by_________
A. Sri Aurobindo

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Robert Frost

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Emily Dickinson
237. Oppresses, like the weight of cathedral tunes; what is the figure of speech used here in
the poem ‘There is Certain Slant of Light’?
A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Simile
238. In the line ‘On the look of death’ from the poem ‘There is Certain Slant of Light’, death is ____________.
A. Used as a Simile

B. Used as metaphor

C. Personified

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Personified
239. A figure of speech in which human traits like qualities, feeling or characteristics are
given to non-living objects is __________.
A. Metaphor

B. Simile

C. Strophe

D. Personification

Answer: D. Personification
240. A figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared in a phrase using the
words ‘like’ or ‘as’ is called ______________.
A. A Strophe

B. Simile

C. Metaphor

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Simile
241. The first Nobel Laureate of Asia in Literature was
A. Shashi Tharoor

B. Rabindranath Tagore

C. Bertrand Russell.

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Rabindranath Tagore

242. Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year _________.
A. 1930

B. 1918

C. 1913

D. 1980

Answer: C. 1913
243. ‘Heaven of Freedom’ is taken from _____________a collection of 103 English poems
of Tagore translated by himself from Bengali.
A. Gitanjali

B. Kheya

C. Naivedya

D. Gitimalya

Answer: A. Gitanjali
244. The poem ‘Heaven of Freedom’ is like an_____________, a prayer where the poet
prays for a country which is a heaven of freedom.
A. Song to God

B. An offering to God

C. A complaint to God

D. A suggestion to God

Answer: B. An offering to God
245. Indians had lost their freedom in all spheres under the __________rule.
A. Irish

B. Spanish

C. British

D. None of the above

Answer: C. British
246. The poet, in the poem ‘Heaven of Freedom’ is referring to a nation where the people
can hold their head high with dignity and ____________.
A. Self respect

B. Self contempt

C. Self disgust

D. None of the above,

Answer: A. Self respect
247. In the heaven of freedom imagined by Rabindranath Tagore people belonging to any
section of the society will have __________to education.
A. No acces

B. Little access

C. Free access

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Free access

248. In the poem, ‘Heaven of Freedom’, Tagore addresses _________as the Father of the
A. Man

B. Society

C. Himself

D. God

Answer: D. God
249. ________________composed the national anthem of our country.
A. William Blake

B. W.B. Yeats

C. Rabindranath Tagore

D. R.K. Narayan

Answer: C. Rabindranath Tagore
250. Kamala Das is a prominent Indian English writer who was later known by the name
A. Kamala Sundhya

B. Kamala Surayya

C. Kamala Sershain

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Kamala Surayya

251. Kamala Das wrote under the name ___________.
A. Madhava Menon

B. Madhavi Menon

C. Madhavi Amma

D. Madhavi Kutty.

Answer: D. Madhavi Kutty.
252. Her poems are mostly ____________ in nature.
A. Confessional

B. Confidential

C. Contradictory

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Confessional
253. _____________ was Kamala Das’s Major work.
A. My life

B. My history

C. My story

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. My story
254. ______________ is a poem written by Kamala Das
A. Middle women

B. Middle life

C. Middle stance

D. Middle Age

Answer: D. Middle Age
255. In the poem ‘Middle Age’, the poet discusses the life of a______________.
A. Daughter

B. Father

C. Sister

D. Mother.

Answer: D. Mother.

256. According to the poet, Kamala Das, children wear a stern face in order to show that
they are ____________ and_____________.
A. Sincere and faithful

B. Matured and serious

C. Happy and jovial

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Matured and serious
257. ‘The Astrologer’s Day’ is a short story written by______________.
A. S.K. Pottakadu

B. W. B. Yeats

C. R.K. Narayan

D. O.N.V. Kurup.

Answer: C. R.K. Narayan
258. R.K.Narayan’s famous work ___________was awarded the Sahithya Academy
Award in 1958.
A. Swami and Friend

B. The Guide

C. The Financial Expert

D. None of the above

Answer: B. The Guide
259. Swami and friends, The Financial Expert and The Guide are works written by
A. R. K. Narayan

B. Sarojinui Naidu

C. Kamala Das

D. Rabindranath Tagore.

Answer: A. R. K. Narayan
260. R. K. Narayan’s stories uphold the _____________ culture.
A. American

B. African

C. English

D. Indian

Answer: D. Indian

261. Under what tree is the Astrologer sitting in the story, ‘The Astrologer’s Day’?
A. Oak tree

B. Tamarind tree

C. Banyan tree

D. Bodhi tree

Answer: B. Tamarind tree
262. How much money had the stranger promised to give the astrologer if he gave right
A. 9 anna

B. 10 annas

C. 8 annas

D. None of the above

Answer: C. 8 annas
263. How much money did the astrologer have to pay if his answers went wrong?
A. 17anna

B. 18annas

C. 20annas

D. 16annas

Answer: D. 16annas
264. For how much money did the astrologer finally agree to speak?
A. 2 rupee

B. 1 rupee

C. 50 paise

D. None of the above

Answer: B. 1 rupee
265. What was the name of the stranger who sat before the astrologer?
A. Guru Sampat

B. Guru Veeran

C. Guru Nayak

D. Guru Kripa

Answer: C. Guru Nayak
266. The astrologer advices the man to go back to his home town and never travel
A. Southward

B. Northwards

C. Eastwards

D. Westwards

Answer: A. Southward

267. The vendor who called his product by different names each day sold_____________.
A. Ground nut

B. areca nuts

C. almonds

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Ground nut
268. The astrologer tells the stranger that the man he is looking for is ____________.
A. Sitting before him

B. Has run away from the village

C. Is no longer alive

D. None of the above,

Answer: C. Is no longer alive
269. The stranger had come in search of the man who tried to kill him in order to _________.
A. Congratulate him

B. Embrace him

C. Scold him

D. Take revenge.

Answer: D. Take revenge.
270. Did the stranger identify the astrologer?
A. No

B. Yes

C. Not sure

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. No
271. O. Henry is the pen name of_____________.
A. William Words worth

B. William Henry

C. William Shakespeare

D. William Sydney Porter

Answer: D. William Sydney Porter
272. The Last Leaf is a Short story written by
A. H.H. Munro

B. W.H. Longfellow

C. O. Henry

D. J.K.Rowling

Answer: C. O. Henry

273. What is the name of the old artist who helped the two girls in the story, ‘The Last
A. Benjamin

B. Bernad

C. Behrman

D. Benoy

Answer: C. Behrman
274. What is the disease mentioned in the story, ‘The Last Leaf’?
A. Pneumonia

B. Tuberculosis

C. Flu


Answer: A. Pneumonia
275. Who was ill with pneumonia?
A. Sue

B. Behrman’s sister

C. Johnsy

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Johnsy

276. ‘The Last Leaf’ is a story of ____________ done by an old man.
A. Self esteem

B. Self sacrifice

C. Love

D. Reunion

Answer: B. Self sacrifice
277. Johnsy had associated her life with falling of the leaves from a ___________.
A. Pine tree

B. Oak tree

C. Ivy vine

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Ivy vine
278. The last leaf ___________ on the night of the storm.
A. Fell

B. Did not fall

C. Changed its colour

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Fell
279. Johnsy wanted to paint ______________ as her masterpiece.
A. The Bay of Bengal

B. The Mexican Coast

C. The Bay of Naples

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. The Bay of Naples
280. Behrman died of ______________.
A. Cholera

B. Tuberculosis


D. Pneumonia

Answer: D. Pneumonia

281. ‘The Rising of The Moon’ is a play written by______________.
A. Anton Chekov

B. W.B.Yeats

C. Lady Gregory

D. Henrik Ibsen

Answer: C. Lady Gregory
282. Lady Gregory was the co- founder of the ___________theatre.
A. Golden

B. The Rose

C. Abbey

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Abbey
283. ‘The Rising of The Moon’ is a __________ .
A. Tragic-comedy

B. Comic play

C. Tragedy

D. Political Play

Answer: D. Political Play
284. The play begins with a sergeant and two policemen __________a notice or a placard with physical details of the escaped prisoner.
A. Planning

B. Pasting

C. Tearing

D. Discussing

Answer: B. Pasting
285. The escaped prisoner in ‘The Rising of The Moon’ was an important _____________.
A. Cinema actor

B. Political Leader

C. Gang leader

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Political Leader

286. What is the amount the authorities put as prize money for the head of the escaped prisoner?
A. Two hundred pound

B. Three hundred pounds

C. Six hundred pounds

D. Hundred pounds

Answer: D. Hundred pounds
287. Who was the person who came along when the policeman was alone guarding the harbour?
A. A beggar

B. A ballad singer

C. A fortune teller

D. A hungry old man

Answer: B. A ballad singer
288. The Rising of the Moon is a symbol of _______________.
A. Irish folk tradition

B. Irish independence

C. English rule

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Irish independence
289. Lady Gregory is ____________ playwright .
A. American

B. African

C. English

D. Irish

Answer: D. Irish
290. The play ‘The Bear’ is written by________________.
A. W

B. yeats b. Tagore

C. Anton Chekov

D. Lady Gregory

Answer: C. Anton Chekov
291. Anton Chekov is a prominent figure in __________ literature.
A. Russian

B. American

C. Indian English

D. Irish

Answer: A. Russian

292. The main Character in this play is
A. Madame Leobev

B. Madame Vanya

C. Madame Popova

D. Madame Curie

Answer: C. Madame Popova
293. Smirnov tells Madame Popova that her late husband owes him a sum
of_________ roubles.
A. 1600

B. 1200

C. 1300

D. 1700

Answer: B. 1200
294. What does Popova call Smirnov when they argue?
A. A Cat

B. A Mouse

C. A Bull

D. A Bear.

Answer: D. A Bear.
295. Grigory Stepanovitch Smirnov was a ______________
A. Banker

B. Lieutenant

C. Tenant

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Lieutenant
296. Popova was mourning the death of her_____________.
A. Daughter

B. Husband

C. Sister

D. Father

Answer: B. Husband

297. Charles Lamb worked as a clerk at _____________.
A. East coast company

B. East India House

C. East Forte Company

D. None of the above.

Answer: B. East India House

298. Mary Lamb was Charles Lamb’s _______________.
A. Mother

B. Sister-in-law

C. Sister

D. Daughter

Answer: C. Sister

299. Mary Lamb was insane and ____________Lamb’s mother.
A. Looked after

B. Beat

C. Hit

D. Killed

Answer: D. Killed

300. ‘ Give us a Role Model’ begins with a quotation by _____________.
A. Sri Aurobindo

B. Sri Narayana Guru

C. Rabindranath Tagore

D. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: D. Mahatma Gandhi

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