300+ TOP Reading Prose MCQs and Answers Exam Quiz

Reading Prose Multiple Choice Questions

1. The fall of Constantinople is associated with
A. the enlightenment

B. reformation

C. renaissance

D. the french revolution

Answer: C. renaissance

2. Enlightenment was
A. a sixteenth century movement

B. seventeenth century movement

C. eighteenth century movement

D. nineteenth century movement

Answer: C. eighteenth century movement

3. ‘Ancient Regime’ is a term connected with the government in
A. britain

B. france

C. germany

D. italy

Answer: B. france

4. Taille was
A. a trade tax

B. a land tax

C. professional tax

D. sales tax

Answer: B. a land tax

5. Tithe was the tax given to
A. the king

B. the church

C. the noble

D. property tax

Answer: B. the church

6. Who wrote the essay What is Enlightenment?
A. voltaire

B. rousseau

C. immanuel kant

D. nietzche

Answer: C. immanuel kant

7. “Enlightenment is man’s emrgence from his self imposednonage”. Who said this?
A. locke

B. hobbes

C. hume

D. kant

Answer: D. kant

8. “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” is written by
A. locke

B. voltaire

C. rousseau

D. hobbes

Answer: A. locke

9. The man who proved that the nature obeys certain fundamental laws
A. locke

B. newton

C. kant

D. louis xiv

Answer: B. newton

10. Tabula Rasa is a term coined by
A. locke

B. kant

C. voltaire

D. newton

Answer: A. locke

11. The spirit of Laws was written by
A. diderot

B. descartes

C. voltaire

D. montesquieu

Answer: D. montesquieu

12. “Humanity had lost its title deeds and Montesquieu recovered them”. Who said this?
A. voltaire

B. diderot

C. rousseau

D. bacon

Answer: A. voltaire

13. Who was Diderot’s co-editor of The Encyclopaedia?
A. voltaire

B. d’ alembert

C. rousseau

D. hume

Answer: B. d’ alembert

14. “All the great modern ideas have their commencement in Montesquieu”. Who said this?
A. voltaire

B. diderot

C. faguet

D. nietzsche

Answer: C. faguet

15. “He was scornful of revealed truth”. Who? 
A. rousseau

B. diderot

C. voltaire

D. kant

Answer: B. diderot

16. “Reason is the most perfect, the most noble, the most beautiful of all our faculties”. Who said this?
A. voltaire

B. rousseau

C. montesquieu

D. kant

Answer: C. montesquieu

17. Who wrote the ‘Discourse Preliminarie’ of The Encyclopedia?
A. diderot

B. d’alembert

C. condilac

D. hume

Answer: B. d’alembert

18. “We are tempted to regard him as the greatest, the most universal and the most eloquent of philosophers”. Who is praised here?
A. bacon

B. locke

C. aristotle

D. plato

Answer: A. bacon

19. The author of La Religieuse?
A. condillac

B. diderot

C. voltaire

D. bacon

Answer: B. diderot

20. Treatise on Human Nature was written by?
A. hume

B. rousseau

C. diderot

D. aristotle

Answer: A. hume

21. “An Englishman like a free man goes to heaven by whatever route he chooses”. Who made this statement?
A. montesquieu

B. voltaire

C. hume

D. barkley

Answer: C. hume

22. The author of Candide ? BA English IV Semester READING Prose
A. voltaire

B. rousseau

C. hume

D. gibbon

Answer: A. voltaire

23. Prof.Pangloss is a character in
A. history of england

B. social contract

C. emilie

D. candide

Answer: D. candide

24. Who termed primitive man ‘noble savage’ ?
A. voltaire

B. rousseau

C. kant

D. condercet

Answer: B. rousseau

25. The author of Social Contract?
A. robespirre

B. napoleon

C. kant

D. rousseau

Answer: D. rousseau

26. Who wrote Emilie
A. robespirre

B. napoleon

C. kant

D. rousseau

Answer: D. rousseau

27. Who wrote the preface to Lyrical Ballads?
A. coleridge

B. keats

C. johnson

D. wordsworth

Answer: D. wordsworth

28. the Essay on Man is written by
A. dryden

B. pope

C. johnson

D. gray

Answer: B. pope

29. Who coined the term ‘Esemblastic Imagination’
A. wordsworth

B. shelley

C. coleridge

D. schiller

Answer: C. coleridge

30. Who wrote The Solitary Reaper?
A. coleridge

B. shelley

C. wordsworth

D. schiller

Answer: C. wordsworth

31. Kubla Khan is written by
A. wordsworth

B. shelley

C. coleridge

D. keats

Answer: C. coleridge

32. BiographiaLiterariais authored by
A. wordsworth

B. coleridge

C. shelley

D. blake

Answer: B. coleridge

33. The Vindication of the Rights of Women is written by
A. mary shelley

B. mary wollstonecraft

C. george eliot

D. elizabeth browning

Answer: B. mary wollstonecraft

34. Manuals of good conduct for girls like The Wives of England, Daughters of England etc were written by
A. mary wollstonecraft

B. sarah stickney ellis

C. emilie bronte

D. beatrice webb

Answer: B. sarah stickney ellis
35. The woman who fought against oppressive marriage laws
A. caroline norton

B. marion reid

C. harrier tayler

D. florence nightingale

Answer: A. caroline norton

36. The fragmentary novel ‘Cassandra’ is written by
A. mary shelley

B. florence nightingale

C. caroline norton

D. william thomson

Answer: B. florence nightingale

37. A magazine the pleaded for the rights to women
A. the tatler

B. the rambler

C. the english women’s journal

D. the spectator

Answer: C. the english women’s journal

38. The first higher education institution for women?
A. girton college

B. eaton

C. harward

D. king’s college

Answer: A. girton college

39. The founder of the women’s anti-slavery society
A. francis wright

B. lucretiaott

C. elizabeth cady

D. miss garnett

Answer: B. lucretiaott

40. The author of Women in the Nineteenth Century?
A. francis wright

B. margaret fuller

C. florence nightingale

D. miss garnett

Answer: B. margaret fuller
41. The History of Women suffrage was written by
A. elizabeth stanton

B. frederick douglas

C. lucretia mott

D. margaret fuller

Answer: A. elizabeth stanton

42. The Seneca Falls Convention is associated with
A. women’s suffrage

B. liberation of negros

C. civil rights movement

D. anti slavery movement

Answer: A. women’s suffrage
43. The Revolution was a newspaper founded by
A. margaret fuller

B. susan antony

C. frederick douglas

D. elizabeth sinton

Answer: A. margaret fuller
44. Author of the Book The Feminine Mystique
A. kate millet

B. betty friedan

C. lucy stone

D. susan b antony

Answer: B. betty friedan
45. The second sex is written by
A. sartre

B. simon de beauvoir

C. betty friedan

D. kate millet

Answer: B. simon de beauvoir
46. The first serious book on feminist theory
A. the mandarins

B. the second sex

C. the feminine mystique

D. the revolution

Answer: B. the second sex
47. “One is not born, but becomes a woman” is said by
A. simone de beauvoir

B. kate millet

C. sartre

D. firestone

Answer: A. simone de beauvoir

48. The author of Dialectic of Sex?
A. kate millet

B. shulamith firestone

C. simone de beauvoir

D. betty friedan

Answer: B. shulamith firestone
49. The author of Female Eunuch is
A. kate millet

B. betty friedan

C. germaine greer

D. sartre

Answer: C. germaine greer
50. The Poetical is the Political is written by
BA English IV Semester READING Prose
A. t. v. reed

B. audrelorde

C. kristeva

D. kate millet

Answer: A. t. v. reed

51. “No other movement has been so grounded in poetry as Feminism”. Who said this?
A. kate millet

B. kristeva

C. t.v. reed

D. audrelorde

Answer: C. t.v. reed
52. Simone de Beauvoir was influenced by
A. marxism

B. liberalism

C. existentialism

D. romanticism

Answer: C. existentialism
53. Who Said it Was Simple is a poem by
A. audrelorde

B. robin morgan

C. kristeva

D. t.v reed

Answer: A. audrelorde
54. Dalit is a term derived from
A. hindi

B. marathi

C. tamil

D. kannada

Answer: B. marathi
55. The first man who launched the anti-caste movement in Maharashtra
A. ambedkar

B. jyotibabhule

C. limbale

D. sivakami

Answer: B. jyotibabhule

56. SathyaShodhakSamaj was
A. an organisation of the lower castes

B. an organization of the upper castes

C. an organization of the maratha people

D. an organization of the tamil people

Answer: A. an organisation of the lower castes
57. The leader who converted the Dalits to Budhism
A. jyotibabhule

B. ambedkar

C. m.n. roy

D. gaikwad

Answer: B. ambedkar
58. Who collected the folk songs dealing with Ambedkar?
A. jyotibabhule

B. indira junghare

C. gaikwad

D. limbale

Answer: B. indira junghare
59. The political party representing the dalits
A. black panthers

B. the republican party

C. the janatha party

D. akali dal

Answer: B. the republican party
60. The radical writers of the Dalit Sahithya Movement is known as
A. dalit writers

B. black panthers

C. the republicans

D. liberation tigers

Answer: B. black panthers

61. Dalit sangharshSamiti was formed in
A. maharashtra

B. karnataka

C. uttar pradesh

D. tamil nadu

Answer: B. karnataka
62. White Paper is a poem by
A. sankumarlimbale

B. dr.ambedkar

C. jagadishmahato

D. sivakami

Answer: A. sankumarlimbale
63. gold from Grave is a
A. short story

B. poem

C. novel

D. drama

Answer: A. short story
64. Karakkuis the autobiography of
A. sivakami

B. bama

C. gunasekaran

D. unjairajan

Answer: B. bama
65. The wretched of the Earth is a book by
A. salman rushdie

B. frantz fanon

C. kamala das

D. arundhati roy

Answer: B. frantz fanon
66. Orientalism is a book by
A. salman rushdie

B. edward said

C. chinua achebe

D. raja rao

Answer: B. edward said

67. Garden of Forking Paths is a novel by
A. asturias

B. borges

C. marquez

D. sartre

Answer: B. borges
68. Macondo is
A. the name of a family

B. the name of a village

C. the name of a ea

D. the name of a city

Answer: B. the name of a village
69. The SadhujanaParipalanaSangham was founded by
A. sreenarayana guru

B. ayyankali

C. panditkauppan

D. chattampiswamikal

Answer: B. ayyankali
70. Yuktivadiwas founded by
A. k. ramakrishna pillai

B. t. k. madhavan

C. sahodaranayyappan

D. k. kelappan

Answer: C. sahodaranayyappan
71. Who wrote the “Introduction to the Lyrical Ballads?
A. keats

B. shelly

C. wordsworth

D. coleridge

Answer: C. wordsworth
72. “Nothing can work without the third and everything would work infinitely better without the
other.” Who said this?
A. kant

B. hobbes

C. hume

D. sieyes

Answer: D. sieyes

73. The Essay entitled “What is Enlightenment” is written by……………………..
A. diderot

B. locke

C. kant

D. voltaire

Answer: C. kant
74. Who was e author of the treatise “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”?
A. hume

B. montesquieu

C. rousseau

D. locke

Answer: D. locke
75. Who was the chief editor of The Encyclopaedia?
A. diderot

B. kant

C. locke

D. voltaire

Answer: A. diderot

76. Who said at human mind is like a blank slate upon which experience makes is imprint?
A. locke

B. newton

C. danton

D. rousseau

Answer: A. locke
77. “The Spirit of Laws” was written by …………………………
A. bacon

B. hume

C. voltaire

D. newton

Answer: B. hume
78. “All the great modern ideas have their commencement in Montesquieu” who said this?
A. bacon

B. hume

C. voltaire

D. faguet

Answer: D. faguet
79. Letters Persaneswas a significant work by ……………………..
A. montesquieu

B. voltaire

C. diderot

D. hume

Answer: A. montesquieu
80. “I salute you, I love You, I revere you” to whom Diderot pay this compliment?
A. hume

B. aristotle

C. d’ alembert

D. condillac

Answer: A. hume

81. According to Will and Ariel Durant, who formed “the profane trio”?
A. voltaire, diderot and rousseau

B. rousseau, hume and voltaire

C. voltaire, gibbon and locke

D. diderot, d’ alembert and boswell

Answer: A. voltaire, diderot and rousseau
82. Who wrote Emile?
A. napoleon

B. kant

C. dryden

D. rousseau

Answer: D. rousseau
83. The Critique of Pure Reason was a seminal work by ……………….
A. rousseau

B. kant

C. voltaire

D. hume

Answer: B. kant
84. “Liberty of action and thought alone is capable of producing great things and liberty requires
enlightenment to preserve it from excess” Who affirms this?
A. d’ alembert b)

B. locke c)

C. rousseau d)

D. hume

Answer: A. d’ alembert b)
85. Who wrote the novel La Religieuse(The Nun)?
A. locke

B. diderot

C. condillac

D. hume

Answer: B. diderot

86. “In future people will look from afar at the universal head with mingled admiration and
astonishment…”Whom did Rousseau eulogize saying this?
A. diderot

B. voltaire

C. hume

D. locke

Answer: A. diderot
87. “We are tempted to regard him as e greatest, the most universal and the most eloquent of
philosophers. Who is praised here?
A. locke

B. bacon

C. hume

D. plato

Answer: B. bacon
88. Who is the author of The Treatise of Human Nature?
A. hume

B. rousseau

C. darwin

D. locke

Answer: A. hume
89. “His prophecy that workers could gain advantage through collective bargain came true”
Who made this prophecy?
A. rousseau

B. voltaire

C. hume

D. gibbon

Answer: C. hume
90. “An Englishman like a freeman, goes to heaven by whatever route he chooses “ Who made
this statement?
A. voltaire

B. rousseau

C. gibbon

D. diderot

Answer: A. voltaire
91. Prof.Pangloss is a character appearing in………………..
A. voltaire’s novelette candide

B. rousseau’s emile

C. diderot’s la religieuse

D. hume’s history of england

Answer: A. voltaire’s novelette candide

92. Who termed Primitive man as ‘noble savage’?
A. rousseau

B. voltaire

C. locke

D. hume

Answer: A. rousseau
93. Who wrote “An Essay on Man”?
A. dryden

B. dr. johnson

C. wordsworth

D. pope

Answer: D. pope
94. Life becomes successful only after we ———-the knowledge we acquired.
A. Apply

B. Debate

C. report

D. capture

Answer: A. Apply
95. The essay Of Studies stresses on the need for——
A. Practical wisdom

B. education

C. hard work

D. creativity

Answer: A. Practical wisdom
96. Studies provide————-in leisure hours
A. Energy

B. pleasure

C. stress

D. success

Answer: B. pleasure
97. Common man——book learning
A. Adapt

B. admire

C. adopt

D. None of the above

Answer: B. admire

98. Study of Law is a cure for————-memory
A. Study

B. dull

C. unsteady

D. good

Answer: C. unsteady
99. Spending too much time on studies is———
A. Good

B. sloth

C. compulsory

D. None of the above

Answer: B. sloth
100. Cunning men find their cunningness as———-for book learning
A. substitute

B. device

C. inability

D. aid

Answer: A. substitute

101. Which of the following is not included in the uses of studies by Bacon?
A. Debate

B. delight

C. ornament

D. ability

Answer: A. Debate
102. Little reading, according to Bacon, is
A. Good

B. bad

C. healthy

D. ornamental

Answer: B. bad
103. ——–men condemn studies
A. rich

B. wise

C. crafty

D. strong

Answer: C. crafty
104. Bacon compares natural abilities to ——–
A. children

B. Plants

C. birds

D. branches

Answer: B. Plants
105. “Reading maketh a ——-man”
A. full

B. happy

C. clever

D. wise.

Answer: A. full

106. A Chronicle of the peacocks belongs to the genre ———
A. Essay

B. Autobiography

C. report

D. short story

Answer: D. short story
107. Intizar Husain migrated from Utter Pradesh to ——-at the time of partition.
A. Jaipur

B. Lahore

C. Delhi

D. Islamabad

Answer: B. Lahore
108. Husain compares the result of the ——- to that of the war in Mahabharath.
A. Indo=Pak war

B. Nationalist Movement

C. Nuclear tests

D. Kargil war

Answer: C. Nuclear tests
109. The search for the peacocks in the story symbolizes the craving for ——-
A. peace and joy

B. wild life

C. glory of India

D. personal memories.

Answer: A. peace and joy
110. Name the great criminal of Kurukshetra who appears in “ AChronicle of the peacocks”?
A. Sakuni

B. Ashwathma

C. Drona

D. None of these.

Answer: B. Ashwathma

111. How did the peacocks react to the nuclear tests in Rajasthan
A. They flew up screaming

B. died in groups

C. migrated to Pakistan

D. remained still.

Answer: A. They flew up screaming
112. The peacock in Sravasthi reminded the narrator of the days of —-
A. Ashwathama

B. Parikshit

C. Buddha

D. Krishna

Answer: C. Buddha
113. The peacock was banished from paradise, because he had helped ——-
A. Adam

B. Eve

C. snake

D. satan

Answer: D. satan
114. The question raised by Parikshit concerns ———
A. life after death

B. the futility of war

C. Eternal wisdom

D. None of these.

Answer: B. the futility of war
115. The shadow of Ashwathama represents———-
A. the horror of war

B. thoughtless destruction

C. war guilt

D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.
116. ———grew in the narrator’s mind like the fish in Manujis pond
A. notion of the frightened peacocks

B. fear of war

C. hope of visiting Jaipur

D. none of these.

Answer: A. notion of the frightened peacocks

117. To shake off the evil shadow following him, the narrator of the chronicle goes finally to —–
A. Jaipur

B. Pakistan

C. Delhi

D. Kurukshetra.

Answer: B. Pakistan
118. Paul Krugman got the Nobel Prize for ——in 2008
A. Politics

B. Physics

C. Economics

D. Literature

Answer: C. Economics
119. ”Grains Gone Wild” is a ——-
A. News paper article

B. letter

C. short story

D. speech

Answer: A. News paper article
120. Krugman is known for his contribution to ——–
A. Game theory

B. New Trade Theory

C. Number theory

D. unified theory

Answer: B. New Trade Theory
121. In his article, Krugman comments on the world —crisis
A. water

B. energy

C. fuel

D. food

Answer: D. food
122. The overall demand for grains has increased due to the increase in the number of ——-
A. African children

B. Meat eating Chinese

C. American farmers

D. none of these.

Answer: B. Meat eating Chinese

123. —–is the world’s 2nd largest exporter of wheat
A. America

B. India

C. Australia

D. Africa.

Answer: C. Australia
124. Ethanol is an example of a ———-
A. Biofuel

B. feedstock

C. livestock

D. none of these.

Answer: A. Biofuel
125. The production and use of biofuels is seen as an example of ——-
A. bad luck

B. bad policy

C. bad weather

D. none of these

Answer: B. bad policy

126. Grain dealers have reduced their precautionary stocks as they depend on ———
A. food imports

B. food exports

C. biofuel import

D. food substitutes.

Answer: A. food imports
127. Which of the following has been a big mistake according to Krugman ?
A. growth of Chinese economy

B. financial aid to poor countries

C. subsidies to biofuels

D. none of these

Answer: C. subsidies to biofuels
128. Martin Luther King accepts the Nobel Prize on behalf of ——-
A. His family

B. American Civil Rights Movement

C. Indian freedom fighters

D. none of the above

Answer: B. American Civil Rights Movement
129. The Negroes in America were chained down by —–
A. poverty

B. injustice

C. discrimination

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above
130. According to Martin Luther King —–is the answer to the political and moral problems of our time.
A. Non violence

B. money power

C. Government policies

D. diplomacy.

Answer: A. Non violence

131. ——and violence are antithetical concepts
A. agitation

B. Government

C. civilization

D. power

Answer: C. civilization
132. The road of love and progress taken by the nonviolence activists has lead to ——-
A. The Civil Rights bill

B. right to vote

C. election victory

D. new government

Answer: A. The Civil Rights bill
133. King refuses to accept ——-as the future reality of the nations of the world.
A. Global warning

B. political conflict

C. Thermo Nuclear destruction

D. Race-war.

Answer: C. Thermo Nuclear destruction
134. The promise of the ideal world of peace, referred to in King’s speech is found in ——–
A. Shakespeare’s play

B. Bible

C. Greek Poetry

D. all of the above.

Answer: B. Bible
135. King recalls the services of ———to the struggle for freedom and justice.
A. Nelson Mandela

B. Chief Lutili

C. Gandhi

D. all of them

Answer: B. Chief Lutili

136. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Prize in the year ——
A. 1960

B. 1962

C. 1966

D. 1964

Answer: D. 1964
137. Martin Luther King Jr. was involved in the ——-
A. American Civil War

B. African war

C. American Civil Rights Movement

D. Indian freedom struggle

Answer: C. American Civil Rights Movement
138. A beautiful mind is a biography of ——–
A. Sylvia Nasar

B. Alicia Larde

C. John Nash

D. None of the above

Answer: C. John Nash
139. Nash won the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in——-
A. unified field theory

B. Game theory

C. evolutionary theory

D. none of the above

Answer: B. Game theory
140. The academy award-winning movie directed by Ron Howard in 2001 was——-
A. Beautiful mind

B. Brilliant mind

C. the essential John Nash

D. none of the above

Answer: A. Beautiful mind
141. Nash came to live with —– of Princeton in 1970
A. Martha

B. Alicia

C. Sylvia

D. Eleanor

Answer: B. Alicia

142. Who co-edited the work The Essential John Nash?
A. John Nash Jr.

B. Ron Howard

C. Alicia Larde

D. Sylvia Nasar

Answer: D. Sylvia Nasar
143. The Professor of Mathematics who became a close friend of Alicia after her divorce was——–
A. John David Stier

B. Coleman- Moore

C. Ron Howard

D. Nash

Answer: B. Coleman- Moore
144. John David Stier was the ——of John Nash
A. son

B. nephew

C. half brother

D. friend

Answer: A. son
145. Johny solved many unsolved classical problems in the —–
A. Game theory

B. Number theory

C. New theory

D. none of the above

Answer: B. Number theory
146. John Nash Jr. won his Ph.D from —-
A. Princeton

B. Rider

C. Rutger

D. Fnehall.

Answer: C. Rutger
147. Sylvia Nazar is the —–of John Nash
A. friend

B. wife

C. biographer

D. sister

Answer: C. biographer

148. Joothan : A Dalit’s life by Omprakash Valmiki is a ———
A. Novel

B. short story

C. biography

D. Autobiography

Answer: D. Autobiography
149. Omprakash Valmiki belonged to the community of——–
A. weavers

B. potters

C. sweepers

D. builders

Answer: C. sweepers
150. The word “Joothan” means ——-
A. scraps of food

B. untouchable

C. disgraced

D. falsehood.

Answer: A. scraps of food

151. The dwellings of the untouchables were separated from the rest of the village by a —–
A. river

B. pond

C. fence

D. garden

Answer: B. pond
152. What work did the members of Valmiki’s family do ?
A. Agriculture

B. cleaning

C. general labour

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above
153. The Christian Sevakram Massihi used to —–
A. preach

B. teach the children

C. form a party

D. none of the above

Answer: B. teach the children
154. His school fellows used to call Valmiki——
A. Chuhre ka

B. Joothan

C. Achooth

D. none of these

Answer: A. Chuhre ka
155. Kaliram came to the school as the new —–
A. Teacher

B. leader

C. Headmaster

D. Manager

Answer: C. Headmaster

156. Kaliram ordered Omprakash to ——
A. sweep the school

B. give a speech

C. play ball

D. decorate the class

Answer: A. sweep the school
157. The encounter with the headmaster filled Omprakash with —–
A. Respect

B. love

C. anger

D. fear

Answer: D. fear
158. Whose work inspired Mrinal Sen for his entry in to the film world ?
A. Rudolf Arnheim

B. Fitzgerald

C. Dante

D. Homer

Answer: A. Rudolf Arnheim
159. “You are a difficult judge of your work” – who is the speaker ?
A. Satyajith Ray

B. Ramin Jahanbejloo

C. Mrinal Sen

D. Nehru

Answer: B. Ramin Jahanbejloo
160. I wish your countrymen whom I love so much not success but remorse. Who said this ?
A. Nehru

B. Tagore

C. Gandhi

D. J.C.Bose.

Answer: B. Tagore

161. ——-has been the breeding ground for many of Sen’s films
A. Kerala

B. Calcutta

C. Dubai

D. Bengal

Answer: B. Calcutta
162. In which of his works Sen talks about conformism
A. An Uncertain journey

B. Kharij

C. Bhuvan Shome

D. Ekdin Achanak

Answer: A. An Uncertain journey
163. ——was Sen’s first Hindi film.
A. Ekdin Achanak

B. Pather Panchali

C. Bhuvan Shome

D. none of the above

Answer: C. Bhuvan Shome
164. Which film of Sen made a satire on bureaucracy
A. Bhuvan Shome

B. Love story

C. Interview

D. Ekdin Pratidin

Answer: A. Bhuvan Shome
165. “If you ask me again, my answer will be, I don’t know myself, I don’t want to” — the speaker is—-
A. S.Ray

B. Mrinal Sen

C. Nehru

D. Gandhi

Answer: B. Mrinal Sen
166. Mrinal Sen,s wish is to see his film as a ——–
A. passing fancy

B. dress rehearsal

C. retrial

D. parade

Answer: B. dress rehearsal

167. The autobiography of Mrinal Sen is entitled——-
A. Story of my life

B. Filming India

C. A Beautiful Mind

D. Always Being Born

Answer: D. Always Being Born
168. Which of the following is not included in Mrinal Sen’s Calcutta Trilogy
A. Interview

B. Ek din Pratidin

C. Calcutta 71

D. Padatic

Answer: B. Ek din Pratidin
169. The film Bhuvan Shome was made in the year——–
A. 1969

B. 1949

C. 1971

D. 1956

Answer: A. 1969
170. The film maker who criticized Mrinal Sen for his ignorance of character in an open letter was —–
A. Satyajith Ray

B. Ramesh Sippi

C. Antonioni

D. none of these

Answer: A. Satyajith Ray
171. The film Antareen was influenced by——
A. Sadat Hassan Manto

B. Rabindranath Tagore

C. Both of these

D. neither of these.

Answer: C. Both of these
172. Name the essay from which the extract ‘On Good Resolutions’ is taken
A. The Book of this and That

B. Book of Resolutions

C. Book of Essays

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The Book of this and That

173. The essay ’On Good Resolutions’ brings out——-
A. Human potentiality to be strong

B. futility of human resolutions

C. reality of the world

D. beginning of life on earth

Answer: B. futility of human resolutions
174. Resolutions become popular as——-approaches
A. New year

B. Year’s end

C. at the end of life

D. at school

Answer: A. New year
175. We——–when a man readily agrees to behave in a better way.
A. feel degraded

B. take initiative

C. discourage him

D. encourage him

Answer: C. discourage him

176. Our virtue, we put almost entirely into our ———-
A. faith

B. ability

C. resolutions

D. life

Answer: C. resolutions
177. What hinders human beings from accommodating rapid changes?
A. life

B. nature

C. creativity

D. ignorance

Answer: B. nature
178. Mediocre ——- are said to be a pair of twins contemptible
A. promise and faith

B. promise and performance

C. love and life

D. habits

Answer: B. promise and performance
179. ———are morality at its dawn
A. life

B. Good resolutions

C. values

D. performances

Answer: B. Good resolutions
180. Good resolutions are —– of the day’s work
A. Golden anticipations

B. true guide

C. followers

D. none of the above

Answer: A. Golden anticipations

181. There would be very little——to be got out of a single sitting face to face with a German grammer.
A. desire

B. love

C. intoxication

D. reality.

Answer: C. intoxication
182. The essay On Good Resolutions was published in the year——–
A. 1915

B. 1939

C. 1945

D. 1950

Answer: A. 1915
183. Which of these is an essay by Robert Lynd.
A. The Herring Fleet

B. Of Studies

C. Dalits’ Life

D. none of these

Answer: A. The Herring Fleet
184. Who compares virtue to a flower in his tribute to the Prince Consort ?
A. Tennyson

B. Browning

C. Robert Lynd

D. Dickens

Answer: A. Tennyson
185. Name the author of ‘Religion and Civilization
A. Satyajith Ray

B. Mushirul Hasan

C. C.J.Thomas

D. Francis Bacon

Answer: B. Mushirul Hasan

186. Islam’s ——-principles offered the converts a hope of a better future
A. egalitarian

B. Orthodox

C. difficult

D. none of the above

Answer: A. egalitarian
187. Politics in the pre-independent period was structured around———
A. religious categories

B. interest groups

C. Majority

D. none of the above

Answer: A. religious categories
188. The spirit of a ——–Indian nation runs contrary to the values of a secular policy and society.
A. developed

B. Spiritualist

C. underdeveloped

D. third world

Answer: B. Spiritualist
189. Religious and cultural anxieties in India were mainly due to the arrival of——
A. the blacks

B. the missionaries

C. the political parties

D. none of the above

Answer: B. the missionaries
190. The Indian Nationalist leaders tried to evolve an ——–ideology.
A. inclusive

B. exclusive

C. separatist

D. none of the above.

Answer: A. inclusive
191. The Author of ‘Legacy of a Divided Nation’ is——–
A. Sylvia Nasar

B. Mushirul Hasan

C. Intizar Husain

D. Sylvia plath

Answer: B. Mushirul Hasan

192. The Mughal Empire weakend due to the breakdown of ——among the ruling elites.
A. Economic treaties

B. consensus

C. patriotism

D. none of these

Answer: B. consensus
193. Who referred to the unified Hindu religion as ‘Syndicated Semitised Hinduism’?
A. Romila Thaper

B. Mushirul Hasan

C. K.P.S.Menon

D. Jinnah

Answer: A. Romila Thaper
194. The Indian Constitution followed a policy of ——–
A. Monotheism

B. fanaticism

C. Secularism

D. none of these.

Answer: C. Secularism
195. Name the first novel of James Baldwin
A. My life

B. Go tell it on the Mountain

C. Fire

D. Love song

Answer: B. Go tell it on the Mountain
196. My Dungeon Shook is taken from
A. Fire Next Time

B. Go Tell it on the Mountain

C. A Beautiful Mind

D. none of these.

Answer: A. Fire Next Time
197. The crime mentioned in the letter is ——–
A. toughness of the Whites

B. toughness of the blacks

C. innocence of the Whites

D. mask of the Blacks

Answer: C. innocence of the Whites

198. In the letter ‘My Dungeon Shook’ , Baldwin asks for
A. brotherhood of all

B. rivalry

C. destruction

D. hard work

Answer: A. brotherhood of all
199. ’My Dungeon Shook’ is in the form of a ——–
A. short story

B. novel

C. speech

D. personal letter

Answer: D. personal letter
200. Baldwin addresses his letter to his ——
A. son

B. publisher

C. nephew

D. friend

Answer: C. nephew

201. What was the occasion on which Baldwin wrote the letter ?
A. 100th anniversary of Emancipation

B. Anniversary of American Independence

C. His 50th birthday

D. none of these.

Answer: A. 100th anniversary of Emancipation
202. What does Baldwin see in his nephew’s face ?
A. Dignity of the Blacks

B. his brother’s face

C. toughness and suffering

D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these
203. “Baldwin uses words as the sea uses waves” These are the words of —–
A. James Baldwin

B. Langston Hughes

C. Sylvia Nasar

D. Omprakash Valmiki

Answer: B. Langston Hughes
204. According to Baldwin the Americans are trapped in a ——–that they don’t understand.
A. sorrow

B. history

C. struggle

D. violence.

Answer: B. history
205. The condition of the Blacks in the American Society is no different from that of England
described in the works of——-
A. Spenser

B. Charles Dickens

C. Shakespeare

D. none of these.

Answer: B. Charles Dickens

206. Baldwin advises his nephew to trust only in———
A. The words of elders

B. books

C. his own experiences

D. none of these

Answer: C. his own experiences
207. E.F Schumacher is the author of ——
A. A Beautiful Mind

B. A Dalit’s life

C. Small is beautiful

D. Story of my life.

Answer: C. Small is beautiful
208. According to Schumacher, the modern pursuit of profit and progress has resulted in ——
A. Economic inefficiency

B. environmental pollution

C. inhuman working conditions

D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these
209. The alternative proposed by Schumacher for modern super technology is——–
A. Intermediate technology

B. primitivism

C. pursuit of progress

D. none of these.

Answer: A. Intermediate technology
210. The principles of —-had a great impact on Schumacher.
A. Buddhists

B. Taoists

C. Gandhi

D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

211. “Technology with a human face “ is an example of —–
A. Scientific essay

B. political writing

C. poetic prose

D. short story

Answer: A. Scientific essay
212. The modern world, according to Schumacher, has been shaped by its ——
A. politics

B. Natural science

C. Metaphysics

D. none of these

Answer: C. Metaphysics
213. Which of the following is not an attribute of nature ?
A. self- balancing

B. self- destroying

C. self-adjusting

D. self-cleansing

Answer: B. self- destroying
214. The limitation of modern technology is that it does not recognize any ——
A. Modification

B. improvement

C. self-limit

D. alteration

Answer: C. self-limit
215. In the subtle system of nature, modern super – technology acts like a ——-
A. foreign body

B. major branch

C. substitute

D. none of these

Answer: A. foreign body
216. The success brought in recent years by industrialization is, in Schumacher’s view, —–
A. total

B. illusory

C. partial

D. negligible

Answer: B. illusory

217. What kind of work is reduced by modern technology?
A. intellectual work

B. virtual work

C. economic work

D. skillful productive work

Answer: D. skillful productive work
218. A great part of the neurosis of advanced industrial society is due to the lack of ——–
A. money

B. freedom

C. energy

D. skillful productive work

Answer: D. skillful productive work
219. . How much of the total social time in modern society is spent on actual productive work in
Schumacher ‘s view?
A. 3.5%

B. 7.5%

C. 10%

D. 15%

Answer: A. 3.5%
220. ——- recommended production by the masses instead of mass production to help the poor
A. Schumacher

B. John Nash

C. Gandhi

D. Nehru

Answer: C. Gandhi
221. Name the author of Emotional Intelligence
A. Daniel Goleman

B. Paul Ekman

C. John Nash

D. Paul Krugman

Answer: A. Daniel Goleman
222. The Times magazine lists —–as one of the ideas changing the world right now.


C. social intelligence

D. Ecological intelligence.

Answer: D. Ecological intelligence.

223. —–has offered one of the best assessments of the emotional mind.
A. Paul Krugman

B. Paul Ekman

C. Daniel Goleman

D. Nash

Answer: B. Paul Ekman
224. The reactions of the emotional mind is —– than that of the rational mind. (a)slower (b) quicker (c)cleverer (d)happier
134. Actions that spring from the emotional mind carry a strong sense of ——-
A. certainty

B. clarity

C. accuracy

D. none of these.

Answer: B. clarity
225. The rapid mode of perception used by the emotional mind sacrifices accuracy for ——
A. speed

B. time

C. shape

D. clarity

Answer: A. speed

226. The —— can be our radar for danger.
A. brain

B. physical strength

C. emotional mind

D. perception.

Answer: C. emotional mind
227. Ekman tracks the —– that flit across the face from subtle changes in facial expressions.
A. painful emotions

B. profound feelings

C. micro emotions

D. hidden impulses

Answer: C. micro emotions
228. In the slower emotional response, thought ——feeling.
A. follows

B. precedes

C. includes

D. excludes

Answer: B. precedes
229. Terry Dobson studied the martial art of ———–in Japan
A. Aikido

B. Judo

C. wrestling

D. none of these

Answer: A. Aikido
230. The story of the old man and the drunk illustrates———
A. self-pity

B. self control

C. intellectual power

D. emotional brilliance

Answer: D. emotional brilliance

231. A prose narrative work dealing with imaginary events is called…….
A. Article

B. fiction

C. essay

D. poetry

Answer: B. fiction
232. Non-fiction usually deals with…..
A. Facts

B. imaginary events

C. people

D. nature

Answer: A. Facts
233. The word ‘fiction’ means………..
A. To make

B. to write

C. to sing

D. to praise

Answer: A. To make
234. Novel emerged as the most important form of prose fiction in ………century.
A. 18th

B. 20th

C. 17th

D. 16th

Answer: A. 18th
235. Novels developed from …….
A. Epics

B. poetry

C. fables

D. none of these

Answer: A. Epics

236. Fiction dealing with events or people, although untrue, could actually happen, is
A. Faction

B. non-realistic fiction

C. epic

D. none of these

Answer: A. Faction
237. Alice in Wonderland is a…..
A. Realistic novel

B. semi-realistic novel

C. non-realistic

D. none of these

Answer: C. non-realistic
238. The logical interaction of the various thematic elements of a text leading to a change of
the original situation is called………….
A. Plot

B. setting

C. character

D. all of these

Answer: A. Plot
239. ……………..can be considered as the foundational text in travel literature.
A. Voyage

B. Heart of Darkness

C. on the Road

D. none of these

Answer: A. Voyage
240. Voyages was written by
A. Aldous Huxley

B. Richard Hakluyt

C. Jack Kerouac

D. none of these

Answer: B. Richard Hakluyt
241. The term ‘travelogue’ was coined by
A. Burton Holmes

B. Stevenson

C. Hakluyt

D. Kerouac

Answer: A. Burton Holmes

242. Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the road’ is a…………
A. Travelogue

B. Fictional travelogue

C. Essay

D. none of these

Answer: B. Fictional travelogue
243. News paper articles are written in……style
A. inverted pyramid

B. inverted triangle

C. straight pyramid

D. none of these

Answer: A. inverted pyramid
244. Inverted pyramid style gives
A. the most important details first

B. the least important details first

C. names first

D. events first

Answer: A. the most important details first
245. Articles produced in the form of audio recordings are called
A. Blogs

B. podcasts

C. academic papers

D. listicles

Answer: B. podcasts
246. Listicles are
A. Articles containing lists

B. Article containing news

C. Articles containing academic details

D. all the above

Answer: A. Articles containing lists
247. Text at the top of a news paper article is called
A. headline

B. byline

C. lead

D. body

Answer: A. headline

248. The name and the position of the writer of an article is given in
A. headline

B. byline

C. lead

D. body

Answer: B. byline
249. The sentence that sums up the focus of a story in an article is called
A. headline

B. byline

C. lead

D. body

Answer: C. lead
250. An individual work recording one’s travel experiences is called
A. essay

B. Fiction

C. travelogue

D. faction

Answer: C. travelogue

251. A continuous narrative of a person’s life’s major or interesting events written by himself
for publication is
A. biography

B. memoir

C. autobiography

D. diary

Answer: C. autobiography
252. Autobiographies are by nature…..
A. subjective

B. objective

C. scientific

D. philosophical

Answer: A. subjective
253. A prose composition with a focused subject of discussion is
A. essay

B. poem

C. fiction

D. travelogue

Answer: A. essay
254. The word ‘essay’ is derived from
A. essayer

B. essayist

C. essays

D. none of these

Answer: A. essayer
255. The writer who first defined his works as essays was
A. Bacon

B. Montaigne

C. Stevenson

D. none of these

Answer: B. Montaigne

256. The first work in English that described itself as essays was published by
A. Bacon

B. Montaigne

C. Stevenson

D. none of these

Answer: A. Bacon
257. Sensory details are used in
A. cause and effect essays

B. Descriptive essays

C. narrative essays

D. dialectic essays

Answer: B. Descriptive essays
258. …….form of essay is usually used in philosophy
A. cause and effect essays

B. Descriptive essays

C. narrative essays

D. dialectic essays

Answer: D. dialectic essays
259. The art of public speaking was first developed by…………..
A. Greeks

B. Germans

C. Romans

D. none of these

Answer: A. Greeks
260. The common fear of public speaking is called
A. hydrophobia

B. Glossophobia

C. somnambulism

D. none of these

Answer: B. Glossophobia

261. The written history of a person’s life written by someone else is called
A. Biography

B. Autobiography

C. Memoir

D. none of these

Answer: A. Biography
262. Q written history of a person’s life composed by himself in which the emphasis is on
one particular phase or on the people and events is
A. Memoir

B. diary

C. journal

D. biography

Answer: A. Memoir
263. A journal is
A. Day-to-day record of a person’s life

B. life history composed b himself

C. life history composed by someone else

D. none of these

Answer: A. Day-to-day record of a person’s life
264. Autobiographies were entitled as …… in antiquity
A. Apologia

B. Confession

C. biography

D. none of these

Answer: A. Apologia
265. ‘Apologia Pro Vista Sua’ is the autobiography of………
A. John Henry Newman

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. St .Augustine

Answer: A. John Henry Newman
266. Which of the following can be considered as the first fully developed autobiography
A. Confessions

B. The invisible man

C. Apologia Pro Vista Sua

D. none of these

Answer: A. Confessions

267. Confessions is the autobiography of………….
A. St. Augustine

B. Ellison

C. St.Francis

D. St. Joseph

Answer: A. St. Augustine
268. Confessions is a……… autobiography
A. Spiritual

B. secular

C. Scientific

D. philosophical

Answer: A. Spiritual
269. According to Benevento Cellini, one should write his autobiography after he is…….years
A. 30

B. 40

C. 50

D. 60

Answer: B. 40
270. A written history of a person’s life in which he presents a crisis and its resolution in his
discovery of his identity as an artist or as a writer is
A. Secular autobiography

B. spiritual autobiography

C. Philosophical autobiography

D. none of these

Answer: A. Secular autobiography
271. Wordsworth’s autobiography in verse is called
A. Prelude

B. daffodils

C. Immortality ode

D. none of these

Answer: A. Prelude
272. Ralph Ellison’s autobiography is titled ……………
A. The Invisible Man

B. The Prelude

C. On the Road

D. none of these

Answer: A. The Invisible Man

273. Daniel Defoe’s ‘Moll Flanders’ can be considered as a
A. Secular autobiography

B. spiritual autobiography

C. Philosophical autobiography

D. fictional autobiography

Answer: D. fictional autobiography
274. An in-depth form of biographical coverage is called…………..
A. Memoir

B. diary

C. Legacy writing

D. biography

Answer: C. Legacy writing
275. Who defined biography as ‘the history of particular men’s lives’
A. John Henry Newman

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: D. Dryden

276. Biography written with the permission, cooperation, and, at times, participation of a
subject or a subject’s heirs is called
A. Secular autobiography

B. Spiritual autobiography

C. Legacy writing

D. Authorized biography

Answer: D. Authorized biography
277. ‘Parallel Lives’ was written by
A. Plutarch

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: A. Plutarch
278. ……………is the source of Shakespeare’s Roman plays
A. Parallel Lives

B. The Invisible Man

C. The Prelude

D. On the Road

Answer: A. Parallel Lives
279. The record of the lives of Christian saints based on legends rather than on facts is called
A. Secular autobiography

B. spiritual autobiography

C. hagiographoies

D. none of these

Answer: C. hagiographoies
280. ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’ was written by
A. John Henry Newman

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Thomas Malory

Answer: D. Thomas Malory

281. Isaac Walton wrote the short biographies of Donne and Herbert in his
A. Lives

B. Parallel Lives

C. The Prelude

D. On the Road

Answer: A. Lives
282. Who is referred to as ‘the father of English essays’
A. Bacon

B. Montaigne

C. Stevenson

D. none of these

Answer: A. Bacon
283. The presentation of the initial situation of a fiction is called….
A. exposition

B. climax

C. resolution

D. none of these

Answer: A. exposition
284. The technique used to provide clues regarding what might occur later in the story is…..
A. foreshadowing

B. flash back

C. resolution

D. none of these

Answer: A. foreshadowing
285. Flash back is also known as……
A. foreshadowing

B. linear plot analysis

C. Analepsis

D. none of these

Answer: A. foreshadowing

286. The technique that takes the narrative back in time is called……
A. flash back

B. flash forward

C. forshadowing

D. none of these

Answer: A. flash back
287. ………..reveals events that will occur in the future
A. flash back

B. flash forward

C. foreshadowing

D. none of these

Answer: B. flash forward
288. A flash back to an earlier point in the narrative is called……….
A. flash back

B. flash forward

C. Internal Analepsis

D. external Analepsis

Answer: C. Internal Analepsis
289. External analepsis is a …… to before the narrative started.
A. flash back

B. flash forward

C. foreshadowing

D. none of these

Answer: A. flash back
290. ……..in a fiction leads to climax
A. rising action

B. Climax

C. Exposition

D. falling Action

Answer: A. rising action
291. …….. is a phase of a fiction, where the story is about to settle down.
A. falling action

B. rising action

C. Climax

D. Exposition

Answer: A. falling action

292. A typical character is referred to as…….
A. Flat

B. round cahracter

C. protagonist

D. none of these

Answer: A. Flat
293. An individualised character is referred to as ……
A. Flat

B. round character

C. protagonist

D. none of these

Answer: B. round character
294. A character whose behaviour illuminates the personality of the protagonist is…….
A. Foil

B. round character

C. protagonist

D. none of these

Answer: A. Foil
295. When a text is narrated through an external narrator, it is referred to as…..
A. omniscient point of view

B. participating figure

C. second person narration

D. none of these

Answer: A. omniscient point of view

296. In first person narrative the events are narrated by…….
A. participating figure

B. omniscient point of view

C. second person narration

D. none of these

Answer: A. participating figure

297. A context beyond the immediate surroundings of the story in the fiction is called…..
A. Milieu

B. country

C. setting

D. none of these

Answer: A. Milieu

298. …….. is a concise form of prose fiction.
A. short story

B. essay

C. article

D. none of these

Answer: A. short story

299. …….. can be considered as a precursor of short story.
A. fairy tales

B. novel

C. epic

D. none of these

Answer: A. fairy tales

300. A narrative frame within which one or more of the characters proceed to tell a series of short narratives is called….
A. frame story

B. novel

C. essay

D. novella

Answer: A. frame story

301. Boccaccio’s Decameron is an example for……
A. frame story

B. novel

C. essay

D. novella

Answer: A. frame story

302. Who is referred to as the father of modern short story?
A. Edgar Allen Poe

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: A. Edgar Allen Poe

303. The action of the short story commences close to the…….
A. Climax

B. beginning

C. exposition

D. falling action

Answer: A. Climax

304. Medias res mean….
A. in the middle of the matter

B. towards the end

C. in the beginning

D. end

Answer: A. in the middle of the matter

305. When a short story conveys a specific moral or ethical perspective, it is called….
A. Parable

B. short story

C. essay

D. none of these

Answer: A. Parable

306. ……….was used by religious leaders to enlighten and educate their followers
A. Fables

B. Latin stories

C. Indian fables

D. none of these

Answer: A. Fables

307. Fables are said to be invented by…..
A. Aesop

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: A. Aesop

308. Gesta Ramanorum is a collection of….
A. Roman anecdotes

B. Latin stories

C. Indian fables

D. none of these

Answer: A. Roman anecdotes

309. Novella is a ……
A. short novel

B. essay

C. prose

D. none of these

Answer: A. short novel

310. The first modern translation of ‘Thousand and One Nights’ was by….
A. Antoine Galland

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: A. Antoine Galland

311. Novella was introduced in Germany by…..
A. John Henry Newman

B. Goethe

C. Montaigne

D. Dryden

Answer: B. Goethe

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