300+ TOP Recent Development in Western Thought MCQs and Answers

Recent Development in Western Thought Multiple Choice Questions

1. The main proponents of post-structuralism
A. jacques derrida

B. jaques lacan

C. michel foucault

D. all the above

Answer: D. all the above

2. Who are the most prominent theoretician and practitioner of ‘Deconstruction’
A. husserl

B. derrida

C. barthes

D. none of these

Answer: B. derrida

3. The linguist generally associated with the initiation of ‘Structuralism’ as a movement is:
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. simon blackburn,

C. noam chomsky

D. levi-strauss

Answer: A. ferdinand de saussure

4. Which of the following critics is associated with post-structuralism rather than structuralism
A. michel foucault

B. vladimir propp

C. roman jacobson

D. jacques lacan

Answer: A. michel foucault

5. Post-structuralism is a movement that came to prominence first during the 1960s. the movement was basically a response against:
A. colonialism

B. humanism

C. structuralism

D. post-colonialism.

Answer: C. structuralism

6. The general science of sign is known as
A. philology

B. linguistics

C. semiology

D. none of these

Answer: C. semiology

7. The concept of ‘Metalanguage’ was mentioned in:
A. the death of the author

B. elements of semiology

C. lecture series

D. elements of semiology

Answer: D. elements of semiology

8. The Open Work was created by:
A. ronald barthes

B. umberto eco

C. lévi-strauss

D. jacques derrida

Answer: B. umberto eco

9. The concept of ‘Metalanguage’ was developed by:
A. derrida

B. levi-strauss

C. searle

D. barthes

Answer: D. barthes

10. Speech and Phenomenon is written by
A. roland barthes

B. julia kristeva

C. jacques derrida

D. foucault

Answer: C. jacques derrida

11. The Death of the Author is the work of
A. roland barthe

B. julia kristeva

C. jacques derrida

D. foucault

Answer: A. roland barthe

12. One of the key terms in Derrida’s thought is
A. good writing

B. structuralism

C. difference

D. presence

Answer: C. difference

13. Post-structuralism gets connected most commonly to structuralism. Nevertheless, it also gets related to another literary movement which is:
A. postmodernism

B. post-colonialism

C. colonial literature

D. neoclassicism

Answer: A. postmodernism

14. The concept which establishes an association between post-structuralism and postmodernism is:
A. structuralism

B. classicism

C. common literary beliefs

D. humanism

Answer: D. humanism

15. Derrida calls ‘preference for presence over absence’ as
A. illusion

B. prejudice

C. metaphysics of presence

D. first principle

Answer: C. metaphysics of presence

16. Post-structuralism, as a movement, developed in:
A. england

B. france

C. italy

D. austria

Answer: B. france

17. Where did logical positivism originate
A. italy & germany

B. austria & america

C. austria & germany

D. none of these

Answer: C. austria & germany

18. Author of The New Science
A. jean baudrillard

B. giambattista vico

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. jean jacques rousseau

Answer: B. giambattista vico

19. Jacques Derrida cannonballed into the American academy with this paper, in 1966:
A. “the purveyor of truth”

B. “seminar on \the purloined letter\”

C. “structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences”

D. “can the subaltern speak?” jacques derrida\s of grammatology explains:

Answer: C. “structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences”

20. Jacques Derrida’s Of Grammatology explains:
A. theory of “writing”

B. issues with jacques lacan

C. plan for world domination

D. the grammar of modern klingon

Answer: A. theory of “writing”

21. Which author-hating lit critic and cultural theorist described text as a “multi-dimensional space,” and a “tissue of quotations”
A. jean-luc picard

B. roland barthes

C. michel foucault

D. barbara johnson

Answer: B. roland barthes

22. Post-Structuralism emerged as a critique of Structuralism. Who founded Structuralism:
A. jean baudrillard

B. ferdinand de saussure

C. michel foucault

D. jacques derrida

Answer: B. ferdinand de saussure

23. Which of the following was written by Jacques Derrida
A. birth of the clinic

B. madness and civilization

C. history of sexuality

D. of grammatology

Answer: D. of grammatology

24. Which Post-Structuralist philosopher came up with the concept of Deconstruction:
A. jacques derrida

B. jean baudrillard

C. michel foucault

D. gilles deleuze

Answer: A. jacques derrida

25. Why does Jean Baudrillard think we live in simulated realities:
A. we can’t tell the difference between a dream and reality.

B. we can never know the truth, so we adopt ideologies which reshape the world in our minds.

C. we like to live in denial about our responsibility.

D. we try to control the world around us through our actions.

Answer: B. we can never know the truth, so we adopt ideologies which reshape the world in our minds.

26. Which Post-Structuralist philosopher stated, “Academics’ lives are seldom interesting”:
A. michel foucault

B. jacques derrida

C. jean baudrillard

D. gilles deleuze

Answer: D. gilles deleuze

27. Author of Capitalism and Schizophrenia:
A. michel foucault

B. jean baudrillard

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. gilles deleuze

Answer: D. gilles deleuze

28. Which Post-Structuralist philosopher was interested in the “power-knowledge relationship”:
A. gilles deleuze

B. jacques derrida

C. michel foucault

D. ferdinand de saussure

Answer: C. michel foucault

29. Which Post-Structuralist philosopher started in philosophy by studying “pataphysics”
A. gilles deleuze

B. jean baudrillard

C. michel foucault

D. jacques derrida

Answer: B. jean baudrillard

30. Postmodernism rejects which of the following metanarratives;
A. science/ secularism

B. christian

C. muslim

D. all metanarratives are rejected

Answer: D. all metanarratives are rejected

31. Baudrillard’s simulacra means
A. something unique and individual

B. the sign that creates the perception of reality than reality itself

C. truth

D. a lie

Answer: B. the sign that creates the perception of reality than reality itself

32. Which French Philosopher argued that there were no meta or grand narratives, only micro narratives?
A. jean baudrillard

B. john the baptist

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. jean jacques rousseau

Answer: C. jean-françois lyotard

33. Author of, On humanistic education
A. jean baudrillard

B. giambattista vico

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. jean jacques rousseau

Answer: C. jean-françois lyotard

34. According to vico Humanity
A. consequence of institution

B. presupposition

C. cause

D. relation

Answer: A. consequence of institution

35. For Vico human essence is
A. pre-existent one

B. no pre-existent

C. inherited

D. irrational

Answer: B. no pre-existent

36. According to Vico the structure is
A. static

B. transformable

C. idle

D. idea

Answer: B. transformable

37. Langue and parole are the concept of
A. jean baudrillard

B. john the baptist

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. jean jacques rousseau

Answer: C. ferdinand de saussure

38. According to Saussure a language is a system of
A. signs

B. logic

C. symbols

D. numbers

Answer: A. signs

39. Systematic study of meaning
A. semantics

B. logic

C. signs

D. epigraphy

Answer: A. semantics

40. Linguistic system, consists of
A. structures

B. prejudice

C. symbols

D. numbers

Answer: A. structures

41. According to Saussure two axis of language are
A. compound and simple

B. diachronic and synchronic

C. rigid and flexible

D. noumena and phenomena

Answer: B. diachronic and synchronic

42. For Vico Language, is a kind of
A. knowledge

B. power

C. dominance

D. collective intelligence

Answer: D. collective intelligence

43. Author of Course in General Linguistics
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. kant

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. jean jacques rousseau

Answer: A. ferdinand de saussure

44. Author of Mythologies
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. jean-françois lyotard

C. roland barthes

D. jacques derrida

Answer: C. roland barthes

45. the reproduction of labour-power complete with
A. ruling ideology

B. economics progress

C. economic reproduction

D. social enriching

Answer: A. ruling ideology

46. Louis Althusser consider State institutions as
A. apparats

B. institutions for good life

C. ideological apparatus

D. social welfare institutions

Answer: A. apparats

47. believed that the “unified self” was just a product of Western culture and that if there was a “self, it must be plural.”
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. jean-françois lyotard

C. jean jacques rousseau

D. jacques derrida

Answer: D. jacques derrida

48. The philosophical school founded by Derrida is called
A. structuralism

B. decentralism

C. phenomenology

D. semantics

Answer: B. decentralism

49. Althusser considered the mode of production contains complex articulation of:
A. only economic practice

B. only political practices

C. economic, political and ideological practices

D. economic and political practices

Answer: C. economic, political and ideological practices

50. Who has measured ‘modernity as an unfinished project’
A. jean baudrillard

B. john the baptist

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. habermas

Answer: D. habermas

51. In “The Death of the Author,” Roland Barthes argues what about
A. biographical information about the author must be considered when evaluating literature.

B. a text and its author text are unrelated.

C. it is possible to distil meaning from a work based on the author\s politics.

D. authorial intent must be considered when evaluating literature.

Answer: B. a text and its author text are unrelated.

52. who popularised the conception of an ‘epistemological break’ in Marxian thought
A. l. althusser

B. j. habermas

C. j.c. alexander

D. r. fahrendorf

Answer: A. l. althusser

53. Which among the following is not the work of Louis Althusser
A. lenin and philosophy and other essays

B. on the reproduction of capitalism trans

C. madness and civilization

D. for marx

Answer: C. madness and civilization

54. In Of Grammatology, Jacques Derrida argues what about literature? Choose one answer.
A. no fixed, stable meaning is possible.

B. language must be studied in conjunction with history in order to create meaning.

C. there is no potential for multiple and differing meanings in a work of literature.

D. literature is timeless, and thus meaning does not change.

Answer: A. no fixed, stable meaning is possible.
55. To whom, the sign, firmly speaking, must always stand ‘under erasure’, as necessary but
A. louis althusser

B. michel foucault

C. husserl

D. jacques derrida

Answer: D. jacques derrida

56. Which one of the following concepts is not given by Derrida
A. cultural capital

B. logocentrism

C. deconstruction

D. difference

Answer: A. cultural capital
57. Derrida’s Deconstruction yields a critique of
A. cultural capital

B. logocentrism

C. deconstruction

D. difference

Answer: B. logocentrism
58. The central idea of Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics;
A. language is inseparable from its historical context.

B. there are five phases of linguistic development.

C. language can be analysed as a formal system of elements.

D. linguistics is too complicated to be distilled to a formula.

Answer: C. language can be analysed as a formal system of elements.
59. Jacques Derrida’s concept of différance challenges us to think about language as a system that:
A. mirrors our physical evolution as human beings.

B. prevents us from communicating through writing or speech.

C. involves a constant process of deferred meaning.

D. evolved exclusively as a function of our individual psyche.

Answer: C. involves a constant process of deferred meaning.
60. Lyotard’s dictum ‘I define postmodern as incredulity toward meta-narratives’ means:
A. individual stories are suspect.

B. the law is static.

C. universal values are meaningless.

D. literature reproduces repression

Answer: C. universal values are meaningless.

61. Author of The Postmodern Condition A Report on Knowledge
A. kant

B. michel foucault

C. jean-françois lyotard

D. jacques derrida

Answer: C. jean-françois lyotard
62. For Lyotard postmodernity as an age of
A. accumulation

B. fragmentation

C. legalizing

D. demolishing

Answer: B. fragmentation
63. The Postmodern Condition A Report on Knowledge Lyotard dealing with
A. metaphysics

B. values

C. cognition

D. knowledge and power

Answer: D. knowledge and power
64. Lyotard famously defines the postmodern as
A. incredulity towards metanarratives

B. system of logic

C. system of metaphysics

D. system of idealism

Answer: A. incredulity towards metanarratives
65. Lyotard sees the subject/human as
A. one element among others

B. pure matter

C. centre of all think

D. master of knowledge

Answer: A. one element among others
66. Deconstruction is in terms of a critique of the
A. binary

B. actual

C. nomena

D. phenomena

Answer: A. binary

67. Deconstruction is
A. strategy for reading texts

B. understanding metaphysics

C. logical investigation

D. reductionism

Answer: A. strategy for reading texts
68. The opposition between speech and writing is a manifestation of the
A. cultural capital

B. logocentrism

C. deconstruction

D. difference

Answer: B. logocentrism
69. Derrida notes the tendency in western philosophy and semiotics to value the signifier as opposed
to the thing it signifies in
A. cultural capital

B. logocentrism

C. deconstruction

D. metaphysics of presence.

Answer: D. metaphysics of presence.
70. Postmodernism put forward the notion of
A. death of the subject

B. reclaiming the subject

C. domination of subject

D. power of the subject

Answer: A. death of the subject
71. Author of Elements of Semiology
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. jean-françois lyotard

C. jean jacques rousseau

D. roland barthes

Answer: D. roland barthes
72. As Baudrillard, there is only
A. real

B. nothingness

C. cultural

D. hyperreal

Answer: D. hyperreal

73. Hyperreal depicts
A. production

B. reproduction

C. distribution

D. meticulous reduplication

Answer: D. meticulous reduplication
74. Baudrillard is trying to end the philosophy of
A. theological

B. subjectivity

C. narrative

D. normative

Answer: B. subjectivity
75. According to Baudrillard the elimination of reality itself,
A. crime

B. perfect crime

C. method

D. practice

Answer: B. perfect crime

76. The term Hyperreality characterizes the inability of
A. knowledge

B. power

C. capability

D. consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy

Answer: D. consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy
77. A copy or image without reference to an original
A. simulacrum

B. perfect

C. ideal

D. illusive

Answer: A. simulacrum
78. What are the ideological State apparatuses
A. the army

B. the police

C. the courts

D. the family

Answer: D. the family
79. The State Apparatus
A. the religion

B. family

C. the courts

D. communications

Answer: C. the courts
80. The tendency in western civilization to privilege the linguistic signifier over the signified
A. deconstruction

B. logocentrism

C. materialism

D. rationalism

Answer: B. logocentrism

81. Author of Writing Degree Zero
A. roland barthes

B. michel foucault

C. husserl

D. jacques derrida

Answer: A. roland barthes
82. In ‘Rhetoric of the Image’ Barthes asserting
A. demythologizing reading of the image

B. breakdown

C. interference

D. regularisation

Answer: A. demythologizing reading of the image
83. The underlying syntactic structure of a sentence termed
A. deep structure

B. structure

C. form

D. matter

Answer: A. deep structure
84. Barth described ‘message without a code’ to
A. movies

B. documents

C. photograph’s

D. music

Answer: C. photograph’s
85. The structure open to observation and description termed
A. deep structure

B. structure

C. surface structure

D. matter

Answer: C. surface structure

86. The distinction between langue and parole was first made by
A. roland barthes

B. michel foucault

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. jacques derrida

Answer: C. ferdinand de saussure
87. The rules of sign system known as
A. concept

B. langue

C. form

D. parole

Answer: B. langue
88. The articulation of signs
A. concept

B. langue

C. form

D. parole

Answer: D. parole
89. Author of – Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays
A. louis althusser

B. michel foucault

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. jacques derrida

Answer: A. louis althusser
90. Author of Writing and Difference
A. louis althusser

B. michel foucault

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. jacques derrida

Answer: D. jacques derrida
91. author of The Illusions of Postmodernism
A. louis althusser

B. michel foucault

C. ferdinand de saussure

D. terry eagleton

Answer: D. terry eagleton

92. For Marx superstructure is
A. ideology

B. labour

C. infrastructure

D. revolutionary

Answer: A. ideology
93. “There is nothing outside the text” articulated by
A. ferdinand de saussure

B. jean-françois lyotard

C. jean jacques rousseau

D. jacques derrida

Answer: D. jacques derrida

Recent Development in Western Thought Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download Online Quiz Exam Test