300+ TOP Rectal Disorders MCQs Pdf

Rectal Disorders MCQs :-

1. Bleeding with fissures occurs with defecation and is accompanied by pain.

  • False
  • True

2. Itching. particularly at night. may be caused by pinworm’s.

  • False
  • True

3. Cutting or tearing pain during defecation and a gnawing, throbbing discomfort afterward is probably a symptom of:

  • Anal tissue
  • Prostates / proctocolitis
  • Pilonidal disease
  • Proctalgia fug ax
  • Perirectal abscess

4. Infants who have rectal bleeding could have necrotizing enter colitis (NEC), which is life threatening.

  • True
  • False

5. The symptoms of rectal itching, bleeding and soreness can be caused by diarrhea.

  • True
  • False

6. The symptom is blood-streaked stools in an infant less than 6 months who is on milk formula or breastfed by a mother who has intake of milk. This is likely:
Rectal cancer
Allergic colitis
Anal fissure

7. There is NO evidence to suggest that occupations that require prolonged periods of sitting predispose people to the development of rectal problems.

8. A loose stool that has bright red blood and is mixed with mucus may indicate Macke’s diverticulum.

9. Physical findings show early fissures appear as superficial erosions: more advanced lesions are linear or elliptical breaks in the skin: long-standing fissures are deep and Indurate: internal fissures are seen when examining finger Is withdrawn: sentinel tag may be visible at anal verge. These findings suggest:
Pilonidal disease
Perirectal abscess
Anal fissure
Prochtis / proctocolitis
Proctalgla fugax

10. The symptoms are pain in sacrum, superior to rectum: a history of sedentary occupation. Physical examination shows erythema. swelling over sacrum which can be fluctuant. This is probably:
Anal fissure
Proctalgia fugax
Perirectal abscess
Proctitis /proctocolitis
Pilonidal disease

Rectal Disorders MCQs
Rectal Disorders MCQs

11. Newborns with melena (black, tarry stool) and/or hematemesis may have a Vitamin A deficiency.

12. The symptoms are painless bleeding with stool in children ages 2 to 5 years. This is:
Allergic colitis
Necrotizing enter colitis (NEC)
Juvenile polyps

13. Physical examination shows polyp, internal or external mass, ulcers, veracious growths. Symptoms include feeling of a lump, usually painless; may or may not bleed. This is probably:
Cancer of rectum or anus
Anal fissure
Pruritus ani

14. Bleeding associated with defecation is characteristic of cancer of the rectum or anus.

15. The symptoms are bright red rectal bleeding with defecation or blood on stool: burning or itching. Physical examination shows bluish, skin-covered lumps. This is probably:
Pruritus ani
Rectal cancer
Anal flssure

16. The symptoms are colicky abdominal pain, with vomiting and currant jelly stools. Physical examination shows sausage-shaped massed that can be felt in abdomen. This is:
Allergic colitis
Rectal cancer
Juvenile polyps

17. Physical examination shows erythema. prostates and blood-streaked stools. There is local itching and pain. This is likely:
Pilonidal disease
Pen rectal abscess
Anal fissure
Penanal streptococcal
Proctalgia fugax

18. Melina stools are black and tarry, with an aroma, and usually come from the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

19. The symptoms are black or maroon stools in preschool children with painless gastrointestinal bleeding. This is likely:
Rectal cancer
Juvenile polyps
Meckers diverticulitis
Allergic colitis

20. More females than males experience pruritus ani.

21. Intense itching is likely due to hemorrhoids.

22. Physical examination shows pink or white warty lesions with papilliform surface: may extend into anal canal. There are few symptoms with small lesions: there is bleeding. discharge, itching, and pain with large lesions. This is likely:
Rectal cancer
Anal fissure
Condyloma acuminate

23. Bleeding from hemorrhoids occurs during defecation.

24. The symptoms are a sudden, severe, transient pain in the rectum often occurring at night: may be accompanied by sweating, pallor, tachycardia. Rectal examination is normal. This is probably:
Proctalgia tugax
Perirectal abscess
Anal fissure
Pilonldal disease
Proctitis / proctocolitis

Rectal Disorders Objective Questions and Answers Pdf Download