40 TOP REFRACTORY TECHNOLOGY Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. Which is not an alumino-silicate refractory?


2. Except __________ , all other refractories are bad conductors of electricity (i.e, have low electrical conductivity)


3. Spalling resistance of a refractory can not be increased by


4. Silica bricks are attacked by basic slags at high temperature. Which of the following is not used solely as a binding material?


5. Which of the following is not a neutral refractory ?


6. Fireclay refractories have


7. With increasing alumina content, the fusion point of high alumina refractories


8. Electrical resistor bars are made of


9. Refractoriness under load (RUL) is the most important property for the refractory bricks


10. Which is a basic refractory ?


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