300+ TOP Rehabilitation Therapy MCQs and Answers

Rehabilitation Therapy Multiple Choice Questions

1. A kyphosis is best treated by

A. Boston Brace
B. Milwaukee Brace
C. Jewett Brace
D. Chairback Brace

Answer: C

2. Milwaukee Brace is

A. Knee Orthosis
B. Ankle Foot Orthosis
C. Spinal Orthosis
D. Wrist Hand Orthosis

Answer: C

3. In Floor Reaction Orthosis, the footplate of AFO is

A. Set in Slight Planterflexion
B. Set in Slight Dorsiflexion
C. Set in Slight Eversion
D. Set in Slight Inversion

Answer: A

4. Knee joint is a

A. Syndesmosis
B. Fibrous joint
C. Synovial joint
D. Cartilaginous joint

Answer: C

5. Toe Raising device is indicated in

A. Hallux Valgus
B. Morton’s Metatarsalgia
C. Foot Drop
D. Talipes Equinus

Answer: C

6. Phantom pain is observed following

A. Clostridium botulinum injection
B. Amputation
C. Phenol block
D. Tenotomy procedure

Answer: B

7. Translumbar Amputee needs

A. Stubbies
B. Computer processed knee joints
C. Energy storing prosthetic foot
D. Colostomy + Distal sigmoid colon for urinary diversion

Answer: D

8. Stubbies are indicated in

A. Bilaterial Above Elbow Amputation
B. Bilaterial Below Elbow Amputation
C. Bilaterial Below Knee Amputation
D. Bilaterial Above Knee Amputation

Answer: D

9. Siris Silver Ring is indicated in

A. Mallet Finger
B. Boutonniere’s deformity
C. Trigger Finger
D. Z deformity of Thumb

Answer: B

10. Boutonnier’s deformity may be seen in

A. Ankylosing Spondylitis
B. Psoriatic Arthritis
C. Rheumatoid Arthritis
D. Scleroderma

Answer: C

1. A large toe box is given in

A. Pes Planus
B. Pes Cavus
C. Hammer Toe
D. Planter Fascitis

Answer: C

2. The part of shoe absent in CTEV boot is

A. Counter
B. Heel
C. Throat
D. Lace stay

Answer: B

3. The Orthosis given in De Quervain’s disease is

A. Thumb Spica Splint
B. Static Cockup Splint
C. Dynamic Cockup Splint
D. Wrist Hand Orthosis

Answer: A

4. Hyper extension of MCP joints and flexion of IP joints is referred as

A. Wrist drop deformity
B. Ape thumb deformity
C. Claw hand deformity
D. Intrinsic plus deformity

Answer: C

5. An aeroplane splint keeps shoulder

A. Abducted
B. Adducted
C. Extended
D. Internally rotated

Answer: A

6. Above elbow prosthesis is fitted with

A. Single control cable
B. Dual control cable
C. Multi-channel control cable
D. Automatic control cable

Answer: B

7. Reciprocating Gait Orthosis provides

A. Ipsilateral hip extension and knee flexion
B. Ipsilateral hip flexion and knee extension
C. Contralateral knee extension and ipsilateral knee flexion
D. Contralateral hip extension and ipsilateral hip flexion

Answer: D

8. The stump should be bandaged for

A. 6-8 weeks before prosthetic fitting
B. Stump bandaging is not necessary
C. 2-4 weeks before prosthetic fitting
D. 1-2 weeks before prosthetic fitting

Answer: A

9. Common prosthetic gait deviations in amputee are all except

A. Lateral trunk bend
B. Whips
C. Narrow walking base
D. Circumducted gait

Answer: C

10. Flexible below elbow hinges are best suited in

A. Very short below elbow stump
B. Short below elbow stump
C. Long below elbow stump
D. Krukenberg Amputation

Answer: C

1. Mallet Finger is

A. Flexed MP Joint
B. Flexed PIP Joint
C. Flexed DIP Joint
D. Extended MP Joint

Answer: C

2. Knuckle bender splint is indicated in

A. Wrist drop deformity
B. Foot drop deformity
C. Claw hand deformity
D. Intrinsic plus hand deformity

Answer: C

3. Frejka Pillow is indicated in

A. Congenital dislocation of hip
B. Anterior dislocation of shoulder
C. Subluxated knee
D. Cervical spondylosis

Answer: A

4. In Myo-Electric Prosthesis surface electrode is placed in

A. Prosthetic joint
B. Terminal device
C. Socket
D. Cable

Answer: C

5. Krukenberg amutation is

A. Partial foot amputation
B. Forearm amputation
C. Partial hand amputation
D. Transtibial amputation

Answer: B

6. The site for commonest limb amputation is

A. Above elbow
B. Below elbow
C. Below knee
D. Above knee

Answer: C

7. Dorrance Hook is

A. Voluntary opening hand prosthesis
B. Voluntary closing hand prosthesis
C. Battery operated closing hand prosthesis
D. Battery operated opening hand prosthesis

Answer: B

8. Cerebral palsy is

A. Lower motor neurone lesion
B. Upper motor neurone lesion
C. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
D. Autoimmune disease

Answer: B

9. Poliomyelitis is

A. Acute inflammatory polyradiculopathy
B. Upper motor neurone disease
C. Lower motor neurone disease
D. Autoimmune disease

Answer: C

10. Angle in Scoliotic Curve is best measured by

A. Perkin’s line
B. Hilgenriener’s line
C. Cobb’s angle
D. Shenton’s line

Answer: C

1. Swivel Orthosis is indicated in

A. Bilateral congenital dislocation of hip joint
B. Spina bifida with paraplegia
C. Residual polio with paraplegia
D. Bilateral perthes disease

Answer: B

2. An Airplane splint is

A. Hip Orthosis
B. Wrist Orthosis
C. Shoulder Orthosis
D. Elbow Orthosis

Answer: C

3. Which Spinal Brace is useful in Scoliosis?

A. Milwaukee Brace
B. Taylor’s Brace
C. ASH Brace
D. Lumbosacral Corset

Answer: A

4. Which Brace is given to restrict cervical spinal movement?

A. SOMI Brace
B. Hard Cervical Collar
C. Taylor’s Brace
D. Thomas Brace

Answer: A

5. Full Name of SACH Foot is

A. Straight Ankle Cushion Heel
B. Solid Ankle Cavus Heel
C. Straight Ankle Cavus Heel
D. Solid Ankle Cushion Heel

Answer: D

6. A Brace is prescribed in which stage of Polio?

A. Acute stage
B. Recovery stage
C. Residual stage
D. All of above

Answer: D

7. Posterior stop in AFO limits

A. Planterflexion
B. Dorsiflexion
C. Inversion
D. Eversion

Answer: A

8. In Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, the hip is kept in

A. Adduction with support of orthosis
B. Flexion with support of orthosis
C. Hyperabduction with support of orthosis
D. Extension with support of orthosis

Answer: C

9. Klenzack joint should not be used

A. in presence of flaccidity
B. in presence of prosthetic foot
C. in presence of sensory loss
D. in presence of spasticity

Answer: D

10. Bowden Control Cable is seen in

A. Suction socket prosthesis
B. Below elbow prosthesis
C. Above elbow prosthesis
D. Muenster prosthesis

Answer: B

1. Genu recurvatum may get relief with

B. Arch support
C. Crooked and elongated heel
D. Swedish knee cage

Answer: D

2. Solid AFo is indicated in

A. Mediolateral stability of foot
B. Severe ankle clonus
C. Flail foot
D. Flat foot

Answer: B

3. Othotic knee joint for Genu Recurvatum is

A. Dial lock
B. Bail lock
C. Drop lock
D. Offset joint

Answer: D

4. Reciprocal gait orthoses may be indicated in patient with

A. Quadriplegia
B. Paraplegia
C. Hemiplegia
D. Bilateral foot drop

Answer: B

5. Klenzack joint is

A. Planter flexion assist
B. Dorsi flexion assist
C. Hydraulic joint
D. Pneumatic joint

Answer: B

6. Charlston Bending Brace is indicated in

A. Scoliotic spine in children
B. Kyphotic spine in children
C. Kyphoscoliotic spine in children
D. Paralytic spine in children

Answer: A

7. Meralgia paresthetica is involvement of

A. Obturator nerve
B. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
C. Femoral nerve
D. Lateral popliteal nerve

Answer: B

8. An example of three post collar is

A. SOMI Brace
B. Milwaukee Brace
C. Taylor’s Brace
D. Thomas Brace

Answer: A

9. Chairback Orthosis

A. Lumbosacral Flexion Extension Control Orthosis
B. Thoracolumbosacral Flexion Extension Control Orthosis
C. Lumbosacral Flexion Control Orthosis
D. Thoracolumbosacral Flexion Extension Lateral Control Orthosis

Answer: A

10. Knight Taylor’s Brace is

A. Knee Orthosis
B. Hand Orthosis
C. Spinal Orthosis
D. Foot Orthosis

Answer: C

1. Denis Brown Splint is indicated in

A. Calcaneal Spur
B. Hallux Valgus
C. Hammer Toe
D. Talipes

Answer: D

2. Syme’s Prosthes is

A. a suction socket prosthesis
B. a transfemoral prosthesis
C. a hemipelvectomy prosthesis
D. a below knee prosthesis

Answer: D

3. Chopart’s amputation is

A. Forearm amputation
B. Translumbar amputation
C. Partial hand amputation
D. Partial foot amputation

Answer: D

4. Forequarter amputation is

A. Above the level of elbow joint
B. Above the level of shoulder joint
C. Just below the level of shoulder joint
D. Just below the level of elbow joint

Answer: B

5. Whip during stance phase is

A. Sudden abrupt rotation of prosthetic foot
B. Sudden locking of prosthetic foot
C. Uneven rise of hip on amputee gait
D. Abducted gait of amputee limb

Answer: A

6. Risser’s sign is to be seen while prescribing

A. Chairback Brace
B. Milwaukee Brace
C. SOMI Brace
D. Thomas Brace

Answer: B

7. Energy expenditure in BK amputee compared to AK Amputee is always

A. greater
B. lesser
C. depends on length of the stump
D. equal

Answer: B

8. Suction Socket Prosthesis may be given in

A. Above elbow prosthesis
B. Below elbow prosthesis
C. Above knee prosthesis
D. Below knee prosthesis

Answer: C

9. Reciprocating Gait Orthosis is a

A. Hip knee guided orthosis
B. Hip guided orthosis
C. Hip knee ankle guided orthosis
D. Hip ankle guided orthosis

Answer: B

10. The Medial wall of Quadrilateral Socket is

A. Straight
B. Inclined
C. Triangular
D. Oval

Answer: A

1. Pavlik Harness is indicated in

A. Wrist drop
B. Foot drop
C. Anterior dislocation of shoulder
D. Congenital dislocation of hip

Answer: D

2. The Thoracic band of Chairback Orthosis is placed

A. Over body of Sternum
B. Level of Xiphisternum
C. Level of Spine of Scapula
D. Just below Scapula

Answer: D

3. Talipes shoe

A. has inner straight border only
B. raised inner border
C. has both inner and outer border straight
D. has outer straight border only

Answer: A

4. Jewett Brace is

A. Flexion Control Thoracolumbosacral Orthoses
B. Flexion Extension Control Lumbosacral Orthoses
C. Flexion Extension Control Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis
D. Flexion Extension Lateral Control Lumbosacral Orthoses

Answer: A

5. Vannini-Rizzoli Stabilizing Boots has anterior strap

A. located just above the knee
B. located just above the ankle
C. located just below the ankle
D. located just below the knee

Answer: D

6. In Stump Bandaging, the maximum pressure is at the

A. Inner side
B. Outer side
C. Proximal end
D. Terminal end

Answer: D

7. Boots with raised heel is indicated in

A. Genu Varum
B. Genu Recurvatum
C. Genu Valgum
D. Flexion Contracture Knee

Answer: B

8. Lisfranc’s Amputation is through

A. Tarsometatarsal level
B. Midtarsal level
C. Calcaneal level
D. Tibial supramalleolar level

Answer: A

9. Abduction gait while walking with lower limb bracing is

A. Due to pressure in perineum
B. Due to too short brace
C. Due to loose fitting shoe
D. Due to quadriceps weakness

Answer: A

10. Energy storing foot

A. is orthotic device
B. is electric operated device
C. is prosthetic cum orthotic device
D. is prosthetic device

Answer: D

1. PTB Prosthesis is indicated in

A. Above knee amputation
B. Below knee amputation
C. Above elbow amputation
D. Below elbow amputation

Answer: B

2. Muenster Prosthesis

A. Below knee amputation
B. Above knee amputation
C. Above elbow amputation
D. Below elbow amputation

Answer: D

3. Above knee prosthesis has a

A. Oval socket
B. Hexagonal socket
C. Triangular socket
D. Quadrilateral socket

Answer: D

4. Craig Scott Orthosis is fitted with

A. Offset knee joint
B. Drop lock knee joint
C. Klenzack joint
D. Bail lock

Answer: D

5. Metatarsal bar is fitted in

A. Opponens splint
B. Knucle bender splint
C. Shoe modifications
D. Lumbosacral coarset

Answer: C

6. SACH Foot is

A. Energy storing foot
B. Modification in foot orthosis
C. Prosthetic foot with ankle joint
D. Prosthetic foot without ankle joint

Answer: D

7. Boston Brace is

A. Knee Orthosis
B. Under Arm Orthosis
C. Lumbosacral Orthosis
D. Cervical Orthosis

Answer: B

8. Minerva Orthosis

A. encircles the forehead
B. encircles the shoulders
C. encircles the cervical region
D. encircles the occipitoparietal area of skull

Answer: A

9. Parpodium is useful for children suffering from

A. Spina Bifida with Paraplegia
B. Traumatic Paraplegia
C. Traumatic Quadriplegia
D. Cerebral Palsy

Answer: A

10. Trilateral Orthosis is suited in

A. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
B. Congenital dislocation of hip
C. Genu Valgum following ricket
D. Genu Varum following ricket

Answer: A

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