300+ TOP Mormons Quiz Questions and Answers MCQs

1. Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
A. Asael Smith
B. Joseph Smith
C. Alfred Cummings
D. James Buchanan

2. When was the Book of Mormon published?
A. 1834
B. 1832
C. 1830
D. 1826

3. Which city did Joseph Smith found?
A. Nauvoo
B. Detroit
C. Kirthland
D. Carthage

4. What was the original title of Doctrine and Covenants?
A. Prayer of Manasseh
B. Book of Abraham
C. Pearl of Great Price
D. Book of Commandments

5. Who succeeded Joseph Smith as president of Mormons?
A. Emma Hale
B. Brigham Young
C. William Bickerton
D. David Whitmer

6. Who wanted to succeed Joseph Smith as president of Mormons, was denounced as imposter and forger and expelled?
A. John Taylor
B. Martin Harris
C. Jesse James Strang
D. William R. King

7. When was Mountain Meadows Massacre?
A. 1850
B. 1842
C. 1854
D. 1857

8. Who announced abandonment of polygamy for Mormons in USA in 1830?
A. Wilford Woodruff
B. Wallace B. Smith
C. W. Grant McMurray
D. Sidney Rigdon

9. When did the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints change its name to Community of Christ?
A. 2001
B. 1996
C. 2004
D. 1994

10. Who was the Mormon to seek Republican Party nomination for USA presidential election 2008?
A. Michael Dale Huckabee
B. John McCain
C. Willard Mitt Romney
D. Fred Thompson

Mormons Quiz Answers

1. Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
B. Joseph Smith

2. When was the Book of Mormon published?
C. 1830

3. Which city did Joseph Smith found?
A. Nauvoo

4. What was the original title of Doctrine and Covenants?
D. Book of Commandments

5. Who succeeded Joseph Smith as president of Mormons?
B. Brigham Young

6. Who wanted to succeed Joseph Smith as president of Mormons, was denounced as imposter and forger and expelled?
C. Jesse James Strang

7. When was Mountain Meadows Massacre?
D. 1857

8. Who announced abandonment of polygamy for Mormons in USA in 1830?
A. Wilford Woodruff

9. When did the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints change its name to Community of Christ?
A. 2001

10. Who was the Mormon to seek Republican Party nomination for USA presidential election 2008?
C. Willard Mitt Romney

Originally posted 2016-07-26 21:53:11.

300+ TOP Quakers Quiz Questions and Answers MCQs

1. Who founded the Society of Friends?
A. George Fox
B. John Woolman
C. Ezra Cornell
D. Herbert Hoover

2. Which is the distinctive theme of Quakers?
A. Nauvoo
B. Detroit
C. Kirthland
D. Inward Light

3. When was Quaker Act passed?
A. 1652
B. 1646
C. 1662
D. 1636

4. Who wrote Apology for the True Christian Divinity?
A. James Nayler
B. Robert Barclay
C. William Dewsbury
D. Edward Burrough

5. Where did the Quakers establish their most successful colony?
A. Alaska
B. Texas
C. Oregon
D. Pennsylvania

6. Who wrote Observations on the Slavery of Africans and Their Descendants?
A. James Carter
B. Richard Farnworth
C. Elias Hicks
D. William Penn

7. Of which state was Stephen Hopkins, a Quaker disowned for not freeing his slave, was governor?
A. New York
B. Rhode Island
C. Alabama
D. Louisiana

8. When did American Friends Service Committee and Friends Service Council win Nobel Peace Prize?
A. 1918
B. 1936
C. 1947
D. 1964

9. Who of the following American presidents was a Quaker?
A. James Carter
B. Richard Nixon
C. Gerald Ford
D. Ronald Reagan

10. Which group of Quakers formed Friends General Conference?
A. Gurneyites
B. Hicksites
C. Wilburites
D. Woolmanites

Quakers Quiz Answers

1. Who founded the Society of Friends?
A. George Fox

2. Which is the distinctive theme of Quakers?
D. Inward Light

3. When was Quaker Act passed?
C. 1662

4. Who wrote Apology for the True Christian Divinity?
B. Robert Barclay

5. Where did the Quakers establish their most successful colony?
D. Pennsylvania

6. Who wrote Observations on the Slavery of Africans and Their Descendants?
C. Elias Hicks

7. Of which state was Stephen Hopkins, a Quaker disowned for not freeing his slave, was governor?
B. Rhode Island

8. When did American Friends Service Committee and Friends Service Council win Nobel Peace Prize?
C. 1947

9. Who of the following American presidents was a Quaker?
B. Richard Nixon

10. Which group of Quakers formed Friends General Conference?
B. Hicksites

Originally posted 2017-02-24 22:32:49.