300+ TOP Western Political Thoughts MCQs and Answers

Western Political Thoughts Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the life span of Jeremy Bentham?

A. 1673-1745
B. 1740-1807
C. 1773-1840
D. 1748-1832

Answer: D. 1748-1832

2. James Mill was the staunch advocate of a legitimate form of government through

A. Liberal Democracy
B. Classical liberal principles
C. Participative democracy
D. Parliamentary democracy

Answer: C. Participative democracy

3. When did Adam Smith publish his famous book “Wealth of Nations”?

A. 1774
B. 1775
C. 1776
D. 1777

Answer: C. 1776

4. Jeremy Bentham was the founder of new liberal doctrine, now known as?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Naturalism
C. Classicism
D. Romanticism

Answer: C. Classicism

5. Utilitarian Political thoughts were developed by

A. James Mills
B. Jeremy Bentham
C. Edmund Burke
D. de Maître

Answer: A. James Mills

6. “An introduction to the Principles of Moral and Legislation” was the book published in 1789, written by

A. Rousseau
B. James Mills
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. None of them

Answer: B. James Mills

7. Adam Smith’s life span was

A. 1720-1787
B. 1723-1790
C. 1719-1786
D. 1724-1789

Answer: B. 1723-1790

8. Herbert Spencer was the British thinker who evaluated

A. Neoliberalism
B. Classical Liberalism
C. Humanism
D. Post Modernism

Answer: B. Classical Liberalism

9. Herbert Spencer philosophy is known as

A. Darwinian Natural Selection
B. Darwinian Naturalism
C. Darwinian Selection
D. Social Darwinianism

Answer: D. Social Darwinianism

10. Alexis de Tocqueville was a

A. British Liberal Philosopher
B. French Liberal Philosopher
C. British Aristocrat
D. French Aristocrat

Answer: D. French Aristocrat

11. “Democracy in America” was written by Tocqueville in

A. 1831
B. 1833
C. 1835
D. 1837

Answer: B. 1833

12. Alexis de Tocqueville was born in

A. 1802
B. 1803
C. 1804
D. 1805

Answer: C. 1804

13. Famous liberal theorist J.S. Mill was a

A. Utilitarian
B. Moderate Economist
C. Theorist
D. None of these

Answer: A. Utilitarian

14. Study of Romantic Poetry reminded J.S. Mill that utilitarian philosopher was lacking in

A. Moral terms
B. Economic terms
C. Human terms
D. Social terms

Answer: C. Human terms

15. J.S. Mills is best known for his essay

A. On Liberty
B. Utilitarianism
C. The Principles
D. Progress

Answer: A. On Liberty

16. Who has coined the term “Intellectual Elites”?

A. James Mill
B. J.S. Mill
C. David Hume
D. None of these

Answer: B. J.S. Mill

17. Famous British thinker T.H. Green was an

A. An economist
B. An academician
C. A political activist
D. An intellectual

Answer: B. An academician

18. T.H. Green and his followers laid the foundations of

A. Modern Democracy
B. Modern Philosophy
C. Modern Liberalism
D. Neoconservatism

Answer: C. Modern Liberalism

19. “Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligations” was the work written by

A. Hegel
B. David Hume
C. T.H. Green
D. James Mill

Answer: C. T.H. Green

20. Karl Marx was born to a middle-class family in Prussia in

A. 1817
B. 1818
C. 1819
D. 1820

Answer: B. 1818

21. When Marx moved to Paris in 1834, it was the Centre of ?

A. Socialist Movement
B. Socialist Republic
C. Socialist Circle
D. Social Democracy

Answer: A. Socialist Movement

22. When Marx was forced to leave Paris because of his radical views in

A. 1845
B. 1841
C. 1843
D. 1850

Answer: A. 1845

23. Marx produced his economic work “Das Capital” in 1894 when its Volume-1 published. Volume II and III were brought out by

A. Hegel
B. Angeles
C. Marx and Angeles
D. Marx

Answer: B. Angeles

24. Marx and Angeles co-authored “The German Ideology” in the year

A. 1846
B. 1840
C. 1860
D. 1855

Answer: A. 1846

25. “The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts” were written by Marx in the year

A. 1844
B. 1843
C. 1850
D. 1851

Answer: A. 1844

26. The period from John Locke to the beginning of the 19th Century is called

A. Age of Discovery
B. Renaissance
C. Enlightenment
D. Romanticism

Answer: C. Enlightenment

27. The period before Alexander the Great’s death in 323 B.C to the middle of the 2nd Century B.C. is called

A. Classical
B. Hellenic
C. Neoclassical
D. Dark Ages

Answer: C. Neoclassical

28. The form of government based upon an extensive franchise and protection of basic rights and liberties is called

A. Nominalism
B. Linguistics
C. Ethnicity
D. Nationalism

Answer: A. Nominalism

29. Who is considered to be the recent modern political thinker out of these four philosophers?

A. Plato
B. David Hume
C. Hobbes
D. J.S. Mill

Answer: B. David Hume

30. Hume’s utilitarianism was directed against the whole natural law tradition of

A. Political Discourse
B. Social Discourse
C. Economic Discourse
D. Ethical Discourse

Answer: D. Ethical Discourse

31. The theory asserting that truth is a function of language is called

A. Nominalism
B. Linguistics
C. Ethnicity
D. Nationalism

Answer: A. Nominalism

32. Machiavelli rejected the whole classical heritage at a deeper

A. Meta Physical level
B. Epistemological level
C. Metaphysical and empirical levels
D. Metaphysical and Epistemological levels

Answer: D. Metaphysical and Epistemological levels

33. Machiavelli rejected the whole classical heritage at a deeper

A. Meta Physical level
B. Epistemological level
C. Metaphysical and empirical levels
D. Metaphysical and Epistemological levels

Answer: D. Metaphysical and Epistemological levels

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