23 TOP CELL BIOLOGY LAB VIVA Questions and Answers

CELL BIOLOGY LAB VIVA Questions and Answers :-

1. Draw Golgi apparatus and label its parts.

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2. What are G proteins? Name two important functions of G proteins.

3. Write short notes on cytoplasmic matrix.

4. Draw a diagram to explain the processes of endocytosis and exocytosis.

5.Differentiate symport and antiport.

6.Define terms differentiation and proliferation.

7.What is contamination? Name the types of microbial contamination.

8. Schematically represent the steps involved in isolation of cells from tissue.

9.What is calmodulin and cyclins.

10. What is a monolayer culture? List the disadvantages of monolayer culture over 3D cultures and continuous cell lines.

11. What are primary cultures? Explain in detail the method of collagen gel cultures and what are its main advantages over monolayer cultures.

12. How can a stock culture maintained?

13. Explain explant culture.
14. What are receptors? Name the different types of receptors. Explain in detail how the cytoplasmic receptors function with examples.

15. How will you identify, purify and characterize a receptor?

16. After the binding of a ligand to the plasma membrane receptor, describe in detail how the message is conveyed to the nucleus after the activation of Inositol triphosphates.

17. Describe in detail the various steps involved in the activation of G proteins and explain how it conveys the message to the next transducer. Also explain what happens next after cAMP is produced in the cell.

18. Discuss in detain about generation of cell lines.

19. What are the steps followed in plant tissue culture techniques?

20. Describe what is meant by contamination in cell cultures.

21. What are the methods to detect and prevent contamination?

22. What are the differences between permeases and pumps? Explain with example how glucose is transported across cell membrane.

23. What is meant by active and passive transport? Explain each with an example.

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