40 TOP Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. Which one is true for a throttling process ?


2. A solute distributes itself between two non-miscible solvents in contact with each other in such a way that, at a constant temperature, the ratio of its concentrations in two layers is constant, irrespective of its total amount”. This is


3. One mole of nitrogen at 8 bar and 600 K is contained in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It is brought to 1 bar isothermally against a resisting pressure of 1 bar. The work done (in Joules) by the gas is


4. A solid is transformed into vapour without going to the liquid phase at


5. For spontaneous changes in an isolated system (S = entropy)


6. Enthalpy changes over a constant pressure path are always zero for __________ gas


7. For organic compounds, group contribution method can be used for the estimation of


8. The work done in isothermal compression compared to that in adiabatic compression will be


9. First law of thermodynamics deals with the


10. When liquid and vapour phases of one component system are in equilibrium (at a given temperature and pressure), the molar free energy is


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