[Chemistry Class Notes] on Classification of Drugs Pdf for Exam

The term “classification” refers to the process of classifying drugs on the basis of their similarity. It is based on the price of the drug and the risk of misuse, for example. Schedules are prescription drug regimens.

Drugs are chemical substances that when taken, change the way the body works, physically or mentally or both. Low-molecular-weight drugs interact with macromolecule targets and produce appropriate biological responses. Drugs are foods that produce beneficial biological and therapeutic responses.

Antibiotics are used to fight infections in the human body. Because of their low toxicity to humans and animals, they are often hired. Although some antibiotics have been used before, the great success in antibacterial therapy was due to the discovery of Alexander Fleming’s antibacterial activity of the Penicillium fungus in 1929.

However, if these drugs are used in large doses with or without a prescription, they can have serious side effects. As millions of drugs have been identified so far, proper segregation is important. Drugs are divided into several categories depending on their therapeutic activity, biological responses, and chemical properties.

The following factors can be used to classify drugs into categories:

  1. Effects Pharmacologically  – Medicinal actions of drugs are classified based on how they affect our bodies. Antacids reduce stomach acid, analgesics relieve pain, antiseptics kill germs, and so on.

  2. Chemical Composition– Drugs are classified into different classes based on their common chemicals. Chemical factors are determined by chemical properties, functional groups, and other factors. Drugs with similar chemical properties often have similar effects on the body. Sulfonamides, barbiturates, and other similar drugs are examples.

  3. Drug Action – Drugs are also classified according to how they work in the target cell and how they affect our bodies. Antihistamines, for example, are used to block the activities of histamine, which causes inflammation in the body.

  4. Molecular Level Objectives – Proteins, carbs, and other macronutrients are targeted at several drugs. Drugs with similar properties usually target the same substances in our bodies and produce similar responses.

Drug interactions are the process of finding a drug in a specific area that causes it to change its function. Ion channels, nuclear receptors, G-protein coupled receptors, and enzymes are the major biological targets in our bodies.

Drugs compete with the enzyme by blocking the active site, or by binding to a different active site but altering the structure of the active site. The drug inhibits the activity of the enzyme in this way, leading to the desired pharmacological effects which help in treating the disorder.

Based on the Drug Effect on the Body, Drugs are Divided into Different Categories

  1. Antacid – Hydrochloric acid is found in our stomach and protects it from foreign particles. However, high levels of this acid can cause a variety of health problems. As a result, we need antacid drugs. Antacids provide immediate relief from stomach acid, causing indigestion, depression, and heartburn.

  2. The nerve – Activating drugs change the way the message travels from the artery to the recipient.

  3. Tranquilizers have a cooling effect and help relieve physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety, tension, impatience, or fear, and produce a sense of well-being. Medications are intended for use only for the short or medium term.

  4. Analgesics – Analgesics are a group of drugs that help people get ‘analgesia,’ or relieve pain. They are also known as analgesics.

  5. Antihistamines are a class of drugs that deal with many of the symptoms of allergies. People who are allergic to pollen and other allergies are the most likely to use them.

  6. Calcium Channel Blockers – Calcium channel blockers are medicines for blood pressure. Calcium transfer to the walls of blood vessels is delayed, making it easier for the heart to pump and dilate blood vessels. As a result, the heart does not have to work hard to pump blood, and blood pressure drops.

Drug Effects

  1. Drugs have a detrimental effect on our central nervous system.

  2. Some medicines are very harmful to the lungs, blood pressure and other organs.

  3. When a large dose of a drug is taken, it creates dose-related toxicity.

  4. Drugs cause long-term problems in our bodies.

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