[Chemistry Class Notes] Forms of Water Pdf for Exam

Can you imagine your life without water? If your answer is no, then can you at least imagine a day without water? Still, your answer is no!! yeah because as soon as you wake up you start using water. Water is one of our basic needs. It is a necessity for human survival and civilization. Human existence is possible on earth as it has a large amount of water. If you observe a globe, you will find a large area that is blue in colour which indicates the presence of water there. About 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Even 70% of our body is made up of water. These facts clearly describe the importance of water for the existence of ecosystems. Basically, water exists in three forms on earth and its atmosphere. Those three forms of water are as follows –

  • Water in Solid Form (Ice)

  • Water in Liquid Form (Rain)

  • Water in Vapor Form (Steam)


In this article, we shall be discussing in detail the concepts of forms of water. 

Water in Solid Form 

On earth, water is found in solid form as ice caps, glaciers, snow, etc. a very small quantity of water is present in the form of solid water on earth. The solid form of water accounts for only approximately 2% of total water. Glaciers contain almost 68% of freshwater which makes them the main source of usable water. Although most of the glacial lakes are in very inhospitable regions. 

Water in Liquid Form 

A large portion of the total water on earth is present in liquid form. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, rain, and groundwater are the main source of the liquid form of water. Oceans contain 96.5% of the total liquid form of water. Water present in oceans and seas is very saline in nature. This is the reason it is not of much use for human beings. On average 1kg of seawater contains 34 grams of salts. Different lakes, rivers contain freshwater which we can use for drinking purposes. Freshwater is very unevenly distributed on earth. Fresh water in liquid form is present at 87% in lakes, 11% in swamps, and only 2% in rivers. Out of these, river water is highly valuable for human beings. 

Water in Vapour Form 

Water is present in vapour form in very small quantities. The main sources of vapour form of water are vapour present in the atmosphere, clouds, soil moisture, etc. water is present in vapour form mainly in the troposphere. The amount of vapour in air varies according to the temperature and density of the air. Thus, water is present in mainly three states – solid, liquid, and gas or vapour. All different forms of water or types of water such as tap water, mineral water, spring water, well water, etc. exist in either liquid, solid or gaseous form. 

Water Cycle 

The water cycle clearly explains the relationship between all three forms of water and the continuous movement of water on earth and its atmosphere. It is also known as the hydrological cycle. Mass of total amount of water remains almost constant on earth although the distribution of water in various sources of the earth depends upon the climate of different regions of the earth. 


Learn more about the process water cycle from the below-mentioned diagram – 




Water present in oceans, seas, soil, rivers, lakes, and plants evaporates by the heat of the sun. Due to the lower temperature of the atmosphere of the earth water vapor condenses and forms water droplets. These water droplets get combined due to hydrogen bonding between water molecules and become heavier. Due to heavy water content in clouds precipitation occurs. Which results in rain or snow. Rainwater flows on earth and goes into seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, soil, etc. Plants use water for photosynthesis and transpiration takes place in them. Groundwater also gets replenished by rainwater. 


This was brief about different forms of water and their interconnection through the water cycle. If you want to know the chemical aspect of water and its different forms then register yourself on or download the learning app for classes 6-10, IIT JEE, and NEET.

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