[Commerce Class Notes] on Barriers in Communication Pdf for Exam

Several communication barriers in the workplace tend to manipulate the message that passes from sender to receiver. It leads to conflict among organizational members. Managers often cite that failure of communication is one of the significant issues in the organization. However, communication issues are often signs of long-standing problems. For example, an organization structure designed poorly may not communicate organizational goals. Imprecise performance benchmarks may leave managers unsure of what is expected from them. However, a responsible manager will look for the causes of barriers in communication rather than just dealing with the symptoms. Barriers in communication can exist in the sender, in the transmission of messages, in the receiver, or in the feedback. Read the article below to understand nine common barriers to effective communication.


What is Communication?

Communication is crucial to the existence and survival of humans as well as an individual. In other words, communication is the exchange of information between two entities. Every action of ours can be seen as a means to communicate. This exchange is not necessarily in words only. It could be a gesture like a raised eyebrow or waving to a friend when you spot them in a crowd. Communication means sharing something with another person or a group of people.

What are Communication Barriers?

A communication barrier is anything that comes in the way of receiving and understanding messages that one sends to another to convey his ideas, thoughts, or any other kind of information. These various barriers of communication block or interfere with the message that someone is trying to send. There are numerous barriers to effective communication that can come in the way. It happens because the message sent by the sender might not be understood exactly as it is meant to be. It can get distorted during the communication exchange. These different types of communication barriers can come at any stage in the process of communication. It can come because of the bias or stereotyping and generalization that exists in the workplace.

9 Common Effective Barriers to Effective Communication

A skilled communicator  needs to have information about the different types of barriers to effective communication and try to prevent them. These barriers to effective communication can be overcome by active listening, reflection, etc. The communicator must seek feedback from the receiver of the information to check if the message was understood in its true sense. Listed below are some of the common barriers to effective communication.

  1. Using Jargon:

If one uses unfamiliar terms or over-complicated technical terms, it could not be understood well.

  1. Lack of Attention or Interest:

If the message is irrelevant to the receiver or there are distractions around (like others speaking at the same time) then the message might not be communicated properly.

  1. Perception Difference:

If two people see things differently  then their viewpoints might come in the way of deciphering the message correctly.

  1. Physical Disabilities:

If the receiver has hearing problems, or the speaker has speech disabilities, then communication will not be effective. It will distort the message.

  1. Emotional Barriers:

Sensitive topics make it difficult for the speaker or the receiver to engage properly in the communication exchange. It could also be that some people are not comfortable expressing themselves; hence their words might not reflect the true meaning of what they want to convey. Topics that may be taboo or off-limits for some people are politics, religion, mental or physical disabilities, racism, sexuality, and any other unpopular options.

  1. The Difference in Culture:

Social interactions have different norms in different cultures. For example, the idea of space exists in some cultures and social settings but not in the same form in others. These cultural differences could prevent effective communication.

  1. Physical Barriers to Communication:

A face-to-face communication has a lot of parts to the communication than just the words. Facial expressions, body language, gestures, etc. are also involved in the whole communication process. If you can’t see the person, then some messages might get lost. Text messages, phone calls, etc. are some of the technological ways of communicating which lack the effect of a personal meeting.

  1. Language Difference:

The difference in dialects of different regions or unfamiliar accents can make it difficult to understand the message sent.

  1. Prejudices:

Most people have preconceived notions about many things; hence they hear only what they want to listen to, not what is being said. These false assumptions and stereotyping lead to barriers in communication.

How to Overcome Barriers to Effective Communication?

Following are the different measures to overcome effective communication:

  • Ideas should be Clear before Communication

The person sending the message should have clear ideas in his mind about what he wants to convey. He should know the objective of the message and accordingly, he should arrange his thoughts in a systematized way.

  • Sender should Communicate According to the Receiver’s Needs

The sender should frame the structure of the message not according to his own level or ability but should keep in mind the level, understanding, and environment of the receiver.

  • Consult Others before Communication

During Communication planning, suggestions should be invited from all the concerned persons. Its main benefit is that all those people who are involved in the communication planning will contribute to the success of the communication system.

  • Be Aware of the Tone, Content, and Language of the Message

The sender should consider that the message should be transmitted in a clear, precise, and easy language. The tone of the message should not hurt the feeling of the receiver. Hence, try to formulate the content of the message in brief and ensure to avoid technical words.

  • Convey Things that is Helpful to Listener

The content of the message should be helpful and valuable to the receiver. The need and interest of the receiver should be kept in mind before communicating. Communication becomes more effective in such situations.

  • Ensure to getting Proper Feedback 

The aim of getting feedback is to find whether the receiver has properly understood the meaning of the message received. While communicating face to face, the reaction on the face of the receiver can be easily understood.

  • Message should be Consistent

The message sent to the receiver should not be inconsistent.  The information transferred should be in accordance with the objective, programs, policies, and techniques of the organization. When a new message is sent in place of the old message, a sender should always mention it as it will create confusion.

To make the communication effective, the manager should attempt to know the weakness of the communication system. In this condition, effort should be made to know whether it is appropriate to focus more on formal communication or informal communication.

Both sender and receiver must be good listeners in the communication process. Both should understand each other’s points of view with patience, attention, and a positive attitude. A receiver can receive much relevant information if he is a good listener.

What are the Different Ways of Improving Communication?

The different ways of improving communication are:

  • To be a good communicator, the foremost step is to communicate well.

  • Have a positive attitude about communication

  • Constantly work at improving communication skills

  • Help managers and employees to improve their communication skills by making them understand their barriers.

  • Consider the effects of miscommunications

  • Always try to use assertive and active voice while communicating.

  • When you are being communicated to, list down the important points in communication. This is the most effective way to ensure that there is no miscommunication.

  • Try to speak in the right tone as most miscommunication happens because either of the parties involved was not speaking in the right tone.

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