[Commerce Class Notes] on Elements of Directing Pdf for Exam

In the Study of Management, one of the important aspects of Managing the whole organization is ‘Directing’. Without Directing, planning, organization, staffing will not be effective. Directing helps the employees of the organizations to be guided in a particular direction.

In this content, we will talk about this aspect of Management, which helps the overall organization to remain focused on the goal. Else, without Direction the whole organization will be a non-arranged group of people working together. Students are guided in the details of this content as this element is quite an important one.

What is the Meaning of Direction?

For a layman, direction will mean the technique or the process of guiding, instructing, leading people to achieve a predetermined motive. 

In Managerial terms, Directing is a process where the managers instruct, guide and oversee the fellow employees in his team. Leading their way towards the accomplishment of organizational goals, and this goes on throughout the life of the organization. 

Direction is said to ‘Initiate the Action’. Direction is where the actual action starts. This aspect of management includes the human factor basically, this provides guidance to the workforce. 

According to Human, “Directing consists of a process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out as originally planned”. Hence, we can say that, Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people towards accomplishment of organizational goals.

Technique of Directing

Direction in the organization is to be implemented in a methodical way. Various Techniques are used that prove good when used as Direction in the organization.

Let us now discuss the various techniques used in the process of Direction:

1. Consultative Direction: Here the superiors in the organization system consults the decisions with their subordinates or team members, before implementing it or putting it into action.

2. Free-Rein Direction: In this type of Direction, the educated and experienced subordinates take decisions on their own. Decisions are relied on and they also take the accountability of the decision. 

3. Autocratic Direction: Here the superior clearly sets the directions and gives precise orders to the subordinates to accomplish a predetermined goal. He does not take the suggestions or viewpoints of the subordinates.

4. Supervision: Supervision is only overseeing the subordinates at work. He gives a clear-cut instruction about the work. Skills, group togetherness and coordination affect the direction of supervision.

5. Motivation: In this type, the direction does not only limit till giving orders or instructions, it is rather a force that creates a burning desire among the subordinates to perform the task. Motivation is the driving energy that keeps the subordinates interested in the work, this can also be fulfilled by offering them incentives.

Elements of Directing

Direction includes elements that affect the factor. We will further talk in brief about the elements of motivation. The elements are discussed as under –

1. Motivation: Motivation is said to be the positive force that compels one to do a set work. It is a way to initiate action among the subordinates to a defined goal. Motivation is actually the ‘stimulus to achieve the goal’. Motivation hits the mental process, the attitude that gives rise to physical action which will result in the accomplishment of a goal.   

2. Communication: Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another. In the directing process, communication is a must in a group. It should be checked mandatorily that there happens to be effective communication that will help the form at the organizational level. As communication, will only initiate a direction. To complete the circuit of communication, a single person cannot fulfill it, he needs his fellow teammates to cooperate. 

3. Leadership: Leadership is not about directing or giving orders, it is about the influence. The characteristics a leader possesses must influence the group positively and hence this element is one of the chief criteria for direction.

Directing in Management

Any institute, organization or firm needs management. Hence Management is to be issued using a distinct directional process. To understand Directing in Management, we include the following points in our discussion –

1. Pervasive Function: Directing is an all-round function. Every level of managers provides the subordinates with guidance to complete the work.

2. Continuous Activity: Throughout the existence of an organization, direction is automatic.

3. Human Factor: To fulfill the sphere of Direction, human factor is the basic factor required. Humans are engaged in delivering the instructions as well as in following those delivered instructions.  

4. Creative Activity: Direction instills creativity. Direction makes things happen else the organization will be without any work.

5. Executive Function: Direction initiates the workforce to work towards a defined goal, and thus it is said to be an executive function.

6. Delegate Function: Direction is a delegative function, while the superiors delegate responsibilities to their subordinates they fulfill the direction.

Importance of Directing in Management  

Like planning, organizing, and controlling, directing is also an important tool for managers. All the activities in an organization start with directing in order to achieve the common organizational objective. With directing, managers can instruct and guide their team members on how to perform a particular task. Read the following points to understand the importance of directing in management: 

1. Provides Balance and Stability: Managers have to work with their team members to achieve organizational objectives. However, sometimes individual goals can cause conflicts among employees and the management. With direction, managers can acknowledge the efforts of their employees with rewards and recognition. This way, employees can achieve their individual goals as well as the organizational objectives. 

2. Improves Efficiency: With direction, managers can motivate and encourage employees to work more efficiently to achieve a common objective. With motivation, people work to the best of their abilities, which improves the overall efficiency of the team. 

3. Improves Communication: Direction encourages effective communication between the employees and the management. It ensures free flow of communication in the company, which avoids errors and mistakes that restricts the company from achieving its goals.

4. Creates Flexibility: The direction function allows the organization to cope with the changing situations through leadership and communication. For example, if there is a change in the use of technology, the production process will change too. With effective directing, managers will be able to deal with these changes and improve the efficiency of operations. Sometimes, employees are against the changes that take place in the company. Managers can talk to them about their issue and help them adapt to the change. 

5. Integrates Employee Efforts: In an organization, the performance of an employee can affect the performance of the entire organization. Managers assign interrelated work to their employees, integrating their efforts in order to achieve the main objective. With directing, managers can supervise and guide employees on what to do and how to do it.  

6. Initiates action: The primary aim of direction is to guide employees to work towards achieving the goals of the company. Also, direction makes all the other functions of management, such as planning and organizing, more effective. Directing initiates action as managers instruct the employees and supervise their work.

How to learn the Elements of Directing – Meaning, Technique and Directing in Management?

Learning the Elements of Directing – Meaning, Technique and Directing in Management requires a lot of your time and attention. The direction function of the management is as important as any other function. To understand the elements of directing, you have to give a significant amount of your time to each and every topic that comes under this concept. If you want to pursue a career in the management field, learning the Elements of Directing – Meaning, Technique and Directing in Management will be quite important for you. Through direction, you can ensure a smooth flow of communication and operations in an organization, which ensures success in achieving the predetermined objectives. Here are some tips you can use to start learning this concept: 

  • While studying the Elements of Directing, you should note down all the important points and create a summary of the concept. This way, you can take a quick glance at the entire concept and revise it quickly before the exam.  

  • You should learn other functions of management such as planning, organizing, and controlling to get a better understanding of the Elements of Directing – Meaning, Technique and Directing in Management.  

  • Once you have understood the Elements of Directing, you should try to answer the questions based on this concept to test your knowledge. 

  • Go through illustrations and case studies, provided in your textbook, based on the Elements of Directing, to get a better understanding of the concept.

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