[Commerce Class Notes] on Need for Entrepreneurship Pdf for Exam

Entrepreneurship as a discipline does not have any real definition. Some scholars accept the study as business formation while others highlight it as an entrepreneurial opportunity that recognises dimension. 

The definition of entrepreneurship is viewed as a change, this includes other values other than the economic ones. Narrower definitions of entrepreneurship are described as the process of designing, launching and running a new business.

Entrepreneurship and Management are closely related terms in business, there is a definite difference between both these processes. In this article, you will learn more about these two terms.


Entrepreneurship and Management Entrepreneur

Management talks about the span of organizational studies. Simply speaking, management explains each aspect of the organization which discusses the organization and coordinates the activities to achieve a destined set of objectives. Harold Koontz, the great scholar, highlighted management as the art which talks about how to achieve the things done by people. He also pointed out the importance of formal groups in this process. 

Thus, the management discusses the overall organizational function which is to achieve the desired objectives. This also tells that the interconnection between management and entrepreneurship is a set because the entrepreneurship proceeds to the management level. In general, entrepreneurship features the business creation whose management is required to target the objectives of an entrepreneurial venture.


Entrepreneurship and its Scope

The scope of entrepreneurship is far-reaching. 

  • Entrepreneurship moves even beyond the closed system of an enterprise. 

  • Entrepreneurship in its capacity stimulates the economy which enables societal change not only for fulfilling a need but also to generate revenue for the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship thus provides jobs for the society and develops communities.

  • Entrepreneurship instigates a lot more than the mere creation of business. 

  • Entrepreneurship promotes the new business and provides opportunities to improve the new business sectors. 

In the long back, when washing machines were not invented, women had to spend their time washing clothes without energy resources or water resources. This once inspired a new company to sell low energy washing machines. This would save time which in turn utilised the extra time to educate themselves.  


Need of Entrepreneurship

The need for entrepreneurship is detailed down in the following section:  

  1. Passion, Perseverance & Persistence

Passion is a strong and uncontrollable emotion that is based on something higher to achieve than what the person is carrying within himself. Perseverance is a mature emotion that comes through experiences gathered and analysed. While persistence is the sail that will row the boat of an entrepreneur through the toughest of climates. 

  1. Big Dreamer

Dreaming big further strengthens an entrepreneur with his ability to dream and see the wide picture. This is the very first step that sets the path to self-discovery. 

  1. Learning

Learning is never to stop irrespective of age and thus arming oneself with education does play a vital role in forming leadership qualities when needed.

  1. Good Listener

The ability to contribute will only come once we have abundance in ourselves, and this comes by absorbing the words of others. The ability to truly listen to the customers and employees is actually what makes a difference. This very skill leads to a successful venture.

  1. Financing Partner

Choosing a financing partner who understands the business needs is very much essential. This is as critical as choosing the business which the entrepreneur wants to pursue. Also, a business loan from the right lender will for sure play a pivotal role in realizing the dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Role of an Entrepreneur in the Process of Nation-Building

Entrepreneurs play a very important role in the process of nation-building, especially in a developing country like India. entrepreneurs start many entrepreneurial ventures which in turn hire many people thereby giving them employment, livelihood and vocational opportunities. These people earn money in the form of salaries, wages, stipends, etc. Also, entrepreneurs borrow money from banks, shareholders, investors, etc. who earn interest, dividends, profits, etc. All this money is indirectly used in the economic development of the nation. Thus entrepreneurs facilitate the economic development of the nations. And economic development is a very important component of nation-building.


After reading this article we understand the meaning of entrepreneurship, its scope, the various roles played by an entrepreneur and what are the needs of an entrepreneur. Apart from this, you will also learn about the crucial role entrepreneurs play in the process of nation-building and economic development. 

Reading this article will help you get your basics clear on the topic and you can study advanced leveled concepts related to entrepreneurship in the future. Reading this article will help Class 11 and Class 12 students to come out with flying colors in their respective exams. 

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