300+ TOP CORDOVA Interview Questions and Answers

Cordova Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is Cordova?
Cordova is a mobile application development framework. Cordova allows building mobile application using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Cordova is used for making hybrid mobile apps.

2. What are the features of Cordova?
Cordova provides several features some of them are as follows:

  • Command line interface used for starting project, building processes for different platforms, installing plugins.
  • Cordova provides plugins that are used for implementing native mobile functions.
  • Cordova provides set of component which are used for creating base of the app so that developer spend more time to implement own logic.
  • Cordova is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.

3. What is the advantage of Cordova?
Followings are the advantage of using Cordova:

  • Cordova provides platform for building hybrid mobile apps supports for different mobile platforms.
  • Cordova save development time as hybrid app is faster than native app development.
  • No need to learn specific programming languages as its development is done by using JavaScript.

4. What is the disadvantage of Cordova?
Followings are the disadvantage of using Cordova:

  • Hybrid apps develop using Cordova are slower then native apps.
  • Testing and optimizing is time consuming because we need to cover different types of operating systems.
  • Cordova app can create lots of issues over cross browser compatibility.

5. What is Cordova Plugman?
Cordova Plugman is a command line tool used for installing and managing plugins. Cordova plugman is used when we needs to run app on specific platform. For cross-platform apps plugins management we use cordova-cli.

6. What are the events used in Cordova projects?
There are various events that are used in Cordova projects. These are as follow:

  1. deviceReady
  2. pause
  3. resume
  4. backbutton
  5. menubutton
  6. searchbutton
  7. startcallbutton
  8. endcallbutton
  9. volumedownbutton
  10. voulmeupbutton

7. What is the role of config.xml file of Cordova project?
The config.xml file provides facility for changing the configuration of the app.

8. What are the elements in config.xml file of Cordova?
These are the elements of config.xml file of Cordova:

  • widget: contain reverse domain value.
  • name: specified name of app.
  • description: description of app.
  • author: author of the app
  • content: it is the app’s starting page.
  • plugin: plugin which are currently installed.
  • access: provide control to access external domains.
  • allow-intent: contain specific url to ask an app to open.
  • platform: contain platform name of the app.

9. What is Cordova back button?
The default functionality of back button is used for returning to previous screen as we generally use. But we can able to implement our own functionality on pressing back button.

For example:

document.addEventListener(“backbutton”, onBackKeyDown, false);
function onBackKeyDown(e) {
alert(‘You press back button’);

When you press back button an alert message will display.

10. How could you display the battery status of mobile device in Cordova?
For displaying battery information of mobile device we need to implement battery plugin which will monitor every change that happen to device battery

CORDOVA Interview Questions
CORDOVA Interview Questions

11. How can you create Cordova dialog box?
We can create Cordova dialog box by using Cordova dialog plugin “cordova-plugin-dialogs”.

Installing Cordova dialog box using command prompt:

C:\Users\username\Desktop\CordovaProject>cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs

12. How can Cordova manipulate file system?
File System of Cordova is manipulated by installing file plugin “cordova-plugin-file” of Cordova.

C:\Users\username\Desktop\CordovaProject>cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file

13. What is Cordova Camera?
Cordova Camera is used for taking photos or using images from gallery. This all can be done by installing Cordova camera.

14. What is Cordova Media?
Cordova media is used to playing and recording audio sound in Cordova apps. The implementation of Cordova media is given by installing Cordova media plugin “cordova-plugin-media”.

15. What is the difference between Cordova and PhoneGap?
PhoneGap was previously developed by Adobe. Futher PhoneGap codebase has handed over to Apache to keep it open-source and follow standards. At Apache its name changes as Cordova. And currently it is known as Apache Cordova.

PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova. So Apache Cordova serves as the engine to power PhoneGap just like WebKit – an engine that powers Chrome and Safari (iOS browser).

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