300+ TOP D Programming Language Interview Questions & Answers

D Programming Language Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is D programming language?
D programming language is an object oriented programming language.

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It is created by Walter Bright of Digital Mars. It was released in 2001.

2. Who is the developer of D programming language?
D Language Foundation is the developer of D programming language.

3. What are the features of D programming language?
D programming language features are:

  • Garbage collection
  • First class arrays
  • Open source
  • Inner classes
  • Closures
  • Anonymous functions
  • Lazy evaluation etc.

4. How can we write a simple program in D programming language?
We can write a simple program in D programming language by using following code:

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {

writeln(“Hello World!”);


5. What are the compilers in D programming language?

The compilers of D programming language are:

  1. DMD
  2. GDC
  3. LDC

6. What are the two expressions in D programming language?
There are two expressions in D programming language:

  1. lvalue
  2. rvalue

7. What is Enum in D programming language?
Enum is a keyword that used to define named constant values.


enum enum_name {

enumeration list


8. What are the D programming Operators?
D programming operators are:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Misc Operators

9. What are the various functions in D programming language?
The functions of D programming Language are:

  • Pure Functions
  • Nothrow Functions
  • Ref Functions
  • Auto Functions
  • Variadic Functions etc.

10. How can we read character in D programming language?
We can read character in D programming Language by using read Unicode character.


readf(” %s”, &letter);

D Programming Language Interview Questions
D Programming Language Interview Questions

11. What is the way to represents string in D programming language?
In D programming language, string is represented in two ways:

Character array
Core language string

12. How can we declare an array in D programming language?
In D programming language, we can declare an array by using given code.

type arrayName [ arraySize ];

13. What are the pointer operations in D programming language?
The pointer operations in D programming Language are:

  • We can define pointer variables.
  • We can assign the address of a variable to a pointer
  • We can access the value of address in the pointer variable.

14. What is use of tuples?
Tuples is used to combine the multiple values as a single object. It contains a sequence of elements.


import std.stdio;

import std.typecons;

void main() {

auto myTuple = tuple(1, “Tuts”);





15. What are the various editors for D programming Language?
There are various editors for D programming language:

EMACS, VIM, EPSION and many more.

16. What is the extension of D programming?
The extension of D programming is “.d”.

17. What are the types of D Compiler?
There are different types of D Compiler:

  • DMD
  • GDC
  • LDC

18. Is D programming language case sensitive?
Yse, D programming language is case sensitive.

19. What are the data types used in D programming language?
There are following data types used in D programming language: char, int, float, double and void.

20. What is an enumeration?
An enumeration is used to define named constant value.


enum enum_name {

enumeration list


21. How can we read character in D?
We can read character in D by using readf.


readf(” %s”, &letter);

22. What is the techniques to represent string in D programming language?
In D programming language, there are two techniques to represents of string.

  • Character array
  • Core language string

23. What is the array properties in D programming language?
In D programming language, the array properties are given below:

  • .init
  • .sizeof
  • .length
  • .prt
  • .dup
  • .reverse

24. Does D programming language allow Multi Dimensional array?
Yes, D programming language allow Multi dimensional array.


type name[size1][size2]…[sizeN];

25. How can we define a union in D Programming language?
We can define a union in F programming language by using following code:

union [union tag] {

member definition;

member definition;

member definition;

} [one or more union variables];

26. Write the example of string mixins in D programming language?
In D programming language, the example of string mixins is given below:

import std.stdio;

void main() {

mixin(`writeln(“Hello World!”);`);


27. What are the variables that can never be mutated?
There are three variables that can never be mutated:

  • enum constants
  • immutable variables
  • const variables

28. How to write a File in D programming language?
The following command is used to write a file in D programming language:


29. Which method is used to start a new thread?
Spawn() method is used to start a new thread .

30. What is the syntax to catch exception in D programming language?
The following syntax is used to catch exception in D programming language.


try {

// protected code


catch( ExceptionName e ) {

// code to handle ExceptionName exception


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