300+ TOP ELEARNING Interview Questions and Answers

ELearning Developer Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1.    What is SCORM?
SCORM – Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based e-learning. It defines communications between client side content and a host system called the run-time environment (commonly a function of a learning management system). SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferrable ZIP file.
SCORM is a specification of the Advanced Distributed Learning Initative, which comes out of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
SCORM 2004 introduces a complex idea called sequencing, which are rules that specify the order in which a learner may experience content objects. The standard uses XML, and it is based on the results of work done by AICC, IMS, IEEE, and Ariadne. The current version. Based on new IEEE standards for API and content object-to-runtime environment communication, with many ambiguities of previous versions resolved. Includes ability to specify adaptive sequencing of activities that use the content objects. Includes ability to share and use information about success status for multiple learning objectives or competencies across content objects and across courses for the same learner within the same learning management system. A more robust test suite helps ensure good interoperability

2.    What is Sec 508?
Section 508 requires that electronic and information technology developed, procured, used, or maintained by all agencies and departments of the Federal Government be accessible both to Federal employees with disabilities and to members of the public with disabilities, and that these two groups have equal use of such technologies as federal employees and members of the public that do not have disabilities.

  • Software Applications and Operating Systems: includes usability for people that are visually impaired, such as alternative keyboard navigation.
  • Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications: assures accessibility to web page graphics by the visually impaired using assistive technology such as screen readers and refreshable Braille displays. This is accomplished by using text labels and descriptors for graphics.
  • Telecommunications Products: addresses accessibility for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This includes technology compatibility with hearing aids, assistive listening devices, and TTYs.
  • Videos or Multimedia Products: includes requirements for captioning of multimedia products such as training or informational multimedia productions. Captioning or video descriptors must be able to be turned on or off.
  • Self Contained, Closed Products: products with embedded software, such as information kiosks, copiers, and fax machines, often cannot be used with assistive technology. This standard requires that access features be built into these systems.
  • Desktop and Portable Computers: discusses accessibility related to mechanically operated controls such as keyboards and touch screens

3.    Have u done any portal testing?

4. DO u have any idea about LMS, LCMS, AICC, SCORM?
Learning Management System: It’s software designed to manage, track, and quantify all of the training, continuing education, employee development, certification and other learning activities in a company. Companies implement a learning management system because they Are committed to continued learning, development and knowledge transfer for employees, external and internal customers. Knowledge and expertise is a powerful edge in today’s complex business climate. LMS-managed training can be delivered online, in the classroom, in clients? offices, onsite at customer facilities. It can be deployed via computer-based training like CD-ROM and DVD, or in a blended approach that combines in-person and self paced learning, or in live classes. The LMS can track training in all these different ways as well.
LCMS: An LCMS is focused purely on managing and delivering the appropriate eLearning content for users when they need it. The Learning Content Management System provides an infrastructure that can be used to rapidly create, modify, and manage content for a wide range of learning to meet the needs of rapidly changing business requirements. The LCMS can use its detailed data on learner scores, question choices, and navigation habits to give content managers crucial information on the effectiveness of the content when combined with specific instructional strategies, delivery technologies, and learner preferences.
What is AICC? What is SCORM?
The Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee (AICC) is an international association of technology-based training professionals. The AICC develops guidelines for the development, delivery, and evaluation of CBT and related training technologies. This is a standard in e-learning.
The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) defines a Web-based learning “Content Aggregation Model” and “Run-Time Environment” for learning objects. The SCORM is a collection of specifications adapted from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive suite of e-learning capabilities that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of Web-based learning content
Differences and overlap
Both an LMS and an LCMS manage course content and track learner performance. Both tools can manage and track content at a learning object level, too. An LMS, however, can manage and track blended courses and curriculum assembled from online content, classroom events, virtual classroom meetings and a variety of other sources. Although an LCMS doesn’t manage blended learning,it does manage content at a lower level of granularity than a learning object, which allows organizations to more easily restructure and repurpose online content. In addition, advanced LCMSs can dynamically build learning objects based on user profiles and learning styles. When both systems adhere to XML standards, information is passed easily from the object level to the LMS level.
The following chart, based primarily on research conducted by Brandon Hall, summarizes the capabilities and differences between the two systems.

Who benefits? All learners; organization Ccontent developers;
learners who need personalized content
Provides primary management of Learner performance; learning requirements; learning programs and planning Learning content
Manages e-learning Yes Yes
Manages traditional forms of training, such as instructor-led Yes No
Tracks results Yes Yes
Supports learner collaboration Yes Yes
Includes learner profile management Yes No
Allows HR and ERP systems to share learner data Yes No
Schedules events Yes No
Offers competency mapping/skill gap analysis Yes No
Includes registration, prerequisite screening, and cancellation notification Yes No
Creates test questions and test administration Yes Yes
Supports dynamic pretesting and adaptive learning No Yes
Supports content creation No Yes
Organizes reusable content Yes Yes
Includes workflow tools to manage content creation process No Yes
Develops content navigation controls and user interface No Yes

5.    Have u done any compliance testing?

Testing the same products on different versions of a same browser is known as Compliance testing. In our organization we do these type of testing in IE 5.5 browser and on Ie7.

While testing we have found the following issues:

    1. Getting off manual errors,
    2. Security warnings for the popup’s
    3. Manual errors for graphic images
    4. In some instances we got junk characters for the graphic embedded texts.

6.    Have u done any compatibility testing?

Testing the same projects on different environments is called compatibility testing. As per our client requirements and specifications, we first develop a bug free product in one environment and run that final output in other specified environments and check the outputs were same or not with respect to the current environment output. Here we compare the projects on Windows 98/2000/xp and also others like Linux, Apple Macintosh etc.., Not only the OS even on different browsers like Mozilla, Internet explorer Netscape etc..,

7.    Tell me about the testing procedures used by u in your organization?

  1. POC
  2. Incr
  3. Beta
  4. Gold
  5. Compatibility
  6. LMS
  7. Final release

8.    Have u find any difference while testing a flash file and Html file?

Yes. The following are the main differences

    1. HTML/XML pages are the satic graphic pages whereas Flash files are 2d/3d animation pages
    2. HTML pages doesnot take time to load whereas flash files will take some time to load a page.
    3. The file of HTML will be very small when compare with flash files.
    4. We cannot create any animations on HTML pages.

9.    What types of testing do u aware of?

  1. Regression
  2. Integration
  3. Unit
  4. Black box testing
  5. Compliance testing
  6. Compatibility testing
  7. Smoke testing
  8. Adhoc testing
  9. Sanity testing
  10. Beta testing
  11. Usability testing
  12. Acceptance testing

10. Have u aware of any bug tracking tools for defect tracking?

We have our own defect tracking tool for tracking the defects.

ELEARNING Interview Questions
ELEARNING Interview Questions

11. Is ur testing is conventional or non-conventional?

While testing in-house we use non-conventional testing and when we use Acceptance testing (sister concern) we use conventional testing.

12. Have u done any other lang’s courses testing? If yes have u faced in any critical situations?

I have testing in Hindi, Spanish, French, German and Arabic languages.

13. What are AICC standards?

The Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee (AICC) is an international association of technology-based training professionals. The AICC develops guidelines for the development, delivery, and evaluation of CBT and related training technologies. This is a standard in e-learning.

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