40 TOP ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Basic Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. Referring to Problem 3, the total copper cross section must handle


2. In a balanced three-phase load, each phase has


3. Polyphase generators produce simultaneous multiple sinusoidal voltages that are separated by


4. When the frequency is decreased, the impedance of a parallel RL circuit


5. In a parallel RL circuit, there are 3 A rms in the resistive branch and 3 A rms in the inductive branch. The total rms current is


6. If a load is purely inductive and the reactive power is 12 VAR, the apparent power is


7. To increase the current in a series RL circuit, the frequency


8. The most common type of ac motor is the


9. With an RL integrator, at the instant of the rising pulse edge,


10. Which of the following power factors results in less energy loss in an RL circuit?


Question 1 of 10

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