300+ [REAL TIME] EmberJS Interview Questions

1. How Can You Define A New Ember Class?

You can use call the extend () method on Ember. Object to define a new ember class.

2. Explain Application Template?

Application Template is a default template that is used when your application starts.

3. Explain How You Can Create An Ember. Handlebars Template?

Call Ember.Handlebars.Compile() to create an ember. Handlebars template. It will return a function which can be used by ember. view for rendering.

4. What Are Services In Ember.js?

It is a long-lived Ember object that can be made available in different parts of your application. It is created using the following syntax- “ember. Service”

Example uses of Ember.js services include:

  • Logging
  • User/session authentication
  • Geolocation
  • Third-party API’s
  • Web Sockets
  • Server sent events or notifications
  • Server-backed API calls that may not fit ember-data.

Services are generated with the help of ember CLI service generator. If you want to access a service, inject it either in an initializers or use the following syntax- “ember. Inject”. Using this you can even access the properties and methods using services. Use the following syntax to define a service:

– ember generate service service _name;


5. What Do You Mean By Serializer In Ember.js And What Role Does It Play While Writing A Code?

It is useful when it comes to using a JavaScript Object Notion. Actually, it returns payload from the server into a machine from where it is easy for the users to read it. A very large number of attributes can be represented in a very simple manner and the good thing is there is a well-defined relation between them. With this relation, it is possible for the users to have many different ways to understand and eliminate the bugs from the code.

6. What Do You Know About The Application Template?

When any application starts, this is the default template from where it is operated. Users need to put a Header, footer and any other decorative item that is required to be displayed on the page.

7. How The Data Can Be Added Using Fixture Into An Application?

For doing anything, it is always good to check the procedure with a sample data. This is because the task is sensitive and needs a lot of care for the accomplishment. This can be done with the help of long-term persistence fixtures. However, it is necessary that applications must be connected with each other. The application adapter is to be made the extension of Ds.Fixture. For communication purpose, the adapters can be deployed easily. At the last, the file is to be updated to the model todo.js

8. What Are The Template Components In Ember.js You Are Familiar With? Is There Any Similarity Among Them?

There are certain template components that are extremely powerful in Ember.js and are used for various purposes related to running the code in an error-free manner.

These include: 

  • View
  • Outlet
  • Render
  • Partial
  • Yield

They are similar in one aspect and i.e.  They can be called in all the programs with similar functions.

9. What Is Ember.mixin Class?

Ember.mixin class can create objects, whose functions and properties can be shared among other instances and classes.

10. Are Router And Route In Ember.js Different Terms? If So, How?

Yes, these are different terms. Router is basically a medium that connects the application with browser’s address. It is possible to translate the address into route simply. Because it only acts as a channel, it always makes sure of accuracy. On the other side, Route is a location where the request of a user reaches first after it is made or translated by a Router. It’s nothing but the Route who is responsible for defining the data that is to be sent to the Template.

11. What Are Observers In Ember.js?

Ember supports observing any property which also includes computed properties. Observers are something which contains the behavior that reacts to the changes made in other properties. Observers are used when we need to perform some behavior after a binding has finished synchronizing. New ember developers often use observers. Observers are mostly used within the ember framework and for that; computed properties are the appropriate solution. An observer can be set on an object using the following syntax- “ember. Observer” Observers in ember are synchronous. They will fire as soon as they observe a change in of the properties. And, because of this, it is easy to introduce bugs where properties are not yet synchronized.

12. What Are The Features Of Emberjs?

      • Creating reusable modules.
      • Handlebars Templates.
      • Automatic determines the route and controller during declaration of the route resources.
      • Used routes.
      • Extensive view type support.
      • Easy to configure.

13. What Are The Prime Tasks That Are Performed By Controllers In Ember.js?

Decorating the model which is returned by the route is a very essential task that needs to be performed in the Ember.js. The same is handled by Controllers. It is not always necessary that only a single controller perform s this task but depending on the task itself, there can be need of multiple controllers. In addition to this, there are a lot of actions which users perform; Listening to them is also the responsibility of the controllers.

14. What Is Ember Route? How Can You Generate A Route In Ember.js?

An ember route is built with three parts:

  • An entry in the Ember router which maps between our route name and a specific URI.
  • A route handler file, which sets up what should happen when that route is loaded.
  • A route template, which is where we display the actual content for the page.

In ember when we want to make a new page that can be visited using a URL, we need to generate a “route” using Ember CLI. Hence the generator will print out:

  • Installing route
  • Create app/routes/about.hbs
  • Create app/templates/about.hbs
  • Updating router
  • Add route about
  • Installing route test

To define a route, run ember generates route route-name. This command will generate a file name route-name.js in app/routes/ folder.

15. Explain The Core Concept Of Emberjs?

It is central repository and cache of all records available in an application. It can be accessed by controller and admin.

A model is a class which defines the data of properties and behavior.

A record is an instance of a model which contains information that is loaded from a server.

It is responsible for translating requested records into the appropriate calls t.

Translating JSON data into a record object.

Automatic Caching: Used for caching.

16. What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?

State of application is represented by URL and each URL has a corresponding route object that.

Use to load data from Server.

This is html of layout.

It is custom tag.

Services are just singleton objects to hold long-lived data such as user sessions.

17. What Are The Main Components Of V You Are Familiar With?

There are several components of Ember.js that play a significant role in making it best in every aspect.

These are:

      • Routers
      • Templates
      • Views
      • Models
      • Components
      • Controllers
      • Helpers
      • Suffix

18. Explain Directory Structure In Ember.js?

The new command generates a project structure also called directory structure with the following files and directories:

– This is where folders and files for models, components, routes, templates, and styles are stored.

I-bower components/ bower.json:
– Bower is a dependency management tool which is used in Ember CLI to manage front-end plugins and component dependencies.

– The config directory contains the environment.js where we can configure settings for your app.

-When we build our app for deployment, the output files will be created here.

– Directory and files are from npm. Npm is the package manager for node.js.

– This directory contains assets such as image and fonts.

– This directory is where front-end dependencies that are not managed by Bower go.

– Automated tests for our app go in the test folder, and testem is configured in testem.js.

– Ember CLI temporary files live here.

– This file describes how Ember CLI should build our app.

19. What Is Npm Install?

NPM is a NodeJS package manager. It is used to install the node programs.

20. What Is Emberjs?

It is javascript framework based on Model-view-controller (MVC) and written in javascript. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms.

In this, Route is used as model; template as view and controller manipulates the data in the model.

21. What Exactly Do You Know About Ember.js?

Ember.js is a JavaScript web framework that is open-source in nature and is one of the best options available when it comes to building single page web applications. Standard application architecture can simply be assured from Ember.js. The good thing is it develops applications that are best in running in the browser.