[English Notes] on Conservation of Natural Resources Essay Pdf for Exam

Natural resources are the resources that occur naturally on Earth. It is an indispensable part of our lives. Natural resources consist of air, water, sunlight, coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, humans have exploited these resources for their economic gains. Over usage of natural resources has caused depletion resulting in a huge impending threat to the existence of the human race. Conservation of nature means taking care and protecting these resources like forests, water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and fuels so that they continue to be available in abundance.

Long Essay On Conservation of Natural Resource

Conservation of nature means taking care and protecting these resources like forests, water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and fuels so that they continue to be available in abundance. Conservation refers to saving the resources for the use of the upcoming generation. There are enough natural resources which nature has provided to us. It is our duty to save them for our successors. For saving these natural resources we have to gain enough knowledge about that and should work in that direction. 

Natural resources are categorized into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources can be replenished naturally. These include air, water, and sunlight. Non-renewable resources consist of coal, natural gas, and oil. These resources cannot be replenished by natural resources easily to keep up with consumption. It takes hundreds of years to recycle these resources. The usage of natural resources has been pivotal for the evolution of mankind. But his progress and development have led to the exploitation of these natural resources. This demands a responsible behavior of conserving the resources to ensure sustainability .If we do not use these resources judiciously then it can create an imbalance in the environment. Global warming, floods, climate change, famine, and drought are some of the consequences we will have to face in the future. So, conservation of natural resources has become the need of the hour. 

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It sustains all life. We use water for drinking, generating electricity, in agriculture for irrigation of crops, in many industries for manufacturing processes. Scarcity of water would cause loss of vegetation and to all plant life, erosion of soil. Forests determine natural vegetation for mankind. It is the major natural resource that helps in economic development. Their use in fuel, timber, and industrial raw material cannot be undermined. Moreover, forests help in the control of soil erosion and control floods

Fossil fuel is the most important natural commodity for everyday activities. Coal, oil, and natural gas produce a lot of energy. Governments and agencies of various countries are employing different measures to conserve nature. Children should be educated about the implications of the exploitation of the environment. Recycling and reusing of water will help reduce the rate of depletion of freshwater from the planet. Farmers must use modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming, and rotational grazing, to save water. They should start the practice of rainwater harvesting. Conservation of natural resources is the need of the present and it is our duty to conserve them.

Alternative resources or renewable resources like solar energy or water energy should be used. Saving electricity can be a step to conserve natural resources such as water, coal, natural gases, and biomass. Basic practices like switching off fans, lights, geysers, and air conditioners must become a habit. The use of solar-powered lights and cars, using public transport, and regular car-pooling will reduce the depletion of coal, oil, and gas. Increase the use of biogas and biofuels. Paper is made from wood, which is a renewable natural source. Trees are being cut at a very high speed but take time to grow. To reduce the usage of paper, modern technology must be used. This will help in reducing the carbon footprint in the atmosphere. We must plant more and more trees to prevent deforestation. 

Dumping of industrial wastes into water bodies must be prevented to protect marine life. The practice of crop rotation techniques can be implemented to increase soil fertility. Burning fossil fuel emits a large amount of carbon dioxide that is responsible for the greenhouse effect. This must be controlled. It is important to realize that natural resources are limited and it is our social responsibility to protect and take care of nature. We need to rationally use these natural resources to maintain the environment and secure our future. Farmers must use modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming, and rotational grazing, to save water. They should start the practice of rainwater harvesting.

What is Biodiversity Conservation?

Biodiversity refers generally to the richness of organisms. It can be defined as the variability of the species in a particular area. The conservation of biodiversity is essential for the balance of nature. We can divide conservation into two types based on their site of conservation.

These types are :

  1. In situ Conservation

  2. Ex-situ conservation

There are different types of conservation in environmental science. These are classified under two categories which are mentioned here. In- situ is generally a Latin word. In means inside and ex means outside. In situ is a type of conservation in which we conserve any of the species in its home itself. While ex situ refers to the type of conservation in which we conserve any of the species out of its residence.

In-Situ Conservation 

In in-situ conservation, we conserve any of the particular species in their natural habitat. It can also be called on-site conservation of genetic resources. It has various advantages over ex-situ conservation. It does not require any advanced technology for conservation. As we are storing any of the species into its natural habitat, it is also cost-effective. Moreover, scientific research is also possible in an in-situ environment. It is also easily adaptable. Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are some examples of in-situ conservation. 

Ex-Situ Conservation

Ex-situ conservation is when we conserve any of the species out of the site of his residence. In other terms, it is the mode of conservation in which we conserve any particular species out of its habitat.  It helps to rescue the threatened species. In an ex-situ conservation, we can send a particular species to that area where proper natural resources are available for its conservation. Zoo, aquarium, zoological gardens, and botanical gardens are some examples of ex-situ conservation.

The advantages of ex-situ conversions is that it is an efficient way to increase the reproduction of threatened species and requires low maintenance.


Conservation of natural resources is the need of the future generation. It is our duty to conserve them for the future. Conservation of biodiversity is the most essential for the upcoming generations.  It is important to conserve natural resources to maintain the ecosystem and sustainability of these resources for our future generation.  Sustainable development is a theory which states that we should use our resources in such a way that it can also be conserved for our successors.

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