[English Notes] on Display Advertisement Format Class 12 Pdf for Exam

An advertisement is something that an organisation or individual puts out in newspapers and other forms of media, such as television, magazines, radio, etc. to send out a message about the goods and services that they offer. A display advertisement refers to when we use visuals and imagery to show the public what is being offered by an individual or a business. Display advertisements are sponsored by the people who want them to be put out and they are also called non-classified advertisements. Some display advertisement examples for students include all kinds of newspaper ads that use some kind of graphics in them.

Display & Classified Ads Explained

Display and classified ads are usually what we see in newspapers and magazines – the classifieds are the ones that take up a small column towards the side of any form of print media, such as magazines and newsletters. They do not take up much space and have a very limited format and character count which are to be followed to the T. Classified ads are usually put out when someone is looking for a job or by an employer seeking a new employee, a house or vehicle to buy or sell, etc. There is a list of terms that classified ads use to denote precision, such as-

  • To-let

  • For sale

  • Situation wanted

  • Situation vacant

Display advertisement formats, on the other hand, have a lot more flexibility in the way they are produced and displayed. They are not governed by particular character limits and can be placed anywhere in the magazine or newspaper page to gather more visibility. They are also called commercial advertisements because they are usually put into use by businesses like corporations or even individual business owners to promote their products or events commercially. They are fully customised by the people who put out these ads and thus their formats are relatively less rigid.

You will notice classified ads usually in the side-most columns of print media, and display ads scattered all over the pages strategically.

Display Advertisement Format Importance

Display advertisement format holds a lot of importance in students’ learning. It will help those students who wish to go into sales and marketing jobs and similar careers later in their lives, and it will also encourage the rest of the students to understand the morals and reasoning behind these classified and non-classified advertisements that come in newspapers. It is important to know how to draft an ad in the correct display advertisement format for it to be effective and reach the audience it is supposed to in the appropriate manner.

Display Advertisement Class 12 Format

Display advertisement formats are not necessarily a uniform format for all display ads – they differ according to the company that is releasing the ad, the colours and fonts used, spacing, tone, etc. The one thing to remember when drafting an ad using the display advertisement format is that the images, illustrations or other visuals used with the ad must make sense according to the product which is being advertised.

Although there is no exact format, there are a few details that must be put in a display advertisement format. These are:

  • Name of the agency/organisation/individual and event (if an ad is for an event)

  • Address of the agency/organisation/individual

  • Details of the product being advertised

  • Any relevant discounts or offers for the product

  • A good photo/illustration/sketch of the product or related to the product

  • The venue, time and place (if the ad is for an event)

Display Advertisement Examples for Students

Below, there are a few display advertisement examples for students.

1. An advertisement for a charity concert that will take place in your school on the 15th of December 2020:

This display advertisement example for students has the following components:

  • Name of the school

  • Address of the school

  • Name of the event

  • Date, time and venue of the event

  • Ticket price

  • Special offer on the ticket price for students of the said school

  • Good illustrations to attract viewers

2. A display advertisement CBSE example for clearance sale at a local clothing shop:

This display advertisement example for students has the following components:

  • Name of the event along with the name of the shop that has placed the ad

  • Relevant offers for the products being advertised

  • Venues of the sale

  • Date until which the sale is valid

  • Good illustrations to attract viewers

Format and Examples of Class 12 Advertisement Writing

Individuals that want to market the availability or need for goods and services put classified advertisements. These advertisements are organised by product or service kind, as the name implies. Advertisers in classified ads are charged by the word or line. As a result, classified ads are usually short and to the point.

Display Adverts: Display advertisements can be found on most pages of the newspaper in various sizes. They contain artwork and other information about a company, a product, or a service that the buyer is interested in. Local or retail advertising and national advertising are two types of display advertising. Local or retail advertising focuses on items, products, or services offered at local stores or enterprises. National advertising refers to advertisements that promote a company’s operations across the country, such as a soap opera or a car.

Advertisements that are classified

Classified adverts have their own section in every newspaper. These are classified into groups or classes based on the topic matter and role they serve. Vacant positions, property or items for sale or purchase, to-let, educational institutions, missing persons/pets, lost and found, and excursions and tours are all examples of advertisements.

Advertisers are charged per word, each column line, or even every column centimetre, so classified ads are succinct and to the point. As a result, advertisers keep their advertising short by neglecting grammar, employing certain terms and phrases that are only found in classifieds, and abbreviating.

Classified Advertisement’s Characteristics

The following are the main qualities of a classified advertisement:

  • They are divided into columns based on the classes they belong to.

  • They are compact.

  • They are cost-effective.

  • They are composed of brief sentences and words.

  • The language is straightforward and straightforward, as well as factual and formal.

  • There are no designs or blocks.

Important Considerations

  • An advertisement’s initial one or two words may be written in capital letters.

  • Forgoing over the word limit, you will lose points.

Classified display ad–

These are more advanced than classified text advertising in that they can include components such as company logos, photos, a customizable header or footer, a different typeface, and so on.

  • However, these advertisements are plainly more expensive than classified text ads, and they attract more user attention because they are designed in a visually appealing manner.

  • They are the most noticeable among Classified Ads.

  • In a newspaper, a display classified ad can only take up to 3-6 cm of space. They can be in a single column or expand to a two-column layout. The cost is determined by the amount of space it takes up.

  • These are perfect for obituaries, retail advertisements, and other similar uses.

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