[English Notes] on National Integration Speech Pdf for Exam

National integration is defined as the bond that exists among all citizens of a country, regardless of gender, race, religion, or any other element. It does not discriminate against anyone for any reason or factor. It helps us learn to treat each other well. 

provides a few examples of national integration speeches that any student can utilise to improve their English exam scores.

Speech on National Integration 

Good morning, everyone! 

I am grateful to my teachers and Principal Sir for providing me with the opportunity to speak to you all on national integration.

Those are only two simple words, but believe me when I say that they are the most powerful force driving a nation’s progress; especially when the country is as culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse as India.

National integration is synonymous with national unity. It is a state in which a country’s citizens, despite their differences, remain unified for a common goal.

India is a shining example of national integration in action. The world has always been surprised by India’s diversity. There’s also an old Indian saying: “Kos kos pe badle pani, char kos pe badle wani,” which means that the flavour of water in India varies every 200 metres, and the language changes every 800 metres. Despite its vast diversity, the people of India remain unified and adhere to a single constitution. This is purely a matter of national integration.

National integration is also important for the country to remain progressive and prosperous.

National integration develops a sense of belonging among all Indian citizens and makes them more loyal to their nation. It is one of India’s key strengths, and it has been effective in keeping external dangers at bay while fighting off internal ones.

I believe I was able to convey the genuine meaning of national integration in the most straightforward manner imaginable. Thank you for your time and attention. Salute to India! Jai Hind!

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