[English Notes] on Plastic Pollution Essay Pdf for Exam

Plastic waste makes its way from our homes and offices to landfills and bodies of water, causing contamination. For the sake of health and the environment, it is important to properly dispose of such plastic waste and to reduce its widespread use. Here we have provided both a Long and Short essay on plastic pollution for students of Class 1 to 12.


Students can refer to these plastic pollution essays in English to gain some insights on the topic as well as a reference for writing their essays.

Long Essay on Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is becoming more of a global problem. Governments, foundations, and some social media organizations are all attempting to raise awareness about this issue. Plastic goods are commonly used in industry because they are more effective and less costly than other materials.


Plastic, on the other hand, triggers a slew of environmental issues. Plastic pollution has several negative effects on our climate, but the three most important are ocean pollution, land pollution, and food pollution.


Plastic pollution is wreaking havoc on the oceans, and it’s getting worse every year. Some governments are imposing strict regulations to discourage the use of plastic goods so that people are aware of the effect of plastic waste on the environment. As a result, action must be taken to address this issue before it is too late.


Plastics come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are commonly used in our everyday lives. Today, it’s difficult to find a substance that isn’t made of plastic. Thermosets, also known as thermoplastics, are used in several products.


The following are a few examples of plastic objects that people typically use in their daily lives:

  • PET fabric and polyester condensers.

  • LCDs.

  • Plastic tapes–fabrics, garments, curtains, carpets, conveyors, mouldings, tarpaulins, etc. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)–used in water bottles, tubes, detergent bottles, food trays in microwaves.

  • PET fabric and polyester condensers, LCDs, and plastic tapes–fabrics, clothes, curtains, carpets, conveyors, mouldings have frequently broken FAQor or wall corsets made of polyvinyl chloride, automobile instrument boards, electrical wiring sheaths, games, syringes, cloth covers, window frames, and other high-density polyethene building materials Plastic bags, trash bags, prescription bottles, empty food containers, bottles, and milk bottle liners are all examples of items that can be recycled.

While it might seem that addressing chemical waste issues is as simple as recycling or washing empty bottles, the reality is that polluting plastic can vary in size from large to small.

Even if you don’t want it on those products, plastic is all around us. Milk boxes are stuffed with cardboard, water bottles are strewn around, and some items can also contain small plastic pieces. Chemical pollutants are more likely to enter the environment and cause harm each time one of these items is discarded or swept away.

Plastic is one of the many widely available but overused items in today’s world due to its low cost. When burned in the open, this does not decompose quickly and pollutes the underlying soil or groundwater.

Commercial fisheries are an unavoidable requirement in many parts of the world, but many people consume fish daily. Nonetheless, this industry has culminated in a variety of solutions to the problem of plastic pollution in the oceans. Plastic is often used in the nets used by certain large-scale troll operations. Second, they spend a lot of time submerged in water, where they can freely release contaminants, but they are frequently dissolved or killed, leaving them to live wherever they land. It not only destroys and threatens native animals, but it also allows chemicals to swim away and contaminate nearby fish.

The majority of the items are made of plastic, but most of the materials are not biodegradable, making disposal difficult. There were no natural methods in place to recycle non-biodegradable plastics. It cannot be recycled or left to starve in the manner in which traditional waste is discarded or spilt.

Also, reuse does not reduce steel use because it recycles existing plastics in a new shape. In a variety of ways, the method of paper recycling can result in the release of plastic allergens.

Short Plastic Pollution Essay in English

Plastic waste has long-term social, economic, and ecotoxicological effects. Entanglement, swallowing, and starvation are some of the physical effects on sea life. Chemical influence: the accumulation of residual chemical contaminants like PCBs and DDT.


It’s easy to see how this amount of oil, which isn’t meant to penetrate, can harm the environment over time, causing long-term problems for plants, animals, and humans. The following are a few of the major long-term consequences of pollution:

  1. Upsets the Flow of Food – Polluting materials, which come in smaller and larger dimensions, impact even the tiniest species on the earth, such as plankton. When these species become contaminated as a result of plastic ingestion, it poses a threat to larger animals that depend on them for food. Any move further along the food supply chain can cause a slew of problems. Furthermore, it means that plastic is present in the fish that so many people consume daily.

  2. Groundwater Pollution – Chemicals are released into the soil and leak into groundwater, resulting in groundwater pollution (also known as groundwater contamination). Such a type of water pollution may also occur naturally as a result of the presence of a minor and undesirable component, contaminant, or impurity in underground water, in which case it is more likely to be referred to as waste rather than pollution. Plastics are responsible for almost all the waste and pollution that pollutes the world’s oceans. It will have devastating effects for a variety of marine animals, with repercussions for those that consume fish or other sea life for food, such as humans.

  3. Land Pollution – Once dumped in landfills, the plastic reacts with water or forms toxic chemicals. If these pollutants flow deep into the water, they degrade its efficiency. The stench wafts through the litter and transports waste from one place to the next. They can also become entrapped in posts, traffic lights, trees, walls, houses, and other structures, as well as predators that may arrive in the area and suffocate to death.

  4. Air Pollution – Air pollution appears to be a mix of solid particles and gases in the atmosphere. Pollutants from automobiles, plants, smoke, pollen, and mould spores can all be stored as particulate matter. Ozone is a chemical that contributes significantly to urban air pollution. Smog is the term for when ozone causes air pollution. Some of the toxins in the air are poisonous.

Plastic trash disposal that isn’t done properly would have a huge environmental effect. To ensure that the environment remains free of plastic waste, waste disposal using green technologies and proper waste management must be strictly controlled. The preservation of the environment from rising plastic contamination is the responsibility of every human being.

Causes of Plastic Pollution

Plastic can be found in everything from milk cartons to water bottles. Plastics are inexpensive, simple to manufacture, and extremely durable. Toxic contaminants have a greater probability of infiltrating the environment and causing harm every time one of these plastic objects is disposed of or rinsed down the drain.

It is one of the most commonly available and overused items in the world today because it is less expensive. Demand for low-cost plastics is increasing because of rising urbanization and population increase.

Because they’re so inexpensive, they’re also easily discarded. When burned in the open air, it does not degrade quickly and pollutes the ground and air nearby.

Waste is frequently carried by the winds. Plastic, because it is lightweight, is carried away by gentle winds and washed into sewers, rivers, streams and, eventually, the oceans. Natural disasters, such as floods, should also be taken into account as sources of plastic pollution.

Commercial fishing is a necessary economic industry in many regions of the world, but it has contributed to the problem of plastic pollution in the oceans in several ways. Plastic nets are commonly utilized in certain large-scale fishing activities. They are frequently broken apart or misplaced and can rot wherever they fall. Marine animals become entangled in nets and/or ingest the poisonous particles.

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