[English Notes] on Preposition of Cause Reason Purpose Pdf for Exam

Before discussing the Preposition of Cause, Reason, and Purpose, First, we should know about What does Preposition means. Let’s start with the definition of Preposition, its functions, and examples.

Definition of Preposition

A Preposition is a part of speech that shows direction, location, time, or what introduces an object. The noun or pronoun connected by the preposition is known as the object of a preposition. Prepositions are also sometimes used with subordinate conjunctions. 

Usually, a preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to another element in the sentence. It also shows the relationship of a word to a noun or pronoun. And one of the important notes is to be mentioned: “After the prepositions, it is always necessary to use a noun.”

Functions of Prepositions

There are ten main functions of Prepositions

  • Head of Preposition Phrase 

  • Noun Phrase Modifier

  • Noun Phrase Complement

  • Adjective Phrase modifier

  • Adjective Phrase Complement

  • Verb Phrase Complement

  • Adjunct

  • Adverbial

  • Particle

Examples of Preposition

On, in, at, to, until, about, during, before, after, throughout, outside, inside, into, over around, past, between, beyond, next to, from, since, by, versus, apart from, instead of, etc. are some of the prepositions used to describe the cause, reason and purpose in the sentence.

Preposition of Cause, Reason, Purpose

Without any helping verbs, a sentence will be incomplete. So, it is mandatory to include auxiliary verbs. Preposition relates different items to each other.

The preposition of the cause shows the reason of a happening or being in a sentence. Preposition mostly indicates the cause of something happening or the purpose of an action.

Preposition joins a verb with the noun and shows the reason for happening.

Here are some of the examples mentioned below:

  • They are traveling on the train.

  • Ruma reacted to the incident.

  • I am playing Ludo with my friends.

  • The moon shines because of the sun.

  • The tourists arrived on the island on a hovercraft.

Let us see some more examples of a preposition in detail:

Ex: Alesha gave a hundred rupees to her brother.

Ex: They went for an interview to get a job.

Ex: She is traveling from Hyderabad to Vijayawada.

Ex: He and his friends jumped into the well.

Ex: There was a massive crowd of people around the shop. 

Ex: The stick was within Johnny’s reach. 

Ex:  Sam is sitting between Stella and Flora.

Solved Exercises

Find out the prepositions from the following sentences 

  1. The pale twilight fell in soft waves on her face. 

Ans: in; on. 

  1. The book is lying under the oakwood table. 

Ans: under. 

  1. The professor placed his cup of coffee on the table before resuming the lecture. 

Ans: of; under. 

  1. Did you refill the can of juice from the refrigerator? 

Ans: of; from. 

  1. The nurse asked Rahul to place his hands on top of the table. 

Ans: on; of. 

  1. A desk job requires you to sit in the same place for hours. 

Ans: in; for. 


In this article, we have provided the details of Preposition of cause, reason, and purpose. To understand how to use them, you have to understand the above rules and examples we have mentioned to know where to use them and in which manner. These prepositions will help you in the completion of sentences in a better and appropriate way. To understand them more clearly, you must try your hands on some sentences. Practice to make some sentences using these prepositions, and you will get amazed by the results as it is effortless & fun exercise. Once you learn how to use them, you can quickly write good content. Hope this article helped you to understand them in a better and easier way.

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