[English Notes] on Speech on My Mother Pdf for Exam

My Mother Speech is kind of a special one as one gets to express what they truly feel for the most important person in their life without whom there would be no existence and sometimes for Speech On My Mother it can also be difficult as one is overwhelmed with emotions to express their love and gratitude. This can be given on special occasions like birthdays, or Mother’s day or on any day one wishes to celebrate their mother’s love and presence in their life. This speech can be given in varying formats like Long Speech on My Mother or Short Speech on My Mother.


Long Speech on My Mother

Good Morning all, a warm welcome to everyone who has gathered here today for the celebration of the most important and underappreciated figure in our lives, our Mothers.


Whenever one is in pain and hurt, they like to tend to the care of their mother, and whenever one wishes to celebrate a success also one first likes to thank their mother and I am no different. My mother brought me into this world with a lot of love and pain so it is natural that when we are in extremes of our emotional state we like to run to our mother for her care and concern and she always embraces us. 


My mother is my biggest supporter and cheerleader, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mother for everything she has done for me and my siblings. A mother is like nature, she is giving and forgiving, she is the most nurturing and compassionate person in the world. My mother works unrelentingly to make the lives of everyone around her better, she wakes up every morning before dawn and works till late at night, and more often these efforts go unnoticed by the people around her, and yet she doesn’t complain. She is the one who has taught me all about time management living by example. For me, she is the true definition of selflessness. 


My mother is my best friend. We share everything and she is very open and blunt about what she thinks about my actions. This quality of my mother has taught me the importance of being honest with kindness and not being rude just because you think differently from others. My mother has taught me how to not give up after faltering, she has always motivated me in trying again and doing new things to discover myself. All my mistakes were also celebrated. She is a great host, whenever my friends or our relatives come home, she prepares a full treat meal and everyone’s taste is served and everyone is well-fed, even if it is late in the evening. Her welcoming nature has taught me to be open and gracious as well. Well, I would be lucky to have half the grace she exudes. She is the one who has taught me all about time management living by example. There is no one like her, she is my superhero. 


When you have such a great living example at home, you don’t need to look for inspiration elsewhere. My mother uplifts everyone around her, and I am always in awe of her exuberant personality. There is a popular saying that goes because God can’t be everywhere he made mothers, isn’t that so true and wonderfully put. You are the best mother in the world. I only hope to become half the woman that you are. I love you Maa.


Thank you!


Short Speech on My Mother

Good Morning all, a warm welcome to everyone here today for the celebration of the most important and underappreciated figure in our lives, our Mothers. Thank you for showing up in such large numbers to celebrate our real heroes.


A mother is someone who gives birth to us, nourishes us, nurtures us, and raises us to be good human beings. She knows us even before we have set our foot into this world. She understands us better than anyone, even when we are not speaking. She takes care of us like a devoted nurturer and protects us like warriors. My mother has played so many roles in my life, she is a teacher, she taught me how to walk, talk, read and write when I fall sick she also stays up all night to look after me and be there by my side and the next morning goes about her daily routine of waking everyone up, making breakfast, cooking lunch and cleaning without showing any hesitations. 


She does so much for everyone with a smile and I have learnt to stay optimistic and hopeful in any difficult situation from her strength and courage. My mother is the strongest woman I know and even though we fight and disagree sometimes she always listens to my point of view and understands my perspective without any judgment. She has taught me to be kind and respectful of everyone’s opinions and ideas. She is the best cook and the greatest mother.


Whatever good I am, all the good in me people speak of is because of you my mother. I owe everything to you. Any action I take I always think of making you proud of me. Thank you for instilling such strong values in me. It’s my honor and privilege to be born to a mother like you.


Thank you. 


10 Line Speech on My Mother

The 10 Line Speech On My Mother is extremely helpful for students as they gain a certain perspective on the topic in a simple and easy form. Take a look below.

  1. My mother is my first teacher and my first friend.

  2. She is the epitome of grace and dignity in the way she carries herself through all her life.

  3. I have never seen my mother discouraging or speaking badly of anyone.

  4. She is my biggest supporter and my source of inspiration.

  5. She leads her life in a very simple way by managing her time with everyone whenever they require help.

  6. She has taught me how to be kind and respectful to everyone I interact with, regardless of age or position, by herself treating people with the respect they deserve.

  7. She has always shown me the path to focus on building good character to lead a meaningful life.

  8. She is encouraging of all my dreams even if it changes every week, she listens with equal enthusiasm every time.

  9. Her optimistic attitude and lovely laughter are contagious, and whoever she interacts with love being in her company.

  10. She is the woman I want to be when I grow up, imbibing all her values and characteristics

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