[English Notes] on Speech on My School Life Pdf for Exam

Speech writing is taught earlier in schools as it is extremely important to have a sense of writing a speech, as a good well-researched speech will build the confidence to perform on the stage in front of an audience.

Physically giving a speech for a particular audience can either be a good or a bad experience, mostly it is extremely nerve-wracking for first-timers. The only way to make sure that you have some sort of confidence when you’re put on the spot is to write a thoroughly researched speech, which is fact-checked and suits the particular audience.

 Writing down your speech beforehand can bolster your confidence. Writing a speech requires careful planning drafting detailing whose end result is to motivate, inform or persuade the particular audience. To get the best results, One should practice and revise the speech as many times as possible so that the tiny mistakes can be picked and deleted and the speech remains precise and up to the mark as any type of audience doesn’t like to listen to any unnecessary information that is not related to the particular topic.

Few Effective Measures for Preparing a Speech

Thorough research – while writing a particular speech students are advised to thoroughly research the topic and fact check the speech that they are preparing. This will give them credibility and will help them make some extremely convincing points. Some scholarly sources like books, newspapers , journals or government websites can help you find information on the topic of your choice.

Making an outline- Elaborating the idea in your head can only be done by first making an outline. Your Main points should include quotes from famous people. It should have examples, anecdotes, statistical analysis; these will help to engage the audience by throwing some numerical data.

Using catchphrases- catchphrases are the most important part of a speech as they immediately grab the attention of the audience. This mainly comes in the opening lines and it is at this point that the audience decides if this feature is going to be great or not.

Audience- it is extremely important to know what kind of audience will be attending your speech and what kind of material they are wanting to listen to, this will help you go in the right direction.

Practice and revision- after formulating the whole speech, One should practice and organize the way they are going to present this speech and eliminate any sort of unnecessary information that is not relevant to the topic.

Following These tips will ensure that your speech turns out exhilaratingly well!

Points to consider while writing a speech on the topic ‘My School Life’

Remember to connect with your audience and share experiences that the audience can relate to while staying unique and true to your story.

Use catchphrases to make the speech more interesting and fun.

Include stories about your teachers, friends, academics, and the experience you had while taking up extra-curricular activities.

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