[English Notes] on Speech on Patriotism Pdf for Exam

Patriotism is the love and pride for one’s nation to an extent of sacrificing even one’s life for the betterment of it. A great sense of patriotism was shown by our freedom fighters during their struggle for independence. A soldier is also considered to be a patriot who loves and respects his country and is ready to sacrifice his life for the development of it. Does that mean only soldiers and freedom fighters are patriots? Well below-given speeches on patriotism, a long speech on patriotism and a short patriotism speech in English will answer a few questions about patriotism.

‘Good morning everyone!’ It is my pleasure to say a few words about patriotism. You may have heard this word many times especially to describe the freedom fighters. So what is patriotism ? and who is said to be a patriotic person?

Patriotism could be defined as the love for the nation to the extent of sacrificing your life for the betterment of it. A person who supports his or her country and is ready to defend it against enemies is called a patriot. A true patriot is considered to be the backbone of the nation. 

Patriotism is required for the growth of a nation. The patriotism of a person is tested during important times like the sudden outbreak of a pandemic, a war, during national disasters and national emergencies. 

We could say that our freedom fighters were the best example of patriotism. During that time every Indian wanted one thing and it was to have freedom from British rule. Many freedom fighters worked together to achieve independence. They are the true example of a patriot who did not think about their lives and made a lot of sacrifices to bring independence to our country. It is because of the patriotism shown by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Abdul Kalam Azad, and many noble personalities that we live in a free and democratic country. 

I do believe that being patriotic for the country only on Republic day and independence day is not the true form of patriotism, Posting about it on social media is not patriotic. A patriotic person will always work for the country’s development silently. A patriot will be ready to help his fellow Indians whenever they are in danger rather than posting it about on social media. Patriotism cannot be taught by anyone as it is the true feeling a person develops on his own. 

You may think that patriotism always means to go to war for the country or shed the blood of the enemies who are against the country. Well, patriotism does not always mean fighting for the country or shedding blood. Showing true love for a country when it’s in danger through your actions is patriotism and the best example was given by few people in 2020. 

We all know 2020 was a harsh year due to covid-19. Many Indians lost their lives and jobs, and schools were closed. No transportation facilities were provided to migrant workers and farmers, and hospitals were rushed with patients who were infected by the coronavirus. This was the time true patriotism was shown by many people which included front line workers and actor Sonu Sood.

Ever since the outbreak of coronavirus Sonu Sood has shown his love for his fellow Indians by helping thousands of migrant workers, students, and farmers through a random act of kindness. From providing meals to the underprivileged and offering transport facilities for standard labourers to help them get back to their hometown. He also denoted personal protective equipment to frontline health care personnel and that for me is the sign of a true patriot as he was there to help the country when it was in danger. 

I would like to conclude this speech by saying that we should all show unity and togetherness. By helping each other only we can be the ladder that would help in developing our country. As I said, patriotism is the most important thing for the development of the country. A patriot on the other hand could be anyone who does his job with a passion which would result in the development of the country. Thank you and Jai Hind.


Short Speech on Patriotism

‘Good morning everyone!’, It is an honour and immense pleasure to give a speech on patriotism. Patriotism could be defined as the love for the nation to the extent of sacrificing your life for the betterment of it. A person who supports his or her country and is ready to defend it against enemies is called a patriot. A true patriot is considered to be the backbone of the nation. 

Patriotism is required for the growth of a nation. Patriots will always think about the development of the country and are ready to defend it against enemies. A true patriot is considered to be the backbone of the nation. 

The patriotism of a person is tested when the country is in danger like a sudden outbreak of a pandemic, national emergency, or natural disaster. A true patriot will help his fellow citizens of the country whenever there is danger. 

Freedom fighters are the best example that showcases patriotism. During the struggle for independence, all that our freedom fighters wanted was independence from British Rule, and together they achieved it. 

Showing love for the country only on Independence Day and Republic day and posting about it on social media does not make one patriot. A patriotic person will always work for the country’s development silently. A patriot will be ready to help his fellow Indians whenever they are in danger rather than posting it about on social media.

I would like to conclude this speech on patriotism by saying that we should all show unity and togetherness. Together only we can make our country great.

Thank you 

10 lines Speech on Patriotism

  1. Patriotism could be defined as the love for the nation to the extent of sacrificing your life for the betterment of it.

  2. A person who supports his or her country and is ready to defend it against enemies is called a patriot 

  3. The patriotism of a person is tested during important times like the sudden outbreak of a pandemic, a war, during national disasters and national emergencies. 

  4. Freedom fighters are the best example of patriotism as they sacrificed day and night to achieve independence from British rule. 

  5. A patriotic person will always work for the country’s development silently.

  6. A patriot will be ready to help his fellow Indians whenever they are in danger rather than posting it about on social media.

  7. Been proud of the country and thinking about countries development through one’s actions is a sign of a true patriot 

  8. Showing love for the country only on Independence Day and Republic day and posting about it on social media does not make one patriot. 

  9. Being together and helping each other for the development of the country is what true patriotism is about.

  10. Patriotism cannot be taught to anyone; it is the purest feeling a person develops for his country’s betterment. 

Patriotism is defined as a strong affection for one’s nation. This virtue motivates citizens to labour selflessly for their nation and improve it. True patriots make up a genuinely developed country. In other words, patriotism entails first thinking for the country’s interests and then thinking about oneself. Patriotism is most visible during times of conflict. Furthermore, it contributes to the strengthening of the nation. There are more meanings to patriotism.

Patriotism’s Importance

Our nation is usually alluded to as our country. This shows that we should cherish our country however much we love our mom. All things considered, our nation is no less like a mother, sustaining and directing us. Enthusiasm is a goodness that everybody ought to make progress toward since it works on the world.

Besides, it further develops the occupants’ personal satisfaction. It does this by expecting residents to work to the greatest advantage of the nation all in all. There would be no irreconcilable circumstance assuming everybody worked for the government assistance of the country. Therefore, a cheerful climate will win.

Following that, enthusiasm will be utilised to keep up with harmony and amicability. At the point when people share a charitable mentality, they will help each other. Thus, the nation will be stronger.

In rundown, enthusiasm is basic to the nation’s turn of events. It disposes of childish and horrendous aims, which lessens debasement. Likewise, assuming that the public authority is without defilement, the nation will develop all the more rapidly.

Since its origin, India has had its reasonable portion of patriots. Different nationalists were brought into the world because of the battle for opportunity. These legends have made a few penances for the area to flourish and develop. Their names have stood out forever and are as yet respected with esteem and regard. Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad were among India’s most prominent patriots.

Rani Lakshmi Bai was a notable nationalist of the country. Her valiance and bravery are as yet discussed. Her name is much of the time utilised corresponding to the 1857 uprising. She ascended against British control and battled for opportunity. She lost her life battling for our country in the combat zone.

One more name related to enthusiasm is Shaheed Bhagat Singh. He was inflexible with regards to liberating India from the chains of British power. He was associated with different freedom fights. Also, he started an unrest for a similar explanation. He submitted his life to this objective and kicked the bucket as a saint for the good of his country.

Maulana Azad was a steady patriot. The principal training pastor of India was a vital figure in India’s freedom war. He went to a few urban areas, bringing issues to light of the British’s treachery. Through his support, he united individuals and directed India to opportunity.

In this way, when we discuss the freedom battle and enthusiasm, a couple of names effectively come into view, yet today I’d need to zero in on others whose names are less generally known. We hear a tonne about pioneers who held onto the cudgel and conveyed the battle forward, yet in praising significance, we as often as possible disregard the essential, normal, but then complicated, character of humankind. We are continually discussing pioneers, however what characterises a pioneer if not his devotees. A contention that killed thousands, yet we decide to respect a couple.

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