[English Notes] on Summarizing Pdf for Exam

Summarization is a process of automatically condensing and rewriting a large chunk of text to create a small, crisp summary. A summarization system should give the reader most of the information present in the original document while also ensuring that no information has been lost during condensation.

The application of summarization systems is extensive, such as: helping the reader to get a quick understanding of an article, saving time for analysts and researchers in their information-gathering process, reducing the amount of written text that students need to read and understand (in educational contexts), and even increasing efficiency and productivity in business settings.

Some systems for automatic summarization use full text in order to identify important sentences. Other systems use abstracts, key sentences or other summary-like structures when the full text is not available.

Some automatic summarization systems produce summaries that are grammatically correct, while others tend to produce fragments of the original texts with some inserted sentences to help convey the main points. Some automatic summarization systems use a language model to capture the meaning of sentences and a grammatical model to ensure that they are syntactically correct; there are also hybrid approaches that combine both language models and grammar models.

A trend in recent research has been towards using natural language processing (NLP) techniques for automated summarization of text in order to capture both the meaning and the style of the original document.

Summarization systems can be categorized based on whether they produce their summaries by extracting or abstracting information from the full texts. Abstraction-based summarizers extract sentences that are representative of some selected portion of the full text, while extraction-based summarizers identify a set of key sentences that are most relevant to the topic of the document.

The effectiveness of a summarization system depends on several factors, such as the type of text, the summarization algorithm used, and the user’s preferences. However, overall, summarization systems have been found to be effective in reducing the amount of text that readers need to read to get an understanding of the main points of a document.

What is Summarizing?

Summarizing is considered as a process of taking information from a comparatively longer chapter, theory, or write-up and creating a smaller version of it that covers all the facts and main points of the original version. An example of summarizing is to write a three to four sentence description that covers all the main points of a story or poem.

How Students Get Benefited From Summarizing?

Summarizing helps students to learn the technique of taking out the most important ideas from a text. They also learn to ignore irrelevant information that is present in the text, and students with these skills are capable of integrating the central ideas in a meaningful way from any theory or conceptual write-up. Students who are learning how to summarize, improve their memory abilities, and become more skilful in the process. Summarizing strategies is adopted in almost every area of studies or industry.

Why Use Summarizing?

  • It acts as a great help for students to learn how to determine essential ideas and find out different details that can support those ideas and make them more useful.

  • It helps the students to improve their focusing skills so that they can focus on phrases and keywords from the assigned long text. They focus on parts that are worth noting or remembering.

  • A student learns how to convert a large text into a small text. The short text has to comprise all the main points that are in the long text for a proper and concise understanding.

How to Use Summarizing?

As we all know, summarizing is the process of converting a larger text into its shorter version by retaining the main ideas from the larger text in the shorter version. This chapter of summarizing is an important one. Students learn how to summarize a big text into a smaller one by understanding the following steps.

  1. What was the author’s purpose for writing this text?

  2. What is the student’s purpose for summarizing it?

  3. Is the student summarizing to support his/her points?

  4. Is the student trying to criticize the text through summarizing before collecting the main ideas?

  • Collect the relevant information that matches your purpose in order to be effective in summarizing.

  • Try to extract the main ideas from the long text, which seems relevant.

  1. Main ideas can be found in topic sentences.

  2. Try to distinguish between the main points and the subsidiary points.

  3. Try to delete all the unimportant sentences that are not necessary.

  4. Try to find synonyms of some words but don’t change the meaning of the sentence. 

  1. Try to identify the relationships that exist between words and sentences. You have to express these relationships in a different way while summarizing. 

  2. Try to change the grammar of the text by changing nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. You can also break long sentences into shorter ones or combine short sentences into one long sentence.

  3. Try to make the text simple by reducing complex sentences into simple sentences, simple sentences to phrases, and phrases to words.

Now rewrite the main ideas and information incomplete meaningful sentences. Combine the notes that you made earlier to create complete sentences. Use conjunctions like therefore, however, although, since, etc.

After summarizing, the last step is to evaluate your work.

  1. Ensure the purpose of the text is clear.

  2. Ensure that the meaning of the long text and small summarized text is similar.

  3. Ensure that style of writing is unique.

Importance of Summarizing

Summarizing is of great importance for students to prosper in their careers as it improves their vocabulary and grammatical skills. Students who can adequately summarize a long text are good at focusing and extracting the main ideas. This is why summarizing is important for students.

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