40 TOP ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. Maximum permissible turbidity in potable water is __________ ppm


2. Atmospheric pollution caused by the exhaust gas of supresonic transport air-crafts is mostly in the atmospheric region called


3. The amount of chemical coagulant added for treatment of polluted water __________ with increase in temperature of the polluted water to be treated


4. Which is the most practical and economical method for removal of suspended solid matter from polluted water ?


5. Ambient noise level can be reduced by __________ decibels by planting trees (like coconut, neem etc.) near public utility buildings (like hospitals & schools)


6. Iron & manganese present in the polluted water is removed by


7. Thermal pollution of water increases its toxicity and oxidation of oxygen demanding waste besides favouring bacterial growth. A rise in water temperature by 10°C, doubles the toxic effects of __________ present in it


8. Presence of bacteria in potable (drinking) water causes


9. A shallow pond in which the sewage is retained and biologically treated is called


10. Pick out the wrong statement


Question 1 of 10

2 thoughts on “40 TOP ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers”

  1. its a very good program to get practice and study a required subject knowledge
    , all students should be thankful to you….

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