300+ TOP FLUID MECHANICS Objective type Questions and Answers pdf

100 TOP FLUID MECHANICS Objective type Questions and Answers<—- CLICK HERE

76. The discharge of a liquid of kinematic viscosity 4 cm2/sec through a 8 cm dia-meter pipe is 3200n cm7sec. The type of flow expected is
a) laminar flow
b) transition flow
c) turbulent flow
d) not predictable from the given data
Ans: a
77. The Prartdtl mixing length is
a) zero at the pipe wall
b) maximum at the pipe wall
c) independent of shear stress
d) none of the above
Ans: a
78. The velocity distribution for laminar flow through a circular tube
a) is constant over the cross-section
b) varies linearly from zero at walls to maximum at centre
c) varies parabolically with maximum at the centre
d) none of the above
Ans: c
79. A fluid of kinematic viscosity 0.4 cm2/sec flows through a 8 cm diameter pipe. The maximum velocity for laminar flow will be
a) less than 1 m/sec
b) 1 m/sec
c) 1.5 m/sec
d) 2 m/sec
Ans: b
80. The losses are more in
a) laminar flow
b) transition flow
c) turbulent flow
d) critical flow
Ans: c

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