40 TOP FLUID MECHANICS Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. For ideally incompressible fluid, the Mach number will be


2. In an incompressible fluid, the density is


3. Drag force acting on a body does not depend upon the


4. Which of the fluid forces are not considered in the Reynold’s equation of flow ?


5. Mass velocity is independent of temperature & pressure, when the flow is


6. If more than two branches of pipes are to be connected at the same point, then use a/an


7. Very small pressure difference (< 5 mm water coloumn) can be most conveniently measured by a/an __________ manometer


8. Check valves are used


9. Acceleration head in a reciprocating pump


10. Velocity distribution for flow between two fixed parallel plates


Question 1 of 10

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