[PDF Notes] How to write Condolence Letter on the Death of a War Personnel? [Latest]

Who else wants to learn the art of writing effective condolence letters on the Death of a War Personnel? Here are few self-tested ways to do so.

There are brief and skillfully conceived letters. Be sincere and avoid philosophizing ‘on death’.

Express your grief on knowing the news:

1. I am deeply grieved to learn about your husband’s death on the front.

2. I am terribly shocked to learn about your brother’s death in the war.

3. It was with great distress that I learnt about the air crash during test flight and your son’s death that was aboard.

4. I am very much grief-stricken to hear the sad news of your eldest brother’s death, while parachute landing into the enemy’s territory.

5. It’s heart-rending to know about your pilot son’s death in the enemy lines.

Write about the good qualities of the deceased:

6. There is no doubt that he was a brave and fine young man.

7. There is no doubt that by his death, the country has lost a brave son.

8. I still remember vividly his handsome young face.

9. Everyone at our place is deeply shocked at your tragic loss.

10. I have never come across such a man having so sincere sentiments for his country.

11. Of course, it is for the country that he has laid down his life.

12. He has set an example for the growing generation of our country.

Express your sympathy at the close of the letter:

13. May his soul rest in peace.

14. History will remember him for his deed of patriotism,

15. He proved himself a worthy son of his motherland.

16. His martyrdom is a great tribute to the martial tradition of your family.

17. May God give you strength to bear the burden of grief?

18. Be proud to be the father of such a great son.

19. His name will be written in golden letters of gallantry.

Sample Letter

Dear ………………

I am deeply grieved to learn about your husband’s death on the front. There is no doubt that by his death the country has lost a brave son. May his soul rest in peace.



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