300+ TOP ICICI Bank Interview Questions and Answers

ICICI Bank Interview Questions for Freshers & Experienced

1. Where are the headquarters of ICICI Bank?

2. Who is the new CEO of ICICI Bank?
Sandeep Bakhshi

3. Who is founder of ICICI Bank?
The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) was a government institution established on 5 January 1994 and Sir Arcot Ramasamy Mudaliar was elected as the first Chairman of ICICI Ltd.

4. Is ICICI is a private bank?
ICICI bank is a leading private sector bank in India. It stands for Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). Also read: Difference Between Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy.

5. What is the real name of ICICI Bank?
The full form of ICICI is Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. It was ICICI Bank’s parent organisation which had been incorporated in 2002 with ICICI Bank. ICICI was renamed as ICICI bank just after integration, so it is now branded as ICICI Bank.

6. What is ICICI famous for?
In 1998, ICICI bank launched internet banking services and in 1999 it became the first Indian company and the first bank to be listed on NYSE. ICICI bank also helped set up the Credit Information Bureau of India Limited (CIBIL)

7. What is the rank of ICICI Bank in world?
ICICI Bank has ranked no. 1 in the ‘Best Services’ (Asian Banks) category for its Trade Finance services, according to the 2023 Euromoney-Asiamoney Trade Finance Survey. Asiamoney, a Hong-Kong based finance magazine, conducted the survey.

8. If A Cheque Is Dishonoured It Is Called?

Return of the cheque unpaid. Insufficient fund, the death of the drawer, irregular signature, non-existing account, bankruptcy, frozen account, when there is attention, a post-dated cheque, if there is difference between the amount written in words and that in figures, when payment is stopped are the reasons why most bank cheques are being dishonoured.

9. In Pursuance Of Which One Of The Following Was The General Insurance Corporation Of India Formed?

General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 Explanation:  The entire general insurance business in India was nationalised by the Government of India through the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act of 1972.

10. In Which Type Of Banking, Electronic Financial Tractions Are Done?

E-Banking Explanation:  E-banking enable financial institution customers, individuals or businesses, to access accounts, tract business, or obtain information on financial products and services.

ICICI Bank Interview Questions

11. Tell Us How Much Money Do You Make?

As in any negotiation the person who says the number first is at a disadvantage. You can try and say you are interested in the job and you are sure salary is fair and commensurate with industry levels. If pushed you say you are looking for a “total compensation package in the range of ___to____”. In some companies they will insist on a W2 form so don’t lie about current salary.

12. Which Is The Largest Public Sector Bank In India?

State Bank of India Explanation:  It is a government-owned corporation with its headquarters in Mumbai.

13. Which One Of The Following Is The Special Drawing Right Given By The International Monetary Fund To Its Member Countries?

Paper gold Explanation:  It is an accounting entry. It is used only among governments and IMF for balance of payment settlements.

14. Which Is The First Bank To Introduce Credit Card In India?

Central Bank was the first public bank to introduce credit card in India.

15. Explain Me About A Risk You Took In A Job?

Tell how you used your relationships within the organization to gain support or shift the thinking. It could be a new idea for training, product development or sales. Show how you presented it then how you worked around those that found it negative. Explain how you have used this experience to further improve.

16. Explain About Yourself (ie Where Do You Start, What Do You Cover Personal V. Professional)?

Keep in mind they are not asking about you personally but you as a professional or business person. This is the time to name your strengths in a narrative way. “I am best known for my innovative and strategic approach to complex problems.” Then tell them how you came to this skillset by talking about your work experience and education. Always start with the present and work backwards. Two minutes into the wer ask “shall I continue?” You do not want to eat up all of your interview time and lose the person’s attention with a long-winded wer. Only at the end can you add something personally by saying “in my off hours I enjoy running and I coach a kids’ track team.” Makes you human.

17. Which Bank Launched Mobile Bank Accounts In Association With Vodafone’s M-paisa?

HDFC Bank,It was incorporated in 1994.

18. How Many Years Deferment For General Anti-avoidance Rules (gaar) Was Announced In The Budget 2015-16?

2 years Explanation:  GAAR are framed to minimize tax avoidance, for example by siphoning off profits to tax havens. GAAR could be termed as a general set of rules enacted to limit tax avoidance. It was proposed by the Union Budget 2012-@The finance bill 2012 introduced chapter X-A to the income Tax Act-196@Tax avoidance rule GAAR was proposed to be effective from April 2015 for those claiming tax benefits of over Rs 3 crore but the present Finance Minister Arun Jaitley deferred the roll out of the GAAR by two years to April 1, 2017.

19. Which One Of The Following Allow Bank Customers To Effect Trfers Of Funds From Their Deposit Accounts And Other Financial Tractions At Retail Establishments?

POS Explanation:  At the Point of Sale (POS), the retailer would calculate the amount owed by the customer and provide options for the customer to make payment.

20. Which Is The Largest Foreign Bank In India?

Standard Chartered Bank have been operating in India since 1858.

21. Explain Us Why Aren’t You Looking For A Job In Your Area Of Expertise?

You’ve done some soul searching, weren’t completely fulfilled or your talents weren’t being utilized enough in the current industry and realized this was the right path for you. I’ve had clients say that to employers and they were impressed they had taken the time to really find their direction and that they had such focus. Another reason could be they want to add to their skill set.

22. What Does ‘mat’ Stand For?

Minimum Alternate Tax Explanation: The intent of introducing MAT was to ensure that no taxpayer with substantial income can avoid tax liability by using exclusions, deductions and incentives.

23. How Are The Working Hours At Icici Bank Ltd?

9 hrs is the working hrs but one has to stretch accordingly due to high volume.

24. Which Bank Approved Loan To Help India In Improving Rail Services?

Asian Development Bank  The Asian Development Bank was established on 22 August 1966.

25. Tell Me What If A Coworker Calls Out Sick And You’re On Your Own?

This is a common issue in service industries. When short-staffed, you can face long lines and frustrated customers. In this situation, it’s important you recognize the role of politeness and efficiency. If even working at your fastest the lines keep lengthening, you need to tell the employer you would consult with your manager about calling in other workers or asking other employees to take over another register

26. What Is The Full Form Of Cbs?

Core Banking Solution, Core Banking Solution (CBS) is a delivery channel for quick and fast delivery.

27. What Does Rbi Regulate Through Open Market Operation Tractions?

Liquidity in economy Explanation:  Outright purchase and Repurchase agreement are the two traditional type of OMO’s used by RBI.

28. What Would You Suggest Icici Bank Ltd Management Do To Prevent Others From Leaving For This Reason?

I left the bank to pursue my higher studies, which was not possible during the tenure.

29. Explain Me What Didn’t Work In Your Last Position?

Be honest here but you don’t need to lay it all out either, for example if you and your boss didn’t get along. Don’t bash your former employer. It could be the culture, it could be there was little room for career progression, you didn’t agree with the vision of the company say what it is, then move quickly to focusing on what you want instead.

30. Under Which Act, Yoga Was Included In The Ambit Of Charitable Purposes As Announced In The Union Budget 2015-16?

Income Tax Act Explanation:  The government has decided to accord special status to Yoga by categorizing its promotion as a charitable activity. The institutions which, as part of genuine charitable activities, undertake activities like publishing books or holding programme on yoga or other programs as part of actual carrying out of the objects which are of charitable nature are being put to hardship due to first and second provision to section 2(15).

31. What Type Of Tax Has Been Abolished With A Cess In This Budget 2015-16?

Wealth Tax Explanation:  Wealth tax has been replaced with a 2% cess on super rich individuals. When tax is applied to a particular purpose, it is called CESS.

32. Which Was The First Bank To Introduce Internet Banking?

ICICI Bank was introduced in 1994.

33. Explain What Are Your Weaknesses And What Should You Improve On?

You should never pretend you don’t have any nor come up with a list like “I work too much.” Come up with a real weakness, like prioritization, time management perhaps – something that is real but also wouldn’t jeopardized your ability to do the job and focus on what you do about it. I’m working on improving my time management for example, I use an online calendar and schedule my tasks inside that calendar and plan my week each Monday estimating time needed for each task and project.

34. Explain Me How Are You With Handling Money?

A key part of a cashier’s job is handling money, so trustworthiness and integrity are important. In your wer, highlight your experience managing money, your past employers’ feedback on your honesty and your accuracy in managing the cash drawer.

35. Explain Me About A Time You Have Excellent Service?

For this ask, paint a vivid description of the situation so the hiring manager understands what happened and what actions you took. Highlight where you went above and beyond the standard response of a cashier and focus on the customer’s response.

36. Which Is The Largest Private Sector Bank In India ?


37. Do You Know How Does Someone Get Hired At Icici Bank Ltd? What Are The Steps Along The Way?

Any graduate with age limit upto 28 years may attend the interview, must have good communication skills.For fresher’s or exp Icici bank shows a very good path to build career in banking and financial sectors.

38. When Was The General Insurance Corporation Of India Incorporated.?

1972 , GIC was formed to control and operate the business of general insurance in India.

39. Which Is The First Bank To Introduce Atm In India?

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation introduced ATM in 1987.

40. Which One Of The Following Belongs To Bank Capitalization?

Basel III norms Explanation:  Basel III or the Third Basel Accord is a global, voluntary regulatory standard on bank capital adequacy, stress testing and market liquidity risk.

41. Imperial Bank Of India Was Nationalised In?

The largest bank, the Imperial Bank of India, was nationalised in 1955.

42. Explain Me Where Do You Want To See Yourself After 5 Year?

Here the interviewer want to see your awareness regarding to career path in the job and what is your level of commitment to the post/ job of PO, Clerk or SO they offer.

43. Which Bank Started The First Rrb Named Prathama Grameen Bank?

Syndicate Bank, The bank was known as Canara Industrial and Banking Syndicate Limited at the time of establishment.

44. Tell Me What Is The Interview Process Like At Icici Bank Ltd?

Depends on position

45. Any Extra Quality That You Have That Would Impact Our Decision?

(Here recruiters want to judge the person on the basis of confidence) I am a constant learner and try to keep myself up-to-date of all progresses in the field of IT. Also, since I do not quit in the face of toughest challenges. Mostly asked to the candidates to know their talent and ability except technical skills.

46. Explain Do You Prefer Working Alone Or As A Part Of A Team?

Cashiers typically work independently, but working within a team is a key part of the job; you will work closely with stockers, floor managers and others. As you respond, stress that you can work independently and can thrive on your own, but that you appreciate the support and expertise a team can give you.

47. Who Was The First Governor Of Rbi?

Osborne Smith was the Governor of Reserve Bank of India from 1 April 1935 to 30 June 1937.

48. What Is The Full Form Of Fccb?

Corporates issue Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) to raise money in foreign currencies.

49. Tell Me What Negative Things Would Co-workers Say About You?

This is a tricky one. Always attribute the negatives to a few and not the entire group. “I guess some may think I can be too passionate and a bit defensive when it comes to a project I’m working on”. And maybe that’s true from their perspective. In general I get along with my co-workers, clients and vendors. We don’t always agree but we can work together to get the job done.”

50. Tell Us Why Is There A Gap In Your Employment Record?

While gaps have been more common during the recession you need to show doing something of value. It could include improving your skills, certifications or connections. Building relationships as a volunteer is a usual wer, but you need to show how you were productive. Play down the vacation, reflection time, etc. If you did consulting work build up the value of what you got out of it. Don’t disclose how little you might have been paid.

51. What Is It About Our Company That Appeals To You?

Don’t be afraid to talk about their reputation “On the Street” and how you are a good fit. If they are viewed as aggressive for example, talk about how that fits with you, or the interest in where this culture can take the business. Avoid sugar coating your comments as the finance industry is too sophisticated to accept simplistic wers that don’t represent a deeper understanding.

52. Which Is The First Indian Bank To Open Branch Outside India?

Bank of India is the first Indian bank to open branch outside India at London in 1946.

53. What About A Time When You Failed?

Be honest, give something that actually happened and is real. Choose something that is a failure but you were either able to salvage, fix or at the very least you’ve learned from. Focus on what you do now to prevent that failure in the future.

54. If You Were To Leave Icici Bank Ltd, What Would Be The Reason?

Salary will be the main reason n would like Change my position in the next organisation

55. Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?

This question is asked less and less because five years is an eternity. In certain professions it is an easy question. “I want to be (name your title). More likely you will say you want to advance to a level to have even greater responsibility, influence and impact. Always make it sound like you will still be with them for those five years just at a higher level and possibly in a new venture with them.

56. Do You Know What Interview Questions Do They Ask At Icici Bank Ltd?

About condifident level to work any location how will co-operate with colleagues and the people n how would you manage the difficult situations which is rised in the organization how will you react for that ext …

57. Explain What Does Excellent Customer Service Mean To You?

As a cashier, you will be working with the public at all times. It is essential that you provide excellent service and that your standards of service match your potential employer’s. In your wer, highlight the importance of good service, identifying solutions and resolving issues to the customer’s satisfaction.

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