300+ TOP INTERNSHIP Interview Questions and Answers

INTERNSHIP Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. Why are you interested in this internship?
Eloquently communicating your reasons for applying to this particular internship is crucial. You must demonstrate that you are interested and ready to invest your time into such an opportunity. Be specific about your goals and expectations, discuss how you believe your qualifications are in-line with those required of the position, and be ready to explain why you chose this particular company when applying.

2. What do you know about our organization?

  • Researching the company or organization you are applying to is an integral part of the application process, and this question is an evaluation of whether or not you have already done such an essential task. Prepare to answer questions regarding the origins of the company/organization, their current activities, and their objectives for the future.
  • Failing to have any knowledge of the company/organization you are applying for will appear to be indicative of a lack of interest or commitment to the application, and to the position itself, whether or not that was your actual intention.

3. What is our mission statement?
While you may not know the company/organization’s “motto” word-for-word, it is essential to understand what the company/organization is trying to accomplish, and for what reasons. Using that knowledge, construct a statement that confirms this understanding.

4. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
This should be an easy question to answer. You wouldn’t have applied if you didn’t think you were qualified for the position. It’s important to quickly address how you meet the basic requirements for the internship and then expand upon how your strengths and experiences make you ideal for the position. This is a great opportunity for you to stand out from other applicants and make a case for why they should choose you. You’re more than qualified for the position; you’re ideal.

5. What do you know about the issues faced by our organization?
Your research on the company and its values will help prepare you for this question. However, you’ll also need to ensure that you do some preliminary research on the general market that the company operates in. If you were applying for an internship at a banking company, it would be wise to be familiar with how the banking sector and general economy has been doing lately. This shows that you’re aware of the larger context that the company fits into – a rare find in an intern candidate.

6. Do you have any ideas on how to solve or address some of the issues our organization may face?
To build upon the question that they have just asked (see previous question), employers will usually follow up with …”and how would you attempt to solve the issue?” Identify the components of the issues the organization is facing or may face, and apply your problem-solving skills to address each aspect of the main issue. Being able to formulate a well-thought out reply while showing your thought process step-by-step while being put on the spot will demonstrate a confidence in your abilities to work in that position, and provides insight into your general methodology.

7. What type of work environment do you prefer?
When an interviewer poses this question, he/she may be attempting to assess how well you would integrate into the work environment. However, they will likely expect your answer to include a description that applies to or embodies the atmosphere of their workplace. Common terms that can be used to describe such environments include “professional” or “casual,” “open” or “private,” and “fast-paced” or “relaxed,” among others. It may also help to look into how other similar work environments are described, so that you can use comparable terminology. Avoid superficial and general descriptions, and be ready to justify your reasoning well.

8. What makes you unique from other candidates?
It may be tempting to interpret this question literally, but an interviewer is not typically looking for an answer that involves certain aspects of your persona or general history. Instead, this question allows you to give your interviewer a solid and specific reason to hire you instead of any other candidate. Provide your interviewer with a career or academic story that highlights a unique success that may be pertinent to the position’s primary objective, and build on that as you continue your response.

9. What type of job-related skills have you developed that may help you in this internship?
If you have had a job experience prior to the internship opportunity you are currently applying for, be ready to elaborate upon what sort of skills you picked up during your time there, and which specific skills will help you in scenarios you expect to encounter during your time as an intern. Don’t underestimate the experience of working as part of a team in a professional environment and learning to communicate effectively.

10. How would you assess your writing and communication skills?
It may seem appropriate to be modest about your skills when asked this question in an everyday context, but an interview is not the time to underplay your skills—particularly if the position in question emphasizes a necessity for such talents. Be honest about the limits of your skills, but enforce the idea that you are constantly on the quest to improve and hone your skills further, especially if you are given the opportunity (or position) to do so.

INTERNSHIP Interview Questions
INTERNSHIP Interview Questions

11. What software are you proficient in?
Computer skills and technical skills are indispensable in this contemporary era, and any significant experience you have with software relevant to the position in question will be highly desired. Be sure to tell your interviewer if you do have such skills, and highlight your expertise if possible. In addition, typically any good experience using the two main operating systems, OSX and Windows, as well as general office productivity programs like Microsoft Office, Apple’s iWork suite, and even Google Drive will most likely be useful in any position.

12. What do you want to learn from this internship?
Before accepting/coming into an internship, it is essential to set goals for yourself, and to know what you wish to obtain from the experience. Doing so will allow you to optimize your time spent at your internship and to actually enjoy the experience. Be specific about the things you believe you may be able to learn about during your time as an intern, and how you might apply those skills even after your internship has ended. An employer wants to see that you are equally driven to learn and improve yourself using the opportunity provided to you, and that you are not only in this for otherwise superficial reasons. It’s always a good idea to highlight the opportunity to learn from the senior employees at the company and their years of experience.

13. What qualities do you think will make one successful in this internship?
Think about the qualities that you possess, but in the context of the internship. Remember those strengths you highlighted earlier? Bring them up again. If you haven’t gotten the strengths question, this is your chance to speak directly to the qualities that make you a strong candidate. A strong, confident answer to this question is key to the interview.

14. Have you had previous internship experience? Why or why not?
If you have had prior experience at another internship, reflect upon the experiences you had then and think about what you learned there—what takeaways can now be applied to this new opportunity? If you haven’t had internship experience, be prepared to honestly answer why you’re seeking your first internship now.

15. Do you know anyone at our organization?
Employers may be interested in knowing whether or not you have connections to the organization/company already, and if they should be particularly aware of these existing relationships, but be advised—they may reflect well on your status as an applicant if they have recommended you for the position, but if you are in the unfortunate circumstance of knowing an employee who you know is not particularly doing well at the organization, the opposite effect may occur. Regardless, it is important to be honest and disclose any relationships. An interviewer may be harmless in posing this question, and could be just curious.

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