300+ TOP LESS Interview Questions and Answers

Less Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is Less?
Less is a dynamic style sheet language that can be compiled in to CSS (Cascading style Sheet). It runs on client side and server side. It is designed by Alexis Sellier in 2009.

2. In which language Less was implemented?
Less was implemented into JavaScript Language.

3. What are the features of Less?
There are following features of Less:

  • It is easy to readable code and written in organized way.
  • We can define style and it is reusable.
  • It is based on JavaScript and CSS.
  • It sorts the code redundancy.

4. What are the ways to used Less?
There are three ways to used Less:

  1. Via NPM (Node Package Manager)
  2. Download script file for the browse.
  3. It can used for third party tools.

5. What are the color channel functions in Less?
The color channel functions in Less are:

  • hue
  • saturation
  • hsvhue
  • saturation
  • hswalue
  • red
  • green etc.

6. What are the similarities between Less and Sass?
The similarities between Less and Sass are:

  • Nesting capabilities
  • Namespaces
  • Color functions
  • Mixins and parametric mixins
  • JavaScript evaluations

7. What is Mixins in Less?
In Less, Mixins enable embedding all the properties of a class into another class. It includes the class name as one of its properties. It is just like a variable.

8. What is the difference between Less and Sass?
The difference between Less and Sass are:

Less                                                                                              Sass

  1. It uses JavaScript and client-side.                        1. It uses ruby and processed at server-side.
  2. It is processed at client side.                                  2. It is processed at server side.
  3. It uses @symbol to declare variable.                    3. It uses $ symbol to declare variable.
  4. It doesn’t inherit multiple selectors.                    4. It inherits multiple selectors.
  5. It doesn’t work with unknown units.                   5. It allows us to work with unknown units.

9. What is the data URI in LESS?
In Less, data URI allows developer to avoid external image and reduce HTTP request.

10. What is Source Map Less Inline?
Map Less Inline helps to include all the CSS files into the sourcemap.

LESS Interview Questions
LESS Interview Questions

11. What are the operations used in Less?
There are various operations used in Less:

Arithmetic operators( +, – , *, / )

Color functions

Math functions etc.

12. How can we declare the Less variables?
We can declare the Less variables by using (@) and (:) symbols.

13. What is the use of e() function in Less?
In Less, e() function is used to escape a value. It passes straight through the compiled CSS without being noticed by the Less compiler.

14. How can we invoke the compiler in Less?
In Less, we can invoke the compiler by using command line:

$ lessc styles.less

$ lessc styles.less > styles.css

15. What is the use of &combinatory in Less?
In Less, &combinatory is used to concatenates nested selector with parent selector. It is useful for Pseudo classes.

Example : hover and focus

16. Who is the developer of LESS?
Alexis Sellier and Dmitry Fadeyev is the developer of LESS.

17. Why should we use LESS?
We should use LESS because of its features:

  1. It is faster and easy to use.
  2. It is design in JavaScript.
  3. It keeps our code in modular way.

18. In which language the first version of LESS was written?
The first version of LESS was written in Ruby.

19. Which command is used to compile the style.less file to style.css?
The given code is used to compile the style.less file to style.css.

lessc style.less style.css

20. What are the ways to comment the code in LESS?
In LESS, there are two ways to comment the code.

//Single line comment.*/
/*multi line comment

21. Which directive is used to import the files in the code?
@import directive is used to import the files in the code.

22. What are the types of Misc function in LESS?
There are various types of Misc function in LESS:

  • color
  • image-size
  • default
  • get-unit
  • svg-gradient etc.

23. What are the type functions in LESS?
In LESS, there are various type functions:

  • isnumber
  • isstring
  • iscolor
  • iskeyword
  • isurl etc.

24. How can we disable the JavaScript in LESS?
W can disable the JavaScript in LESS by using following code:

lessc –no-js

25. What is rootpath in LESS?
In LESS, rootpath is used to set the paths of URL.

26. What are the UI/Theme frameworks supported by LESS?
There are various UI/Theme framework supported by LESS

  • 1pxdeep
  • Bootflat
  • BootPress
  • BootPress
  • Boot

27. What are the types of Node.js compilers used in LESS?
In less, there are various Node.js compilers used that are given below:

  • grunt-contrib-less
  • assemble-less
  • gulp-less
  • autoless etc.

28. What are the different types of operators in LESS?
In LESS, the different types of operators are given below:

  • Number Operations
  • Color Operations
  • String Operations
  • Boolean Operations
  • List Operations

29. What are the types of operations used in LESS?
There are various type of operations used in LESS.

  1. Simple Mathematical operators: +, ? , *, /
  2. Color functions
  3. Math functions etc.

30. How many ways to use LESS?
There are following ways to use LESS:

Less can be used in three ways:

  1. Via npm LESS can be used on the command line.
  2. Download as a script file for the browser.
  3. It can be used for third party tools.

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