300+ TOP Mathematics Interview Questions and Answers

Mathematics Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What are the different classes of maths are and what maths you prefer?

Different types of field for maths are Calculus, Algebra, and Fractions. I use all kinds of maths, but Calculus is major.

2. What is Algebra?

Algebra is one of the fields of maths, which uses symbols and letters to represent numbers, point, and objects, as well as the relationship between them. It is used to know the unknown variables.

For example, you have lost 5 pens, and you are left with 10 pens now, to know the total number of pens you had it. You will use the algebraic equation.

X -5 = 10

X= 10+5 = 15 which is the total number of pens you had.

3. How much space would a 30 Cup shelf require if a 12 shell cupboard requires 18 ft. of wall space?

A 30 Cup shell requires 45 ft. of wall

4. In a staff room, there are four racks with 10 boxes of chalk-stick. In a given day, 10 boxes of chalk stick are in use. What is the fraction that remains in the rack?

If each rack consist of 10 boxes of chalk stick, then the total number of the box on 4 racks will be

4X 10 = 40

Now, the second part is 10 of the boxes are in use which means that the total amount of box left is= 40 – 10 = 30.

Now the fraction will be

Remained/ total = 30/ 40 = 3 / 4 is the fraction remain in the rack

5. What is the formula for calculating the interest rate?

There are two types of interest which can be calculated using a different formula

Simple Interest

Compound Interest

To calculate simple interest, the formula used is (PX RX T)/ 100

Where P is the principal amount, R is for the rate of interest and t is for time

The formula for calculating compound interest is PX (1 + r/100) ^t


6. What is Commutative, Associative and Distributive laws in maths?

  • Commutative laws say we can swap numbers, and you still get the same number when you add, for example, a+b = b+a and same for multiplication.
  • Associative laws say it does not matter how we group the number final value will remain the same, for example, (a+b)+c = (a+b)+c , and same for multiplication
  • Distributive laws say that we can have the same answer while multiplying a number by a group of numbers added together or multiplying them separately and then add them, For example, a x ( b+c) = axb + axc

7. In a small company, the average salary of three employees is $1000 per week. If one employee earns $1100 and other earns $500, how much will the third employee earn?

Formula to calculate this,

(e1+e2+e3) /3 = $ 1000

1100+500+e3 = 1000 x 3

1600+e3 = 3000

e3 = 3000-1600

= 1400

The third employee will earn $1400

8. Explain in a complicated calculation like 8 + (9 x 52 +8) from where you will start calculation?

To avoid confusion from where to start the calculation from, you have to follow the BODMAS

  • B = Bracket first
  • O = Orders ( Powers and Square roots )
  • DM = Division and Multiplication
  • AS = Addition and Subtraction

Once you have done with B or O, then proceed from left to right doing any “D” or “M” as it is given in the problem, and then proceed from left to right doing any “A” or “S” as given in the problem.

9. What is Geometry?

Geometry can be classified into two classes

  • Plane Geometry: It is about flat shapes like triangles, lines and circles that can be drawn on a piece of paper
  • Solid Geometry: It is about three-dimensional objects like cylinders, cubes, prism, and spheres

10. What is the difference between Line, Point, Plane and Solid?

  1. Point has no dimensions
  2. Line is one-dimensional
  3. Plane is two dimensional
  4. Solid is three dimensional
Mathematics Interview Questions
Mathematics Interview Questions

11. What is Exterior Angle in polygons?

In polygons, the angle between any side of the shape and a line extended from the next side is referred as Exterior Angles. All the exterior angles of the polygon add up to 360°. Each exterior angle must be 360°

12. How can you convert a fraction to a percentage?

To convert a fraction to a percentage, we look into an example for 4/9

  • First divide 4/9 = 0.44
  • Then multiply by 100 = 0.44 x 100 = 44.44
  • Add the “ % “ sign to the answer = 44.44%
  • Percentage of 4/9 = 44.4 %

13. How can you convert a percentage to a fraction?

To convert a percentage into fraction let say 70% to a fraction

  • Convert 70 % into decimal = 70/ 100 = 0.7
  • Write down the decimal “over” the number 1 = 0.7/1
  • Then multiply top and bottom by 10 = 0.7x 10 = 7/10

For each number after the decimal point 1 x 10

(10 for 1, 100 for 2)

  • Which will give = 7/10
  • 7/10 it the fraction form

14. What is Cubic Meter?

Cubic Meter is the standard unit used to measure the volume of an object length by length. The unit is written in m3.

1 m3 (Cubic Meter) = 1000 liters

15. How much is a hectare and how much is square millimetre?

  • 1 hectare = 100 meters on each side , so a hectare has 100 m x 100 m = 10,000 m2
  • A square millimetre is millimetres x millilitres; a millimetre is a thousand part of a meter, so a square millimetre is one-millionth of a square meter

1 X 1 = 1 of a square meter

1000 1000 1,000, 000

16. If bus conductor issues 50 tickets in 30 minutes how many tickets can he be able to issues in 8 hrs.?

If the bus conductor issues 50 tickets in 30 minutes, so the number of ticket issues in 8 hr. will

(480 x50) / 30 = 800 tickets

So the conductor can issue 800 tickets for 8 hrs.

17. What is Permutation?

An ordered arrangement of a group of an object is known as Permutation, for example, the permutation of an arrangement of 9 balls different in colors in 3 different rows can be done in 9P3= 504 ways.

18. What is a linear equation? What is it used for?

To calculate or solve problems involving distance, speed and time we use linear equation. It is also used to find solutions that involve weight, mass, and density. A linear equation can be expressed as Ax +By+ Cz+…= D.

19. Give an example where you can use a linear equation in your daily life?

For example, if you are the office is 20 miles from your office, and you have reached 8 am, and you know that the traffic is moving at 40 miles per hour.

To know what time you should leave from home, use this equation

Time taken = distance/ rate of travel

t= 20/40 = ½ or half an hour. To reach the office at 8 a.m., you should leave home at 7: 30 am

20. What is a tangent?

A line that touches a curve at one point, without passing or cutting across it is referred as a tangent.

21. What is a standard deviation?

Standard deviation is the measure of the spread out of the data about the mean value. It is referred to as sigma and represented as symbol σ.

22. In what ways do you use math in your daily life?
Since I am at college to study mathematics I would say that my daily life revolves around mathematics.

23. What types of math do you use? Re: Calculus, Algebra, Fractions?
Every type. I am in calculus right now and it uses every time of mathematics that I have leaned previously.

24. What types of tools or measuring devices do you use related to math?
No devices use for measuring in math.

25. A boy multiplied a number with 10 and got 100. If he divided it by 10, what would be the answer?

26. If a 12 shell cupboard requires 18 ft of wall space then how much wall space would a 30 cup shelf require?

27. The average salary of three employee is $950 per week. If one employee earns $1150 and other earns $650 rupees, how much will third be earn?

28. During a given week a programmer spend 1/4 of his time preparing charts,3/8 of his time for coding,rest of his time for debugging the programs.If he had 48 hrs during the week how many hours did he spend debugging the program

29. A 16 story building has 12000ft on each floor. Company A rents 7 floors and company B rents 4 floors. What is the number of square feet of unrented floor space?
60000 sqft

30. Give the range for the following six values 2, 7, 11, 19, 25, 33:

31. n radians encompass what percent of a circle?

32. Convert 3/20 into a percentage:

33. If in a sequence of natural numbers, starting with 2, you begin eliminating every second number after 2, then every third number after 3, then every fourth number after 4, and so on, what type of numbers will be left?
prime numbers

34. When a quadratic function is plotted on a typical graph, it assumes what shape?

35. A country adopted a policy requiring all couples to continue having children until they had a girl, after which they must stop having children. How many children will the average family have and what will the sex distribution be?
Two Children – One Boy And One Girl

36. Give the rational numbers in the following set:
-8, – 3 , 1/5, 0, p
-8, 1/5, 0

37. What is the total angular distance in degrees over a sphere?
360 Degrees

38. Six factorial equals what number?

39. The converse of this theorem is: if the sum of the squares of two sides of a triangle equal the square of the third side then the triangle is a right triangle. What is the name of the theorem?
Pythagorean Theorem

40. Farmer John grows corn, tomatoes, potatoes and squash. He has only 2 fields for growing these products and cannot grow more than one product per field. How many planting combinations can be done in one season?

41. The imaginary unit i is numerically defined as what?

42. What 3 consecutive numbers add up to 45?
14, 15, and 16

43. Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. Give the respective two pairs of prime numbers that when added give 8 and 12:
5 and 3 for the number 8; and 7 and 5 for the number 12

44. In 1700 AD, this person showed that a series of 0s and 1s could be used to denote a number:
Gottfried Liebniz

45. Where is the y intercept for y = sin x?

46. The product of 6 factorial is how many times larger than the product of 5 factorial?

47. What is the square root of 256?

48. A farmer wishes to make a straight barbed wire fence 80 feet long. He wants to have a fence post every 8 feet. How many fence posts does he need?

49. What form of geometry is one in which the parallel postulate of Euclidean Geometry does NOT hold:
non-euclidean geometry

50. If the length of the cycloid is 4 times the diameter of a rotating circle, then the area under the arch traced out by that cycloid is how many times the area of the rotating circle?
3 times

51. According to Set Theory, sets that do NOT contain themselves are typically referred to as:
normal sets

52. If you start with 1 bacterium and double the number every 15 minutes, how many bacteria will you have at the end of 3 hours and 45 minutes?

53. How many degrees are there in o radians:

54. What is the cube root of 729?

55. If perfect numbers, except 6, can be expressed by the sum of the cubes of an unbroken sequence of consecutive odd integers, what are the consecutive odd integers which, when cubed, give the perfect number 28?
13 + 33

56. What is the sum of the internal angles of a pentagon

57. What is the mean for the following data set of 5 numbers:
84, 50, 73, 27, 16

58. What is the greatest common divisor for the numbers 102 and 30?

59. In statistics, what is the common term for the square root of the variance?
standard deviation

60. Rounded off to the nearest whole year, how many years would it take for your money to double in an investment that was increasing with an annual compound rate of 3.5%?
20 years

Mathematics Questions and Answers Pdf Download

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