[Maths Class Notes] on Compound Statements Connectives in Mathematics Pdf for Exam

Compound Statement Using Connective ‘AND’

Connecting two statements with “and” means both statements must be valid for the whole compound statement to be true. 

Specific rules concerning the application of connective “AND”.

  1. When all the component statements joined by ‘and, are correct, then the given statement is also true.

  2. Any component statements connected by the connective ‘and’ is false; then, the entire compound statement is false.

Consider the following statement:

R: A rectangle has four sides, and the lengths of its opposite sides are equal.

This statement takes the connective ‘and’ to join two different mathematically acceptable observations. If we break this statement into component statements we have:

x: A rectangle has four sides

y: The lengths of its opposite sides are equal.

Here, both the component statements are true mathematically; therefore, statement R is also true.

Mentioned below are few examples to learn it more beneficially:

Compound Statement using Connective ‘OR’

If the connector linking two statements is “or,” it is a disjunction. In the aforementioned case, only one statement in the compound statement needs to be valid for the entire compound statement to be true.

Specific rules regarding the use of connective ‘OR’

  1. If any of the compound statements connected through Or is true, then the given compound statement is also true.

  2. If all of the compound statements are connected through and is false, then the entire statement is false.

Let’s have a quick look at the following statements:

R: The sum of two integers can be positive or negative.

The component can be read as:

a: The addition of two integers can be positive.

b: The addition of two integers can be negative.

In the statement, ‘Or’ is used as a connective, if each of the statements is true, then P is true. Here both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are true; consequently, P is true.

The connective ‘Or’ can either be inclusive or exclusive.

Compound Statement Math Examples

Example 1:

S: The length and breadth of a rectangle are 3 and 6, respectively.

This statement P can be broken as:

a: The length of a rectangle is 3.

b: The breadth of a rectangle is 6.

These component statements, i.e., a and b putting together, give us the statement S.

However, it can be observed that the component ‘b’ is not correct; therefore, as the given statement takes the connective and, the provided compound statement is false.

Example 2:

P: You can go in the northeast direction or southwest direction.

The statement implies you can only choose one direction, either northeast or southwest, but not both.

This statement uses the exclusive ‘Or’.

Q: The applicants who have obtained 75% or eight pointers are eligible for the project.

This statement uses inclusive ‘Or’.

What is a Simple Statement?

A statement is said to be simple if further it cannot be broken down into more straightforward statements, that is if it is not composed of two or more than two simpler statements, joined by connectives.

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