250+ TOP MCQs on Addressing Modes of 8086 and Answers

Microprocessor Multiple Choice Questions on “Addressing Modes of 8086”.

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1. The instruction, MOV AX, 0005H belongs to the address mode
a) register
b) direct
c) immediate
d) register relative
Answer: c
Clarification: In Immediate addressing mode, immediate data is a part of instruction and appears in the form of successive byte or bytes.

2. The instruction, MOV AX, 1234H is an example of
a) register addressing mode
b) direct addressing mode
c) immediate addressing mode
d) based indexed addressing mode
Answer: c
Clarification: Since immediate data is present in the instruction.

3. The instruction, MOV AX, [2500H] is an example of
a) immediate addressing mode
b) direct addressing mode
c) indirect addressing mode
d) register addressing mode
Answer: b
Clarification: Since the address is directly specified in the instruction as a part of it.

4. If the data is present in a register and it is referred using the particular register, then it is
a) direct addressing mode
b) register addressing mode
c) indexed addressing mode
d) immediate addressing mode
Answer: b
Clarification: Since register is used to refer the address.

5. The instruction, MOV AX,[BX] is an example of
a) direct addressing mode
b) register addressing mode
c) register relative addressing mode
d) register indirect addressing mode
Answer: d
Clarification: Since the register used to refer to the address is accessed indirectly.

6. If the offset of the operand is stored in one of the index registers, then it is
a) based indexed addressing mode
b) relative based indexed addressing mode
c) indexed addressing mode
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: In the indexed addressing mode, the offset of an operand is stored and in the rest of them, address is stored.

7. The addressing mode that is used in unconditional branch instructions is
a) intrasegment direct addressing mode
b) intrasegment indirect addressing mode
c) intrasegment direct and indirect addressing mode
d) intersegment direct addressing mode
Answer: b
Clarification: In intrasegment indirect mode, the branch address is found as the content of a register or a memory location.

8. If the location to which the control is to be transferred lies in a different segment other than the current one, then the mode is called
a) intrasegment mode
b) intersegment direct mode
c) intersegment indirect mode
d) intersegment direct and indirect mode
Answer: d
Clarification: In intersegment mode, the control to be transferred lies in a different segment.

9. The instruction, JMP 5000H:2000H;
is an example of
a) intrasegment direct mode
b) intrasegment indirect mode
c) intersegment direct mode
d) intersegment indirect mode
Answer: c
Clarification: Since in intersegment direct mode, the address to which the control is to be transferred is in a different segment.

10. The contents of a base register are added to the contents of index register in
a) indexed addressing mode
b) based indexed addressing mode
c) relative based indexed addressing mode
d) based indexed and relative based indexed addressing mode
Answer: d
Clarification: The effective address is formed by adding the contents of both base and index registers to a default segment.

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