250+ TOP MCQs on Brick Masonry and Answers

Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Brick Masonry”.

1. How many types of brick masonry are possible?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 5
d) 6

Answer: a
Clarification: The four types are brick work in mud, brick work in cement or lime mortar – I class, II class and III class.

2. In which bond brick is laid with its length in the direction of a wall?
a) Header
b) Flemish
c) Stretcher
d) English

Answer: c
Clarification: Brick are laid with their end towards the face of the wall in header bond. In the Flemish bond, alternative header and stretcher are placed in each course. In the English bond, alternative header and stretcher courses are laid.

3. Which of the below should be avoided in brick masonry?
a) Horizontal joints
b) Queen closer
c) Brick bat
d) Vertical joints

Answer: d
Clarification: Vertical joints occur when the end of a brick is in line with the end of the underlying brick, vertically. This would lead to low strength wall as cracks can easily be transferred along these joints.

4. _________ bond is better in appearance than English bond.
a) Flemish
b) Double Flemish
c) Single Flemish
d) Poly Flemish

Answer: b
Clarification: Double Flemish bond consists of an alternative header, stretcher in each course. The facing and backing are of the same appearance.

5. Flemish bond is expensive than English bond.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Clarification: Number of bricks required in Flemish bond is less than that required in English bond. It is because each course has a header and stretcher, which occupies more space than header or stretcher when placed individually.

6. In Herringbone bond, bricks are placed at _________ angle from __________ line in both directions.
a) 60o, central
b) 60o, vertical
c) 45o, central
d) 45o, vertical

Answer: c
Clarification: There is a central line with respect to which bricks are laid. It is laid at 45o angle in both directions. It is used where wall thickness is more than 4 bricks or for paving.

7. The portion of bricks cut across the width in half is called:
a) Half split
b) Half closer
c) Half bed
d) Half bat

Answer: d
Clarification: When a brick is halved along its height, it is a split, that along the length is a closer. Bed is the lower surface of brick when the brick is laid flat.

8. What should be placed at the beginning of every header course in English bond to avoid vertical joint?
a) Queen closer
b) Half bat
c) Three fourth bat
d) King closer

Answer: a
Clarification: A queen closer is a brick piece cut in half along the length. It is placed so as to avoid vertical joints. It makes the header come centrally above the underlying stretcher.

9. The bricks used for corners of walls of a structure are called:
a) Spalls
b) Quoins
c) Hearting
d) Side

Answer: b
Clarification: Spalls are chips of stones for filling interstices in stone masonry. Hearting is an interior portion of a wall between facing and backing. Side is a surface forming boundary of bricks in a direction transverse to face and bed.

10. Which bond comprises of one course of a header to three or five courses of stretchers?
a) Dutch bond
b) Zig-zag bond
c) English garden-wall bond
d) Facing bond

Answer: c
Clarification: Dutch bond is a modified form of English bond. Three fourth bat is used next to header in stretcher course. Bricks are laid in zig-zag way in zig-zag bond. In facing bond, bricks of different thickness are used in facing and backing of walls.

11. Which IS code gives a code of practice for brick work?
a) IS 2212
b) IS 3102
c) IS 3466
d) IS 1077

Answer: a
Clarification: IS 3102 gives the classification of burnt clay solid bricks. IS 3466 gives the specification for masonry cement. IS 1077 gives the guidelines regarding common burnt clay building bricks.