250+ TOP MCQs on Collecting Sensor Data and Answers

IOT Multiple Choice Questions on “Collecting Sensor Data”.

1. The temperature and humidity sensor values are printed in _________
a) OLED matrix
b) PIP
d) SDK

Answer: a
Clarification: When we read temperature and humidity values from the sensor, we printed the values in an OLED matrix and rotated a servo’s shaft to display the measured temperature expressed in degrees Fahrenheit with the shaft.

2. _________ installer we have to installer to make sure that the request package is installed.
b) PIP
c) Python
d) SDK

Answer: b
Clarification: The PIP installer was available to install additional python 2.7.3 package in the Yocto Linux that we are running on the board.

3. PIP stands for _________
a) Package Management System
b) Python Package Index
c) PIP installs packages
d) Python Management System

Answer: c
Clarification: PIP is recursive acronyms that stand for either pip installs packages or pip installs python.

4. PIP is _________ acronym.
a) Excursive
b) Recursive
c) Intrusive
d) Package

Answer: b
Clarification: PIP is a recursive acronym that stands for either pip installs packages or pip installs python.

5. We will use pip installer to make sure that the _________ Package is installed.
a) Requests
b) SDK
c) IoT Accelerator
d) Maven

Answer: a
Clarification: Now, we will use pip installer to make sure that the requests package is installed. This package is very popular HTTP library for python.

6. Requests package is very popular _________ Library.
c) CoAP

Answer: d
Clarification: we will use pip installer to make sure that the requests package is installed. This package is very popular HTTP library for python that allows us to easily build and send HTTP requests with an extremely easy to understand syntax.

7. Requests package is very popular HTTP library for _________
a) C
b) Embedded c
c) Python
d) Java

Answer: c
Clarification: we will use pip installer to make sure that the requests package is installed. This package is very popular HTTP library for python that allows us to easily build and send HTTP requests with an extremely easy to understand syntax.

8. What is the command to install packets?
a) pip install requests
b) pip_install_requests
c) pip-install-requests
d) Pip – install – requests

Answer: a
Clarification: We need to run the following command in the SSH terminal to install the package.

9. _________ is created to represent the interface to Intel IoT Analytics.
a) Intel_IoT_Analytics
b) IntelIoTAnalytics
c) Intel_Iot_Analytics
d) IntelIotAnalytics

Answer: d
Clarification: We will create an Intel Iot Analytics class to represent the interface to Intel IoT Analytics and make it easy for us to publish observations for the three components.

10. The class declares the ___________ method that receives the temperature.
a) public-observation
b) Public_observation
c) Public – observation
d) Public- Observation

Answer: b
Clarification: The class declares the public_observation method that receives the temperature expressed in degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature expressed in degrees Celsius and the humidity level percentage.

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