250+ TOP MCQs on Control Systems and Answers

Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions on “ Control Systems”.

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1. What are Dashpots?
a) It works as a damper which resists motion by viscous friction
b) Toothed parts which transfer power between two shafts
c) Used to transmit power between two parallel shafts
d) Convert the rotatory motion into translatory motion
Answer: a
Clarification: It works as a damper which resists motion by viscous force. In the other three options, toothed parts which transfer power between two shafts is done by the gear drive. The other functions mentioned are performed using spur and rack and pinion type of gears respectively.

2. Force applied by dashpot is proportional to the velocity of an object in ____
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) All directions
d) Upward and Downward direction
Answer: b
Clarification: Force provided by dashpot is proportional with the velocity of an object but opposite in direction.

3. Dashpot absorbs energy from an object.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Dashpot absorbs energy from the object like spring, and makes the object stable.

4. Which type of damper works on the principle of the magnetic field?
a) Linear dashpot
b) Rotary dashpot
c) Eddy current damper
d) Shock absorbers
Answer: c
Clarification: Eddy current damper works on the principle of the magnetic field. It provides a force on an object proportional to its velocity. Linear dashpot and Rotary dashpot work on the principle of torque and velocity.

5. In any pair of gear, the smaller one is called as the pinion and the larger one is called as ____
a) Gear immaterial
b) Spur Gear
c) Internal gear
d) Helical gear
Answer: a
Clarification: In any pair of gear the smaller one is called as pinion and the larger one is immaterial of which is driven by the other. Spur gear, helical gear and internal gear are the different types of gears.

6. When the gear is driven, it results in step down driven in which the output speed decreases and torque increases.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Clarification: When a gear is driven, it results in step up driven in which the output speed increases and torque decreases. When the pinion is driven, it results in step down driven in which output speed decreases and torque increases.

7. In which type of gear teethes are parallel to the axis?
a) Spur Gears
b) Helical Gears
c) Rack and pinion
d) Internal Gears
Answer: a
Clarification: In spur gears teethes are parallel to the axis and used for transmitting power between two parallelshafts. In helical gears teethes are inclined with the axis. Rack and pinion and internal gears have different types of construction.

8. Which type of gear is used to convert rotary into translatory motion?
a) Spur gear
b) Rack and pinion
c) Helical gear
d) Internal gear
Clarification: Rack and pinion type of gear is used to convert rotary motion into translatory motion. In spur gears teethes are parallel to the axis and used for transmitting power between two parallel shafts. In helical gears teethes are inclined with the axis.

9. Bevel gears are used for ____
a) Transmitting power between intersecting shafts
b) Converting rotary into translatory motion
c) For high speed and high load applications
d) Used in high capacity reduction driver like cement mills
Answer: a
Clarification: Bevel gears are used for transmitting power between intersecting shafts. Rack and pinion type gears are used to convert rotary into translatory motion. For high load and high-speed applications, high capacity reduction driver like cement mills spur gears and double helical gears are used respectively.

10. The planet pinion carrier and shaft are used in which type of gear?
a) Rack and pinion
b) Internal Gears
c) Spur Gears
d) Helical Gears
Answer: b
Clarification: Internal gears consist of planet pinion carrier and shaft used in automobiles automatic transmission and step up driver of windmills.

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