250+ TOP MCQs on Forest Ecosystems and Answers

Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions on “Forest Ecosystems”.

1. How many parts are there in the forest ecosystem?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
Clarification: A forest ecosystem has two parts they are, abiotic and biotic. Abiotic type of forest depends on abiotic conditions at the site, they are also called non-living aspects of the forest. Biotic type of forest depends on plants and animals form communities that are specific to each forest type.

2. On which factor forest type is mainly dependent?
a) Abiotic
b) Size of the forest
c) Shape of trees
d) Products from the trees
Answer: a
Clarification: The forest type mainly depends on abiotic factors such as the climate and soil characteristics of a region. It also depends on the nature of the tree species whether they are evergreen forest, deciduous, xerophytes or mangroves.

3. Where can we find coniferous forest in India?
a) Deserts
b) River deltas
c) Grassland
d) Himalayan
Answer: d
Clarification: Coniferous forests grow in the Himalayan mountain region. It requires low temperature. Forests dominated by conifers such as pine, hemlock, spruce and fir. Wildlife such as snow leopards, Himalayan tahrs and musk deer’s are found in this region.

4. Why most of the Sun light does not penetrate to the ground in evergreen forest?
a) Because of snowfall
b) Because of less temperature
c) Because of trees overlap with each other
d) Because of less rainfall
Answer: c
Clarification: Evergreen forests look green throughout the year due to high rainfall. The trees overlap with each other to form a continuous canopy. Thus, little light penetrates down to the forest floor. The forest is rich in orchids and ferns.

5. Which state in India has the maximum percentage of its area covered by forests?
a) Arunachal Pradesh
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Mizoram
d) Nagaland
Answer: b
Clarification: Mizoram has the highest percentage is covered by forests. The state is host to numerous species of birds, wildlife. This is followed by Lakshadweep. Mizoram covers about 88% of its land with forest.

6. Forest plays an important role in ecosystem.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Forests hold importance for all inhabitants as well as for the overall health of planet. Forest protects from adverse climatic conditions. Forests are major contributors to the Earth’s ability to maintain its climate. Deforestation negates these benefits.

7. Where can we find thorn forest in India?
a) Semi-arid regions
b) Desert regions
c) Himalayan regions
d) Northeast regions
Answer: a
Clarification: Thorn forests are found in the semi-arid regions of India. The trees, which are sparsely distributed, are surrounded by open grassy area. Thorn forest trees have long or fibrous roots to enable them to reach water at great depths.

8. What is considered as lungs of nature?
a) Rock
b) Sun
c) Water
d) Trees
Answer: d
Clarification: Tress is considered as lungs of nature. Trees control pollutions by absorption and carbon dioxide and they release oxygen in return. This is similar to the respiration mechanism of lungs in humans where it takes oxygen by eliminating carbon dioxide.

9. How erosion controlled by forest?
a) By reducing in the sunlight penetration
b) By reducing the rainfall’s force on the soil’s surface
c) By reducing the pressure
d) By increasing the rainfall’s force on the soil’s surface
Answer: b
Clarification: Forest prevents erosion by reducing the rainfall’s force on the soil’s surface. Forest absorbing water and they do not allow it to flow directly run off. By this method, they prevent the removal of topsoil.

10. How forests increase the atmosphere’s humidity?
a) By transpiration
b) By inspiration
c) By expiration
d) By oxidation
Answer: a
Clarification: Forest release water vapor by transpiration which increases humidity. Forest contains many trees, these trees undergo photosynthesis. During this process, they released oxygen and water resulting in increase in humidity of atmosphere.

11. Which of the following type of forest important for watersheds?
a) Tropical Evergreen forest
b) Tropical Deciduous forest
c) Tropical Montane forests
d) Grassland forest
Answer: c
Clarification: Tropical Montane forests play an important role in watersheds. Watersheds are defined as an area of land that contains a common set of streams and rivers that all join into a single larger body of water. Tropical Montane forest is characterized by dense forest which helps in watershed.

12. How the tropical rain forest gets the name?
a) Due to less rain
b) Due to heavy rain
c) Due to moderate rain
d) Due to no rain required
Answer: b
Clarification: The tropical rain forest named so because they receive a lot of rain. They receive an average of 80 inches a year. Due to heavy rain temperature doesn’t change very much and it is always warm and muggy.

13. Where can we find the most feared spider in the world ‘Tarantulas’?
a) In deserts
b) In mountains
c) In tropical rain forests
d) In grassland forest
Answer: c
Clarification: ‘Tarantulas’ is one of the deadliest spiders found in tropical rain forest. Most species of tarantula have poisonous fangs for killing prey and to protect itself from other organisms. The tropical rain forest suits for this spider to survive.

14. The biomass of a forest is defined as the mass of living plants.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The biomass of a forest is defined as the mass of living plants. It is normally expressed as dry weight per unit area. Biomass production in the forest is the rate at which biomass is accrued per unit area over a fixed interval of time in a forest.

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