250+ TOP MCQs on Formation and Descriptive Study of Minerals – 05 and Answers

Engineering Geology Question Bank on “Formation and Descriptive Study of Minerals – 05”.

1. What is the chemical composition of Baryte?
a) BaSO4
b) CaSO4
c) BaCO3
d) CaCO3
Answer: a
Clarification: Baryte is found in massive and crystalline structures or forms and their basic chemical composition is barium sulphate (BaSO4).

2. What is the use of corundum?
a) Used as an abrasive
b) Used as precious gemstones
c) Used as Construction materials
d) Used as abrasive and precious gemstones
Answer: d
Clarification: Corundum is used as both abrasive and also as precious gemstones. The former is due its high hardness of about 9 and the latter is due its appearance, and the names of some common semi-precious gemstones are ruby, emerald, sapphire etc.

3. The semi-precious gemstone not belonging to corundum is _______________
a) Ruby
b) Sapphire
c) Diamond
d) Oriental emerald
Answer: c
Clarification: Some common forms of corundum used as precious or semi-precious gemstones are ruby, sapphire, oriental emerald and oriental topaz. Diamond is a completely different mineral and is not considered to be a form of corundum.

4. Pick the correct statement about talc.
a) It has very high hardness
b) It is not used in the manufacture of talcum powders
c) It is has lowest hardness
d) It is found in igneous rocks
Answer: c
Clarification: Talc mineral which is basically made of magnesium has the lowest hardness among the minerals which is equal to 1.

5. The ferro-magnesium mineral which occurs in ultra-basic igneous rocks is __________
a) Magnesite
b) Olivine
c) Baryte
d) Corundum
Answer: b
Clarification: Olivine is a type of ferro-magnesium mineral which is found in the ultra-basic igneous rocks. Magnesite is also found in the ultra-basic igneous rocks but do not belong to the ferro-magnesium group.

6. What is the diaphaneity of pure gypsum?
a) Opaque
b) Transparent
c) Translucent
d) Opaque or transparent
Answer: c
Clarification: Gypsum is found usually in translucent and sometimes in opaque forms. In its pure form it is found in translucent form.

7. Pick the wrong statement about talc.
a) It is a very soft mineral
b) It is used in talcum powders
c) It is usually white or green in colour
d) It is also used as precious gemstones
Answer: d
Clarification: Talc has hardness number of about 1, used in talcum powders and is usually found in white or green colour. But it is not considered as a precious gemstone.

8. Augite mainly consists of __________
a) Fe
b) Fe and Mn
c) Fe and Ca
d) Fe and Mg
Answer: d
Clarification: Augite is a ferro-magnesium mineral and hence its basic and main composition is Fe and Mg. It is usually found in black colour.

9. What is the form or structure of asbestose?
a) Massive
b) Flaky
c) Tabular
d) Globular
Answer: b
Clarification: Asbestose is always found in the flaky or sometimes rarely in columnar form. Else it is not found in any other form or structure.

10. What is the colour and streak of olivine respectively?
a) White and green
b) Olive green and white
c) Yellow and green
d) Green and no streak
Answer: b
Clarification: The olivine mineral is found in olive green colour and hence its name. The streak given by olivine is white.

11. What is the streak given by garnet?
a) White
b) Black
c) Grey
d) No colour
Answer: d
Clarification: Garnet is one of the very few ferro-magnetic minerals which do not give any streak. They are usually dark grey in colour.

12. What is the form or structure of corundum?
a) Tabular, flaky
b) Schistose, columnar
c) Hexagonal, columnar
d) Globular, tabular
Answer: c
Clarification: The corundum is always found in the hexagonal, columnar crystals. The columnar crystals are of appreciable size of about 8 to 10 mm and are not uncommon.

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