300+ TOP MCQs on Gene Function and Gene Trapping and Answers

Genetic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Gene Function and Gene Trapping”.

1. How many types of reporter gene constructs are there?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: b
Explanation: There are mainly two constructs for the reporter gene. In the first construct, reporter gene completely replaces the target gene. In the second construct, there is a fusion between the target gene and the reporter gene.

2. Desired changes are made in the structure of the promoter and is ligated onto reporter gene. The alteration can be known by measuring the activity.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Desired changes are made in the structure of the promoter in order to know about the region of expression.

3. ______ fluorescent protein should be used for determination of _______ of subcellular components.
a) One, age
b) One, location
c) More than one, location
d) More than one, age
Answer: c
Explanation: Fluorescent protein is used for location of subcellular components. More than one fluorescent protein should be used for exact determination of the location of the subcellular components.

4. Sequences can be cloned flanking the reporter genes using the transposon tagging approach. The use of reporter genes to identify sequences expressed in this way is called as ___________
a) trapping
b) tagging
c) identification
d) blotting
Answer: a
Explanation: Sequences can be cloned flanking the reporter genes using the transposon tagging approach and if sequences are identified in this way, then it is called as trapping.

5. If detection of enhancers is done it is called as ______ and for detection of transcribed sequences, it is called as ______
a) enhancer trapping, promoter trapping
b) enhancer trapping, gene trapping
c) promoter trapping, gene trapping
d) promoter trapping, enhancer trapping
Answer: b
Explanation: Trapping can be classified into different types by using different types of constructs. If enhancer is detected it is called as enhancer trapping. For promoter, it is called as promoter trapping and for transcribed sequences it is called as gene trapping.

6. The enhancer trap system will _____ in the ______
a) not replicate independently, host
b) replicate independently, host
c) not replicate independently, vector
d) replicate independently, vector
Answer: a
Explanation: The enhancer trap system will not replicate independently in the host. But the detection can be done by using a selectable marker.

7. For gene trap vector system, reporter gene and _____ are present. Reporter gene is _____
a) selectable marker, having promoter
b) selectable marker, promoterless
c) helper phage, promoterless
d) helper phage, having promoter
Answer: b
Explanation: For gene trap vector system, reporter gene and a selectable marker are present. The reporter gene is promoterless.

8. The reporter gene in enhancer trap system is preceded by ______
a) intron
b) exon
c) promoter
d) origin of replication
Answer: a
Explanation: The reporter gene in the enhancer trap system is promoterless and it is preceded by introns.

9. Insertion of vector into intron gives rise to ________ it contains a part coming from intron and a part from ______
a) hybrid intron, exon
b) hybrid vector, exon
c) hybrid intron, target DNA sequence
d) hybrid vector, target DNA sequence
Answer: c
Explanation: Insertion of vector into intron gives rise to hybrid intron. It contains a part coming from intron and a part from the target DNA sequence.

10. The hybrid intron is spliced from the transcript using the splice acceptor site in the vector.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The hybrid intron is spiced from the transcript using the splice acceptor site in the vector and then the reporter sequence is fused next to the target exon.