250+ TOP MCQs on MPU6050 Sensor Module and Answers

Arduino Multiple Choice Questions on “MPU6050 Sensor Module”.

1. What is the use of the MPU 6050 Sensor?
a) Monitors Motion
b) Monitors air pressure
c) Monitors objects
d) Monitors heartbeat
Answer: a
Calrification: The MPU 6050 Sensor is a complete motion tracking device which comes equipped out of the box with a gyroscope for tracking tilt, roll, etc.. , accelerometer for tracking motion, and a temperature sensor.

2. How many pins are present in the MPU6050 Sensor?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 8
d) 5
Answer: b
Calrification: The MPU 6050 Sensor has 8 pins which includes the Vcc, GND, INT, AD0, XCL, XDA, SDA, and SCL. All these pins have very specific functions and input patterns which need to be connected in perfect order in order for the sensor to function properly.

3. What is the use of the AD0 pin?
a) I2C Slave Address LSB Pin
b) SPI Master Address MSB Pin
c) UART Slave Address LSB Pin
d) UART Master Address LSB Pin
Answer: a
Calrification: The AD0 pin is the I2C Slave Address LSB pin on the MPU 6050. This is 0th bit in 7-bit slave address of device. If connected to VCC then it is read as logical HIGH and slave address changes.

4. What will happen if we supply a voltage of 25V to the Vcc of the MPU 6050 Sensor?
a) Damage is caused
b) Module will shut down
c) Module will not respond for the time the voltage is applied
d) Module will function normally
Answer: a
Calrification: The MPU 6050 Sensors are mostly built to work on a voltage range of approximately 3.3V to 5V. Any voltage lower than that and the sensor will not be able to power on, but however any voltage significantly above that and the sensor may suffer permanent damage.

5. Which of the formulae give us the angular velocity in the MPU 6050 along the X axis?
a) Angular velocity along the X axis = (Gyroscope X axis raw data/131) °/s
b) Angular velocity along the X axis = (Gyroscope X axis raw data/132) °/s
c) Angular velocity along the X axis = (Gyroscope X axis raw data/12) °/s
d) Angular velocity along the X axis = (Gyroscope X axis raw data/130) °/s
Answer: a
Calrification: (Gyroscope X axis raw data/131) °/s gives the correct value of the angular velocity of the MPU 6050 sensor. Here all the three values read from the 3 data pins of the Gyroscope module in the MPU 6050 are to be replaced in the equation one by one in order to get the 3D Model.

6. What is the optimum current that is required to operate the MPU 6050 Sensor?
a) 20 mA
b) 15 mA
c) 200 A
d) 1 A
Answer: b
Calrification: The current rating on any Sensor is given so that users can know what is the optimum current that needs to be fed to the active sensor such that the internal electronics is not destroyed by excess current.

7. What kind of sensor is the MPU 6050 Sensor?
a) Passive
b) Active
c) Radio
d) Pressure based
Answer: b
Calrification: The MPU 6050 sensor is an active sensor since it requires an active DC voltage source to function properly. On the contrary, an LDR can be said to be a sort of a passive sensor since it does not require the input of current from an external source for its working.

8. What is the datatype of the output given by the temperature module on the MPU 6050?
a) Signed Double
b) Unsigned Byte
c) Signed Int
d) Unsigned Float
Answer: c
Calrification: The temperature module gives us a signed integer in order to depict the current temperature. This helps because then we can have the full range of both the positive and the negative temperature scale.

9. What is the formula for calculating the temperature in degrees celsius from the raw data gathered by the temperature module of the MPU 6050?
a) Temperature in degrees celsius = ((temperature sensor data)/340 + 36.53) °/c
b) Temperature in degrees celsius = ((temperature sensor data)/340 + 36) °/c
c) Temperature in degrees celsius = ((temperature sensor data) + 36.53) °/c
d) Temperature in degrees celsius = ((temperature sensor data)/340 * 36.53) °/c
Answer: a
Calrification: ((temperature sensor data)/340 + 36.53) °/c gives the correct value of the temperature recorded by the MPU 6050 sensor. This is in the form of a signed int so as to denote negative temperatures too thus giving us the full range.

10. Which of the formulae give us the acceleration in the MPU 6050 along the X axis?
a) Acceleration along the X axis = (Accelerometer X axis raw data/16384) g
b) Acceleration along the X axis = (Accelerometer X axis raw data/1634) g
c) Acceleration along the X axis = (Accelerometer X axis raw data/1384) g
d) Acceleration along the X axis = (Accelerometer X axis raw data/1622) g
Answer: a
Calrification: (Accelerometer X axis raw data/16384) gives the correct value of the acceleration of the MPU 6050 sensor. Here all the three values read from the 3 data pins of the Accelerometer module in the MPU 6050 are to be replaced in the equation one by one in order to get the 3D Model.

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