250+ TOP MCQs on Take-off Performance and Answers

Aircraft Performance Multiple Choice Questions on “Take-off Performance”.

1. What is meant by minimum control speed ground?
a) The airspeed below which the rudder the will not be capable of producing a yawing moment
b) The airspeed below which the rudder the will not be capable of producing a pitching moment
c) The airspeed below which the rudder the will not be capable of producing a rolling moment
d) The airspeed below which the rudder the will not be capable of producing a dutch moment
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum control speed ground is the airspeed below which the rudder the will not be capable of producing a yawing moment. If there is an engine failure at this moment then it is must to stop the take-off run.

2. What is lift-off speed?
a) The speed at which the aircraft generates enough power to become airborne
b) The speed at which the aircraft generates enough speed to become airborne
c) The speed at which the aircraft generates enough thrust to become airborne
d) The speed at which the aircraft generates enough lift to become airborne
Answer: d
Clarification: The lift-off speed is the speed at which the aircraft generates enough lift to become airborne. Just before reaching this speed the aircraft rotates into a nose-up altitude which is equal to the lift-off angle of attack.

3. Just before reaching the lift-off speed the aircraft is rotated into a nose-up altitude which is equal to the lift-off angle of attack.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The lift-off speed is the speed at which the aircraft generates enough lift to become airborne. Just before reaching this speed the aircraft rotates into a nose-up altitude which is equal to the lift-off angle of attack.

4. What is the screen height during the take-off of an aircraft?
a) 40 ft
b) 14 ft
c) 30 ft
d) 35 ft
Answer: d
Clarification: The take-off speed for the aircraft is known to be 35 feet from the ground level. The screen height is same for all types of aircraft such as commercial, combat etc. This screen height is maintained same to avoid aircraft collision.

5. The rotation speed must allow the aircraft to rotate into lift-off attitude.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The rotation speed must allow the aircraft to rotate into lift-off attitude before the lift-off speed is being achieved by the aircraft. Just before reaching lift-off speed the aircraft rotates into a nose-up altitude which is equal to the lift-off angle of attack.

6. What is meant by ground run distance?
a) The distance where the aircraft takes-off on the ground
b) The vertical distance where the aircraft takes-off on the ground
c) It is also known as the screen height
d) It is the landing distance of the aircraft
Answer: a
Clarification: The ground run distance is the distance where the aircraft takes-off on the ground. There are two parts of take-off distance. One is ground distance and the other one is the distance from which the aircraft leaves the ground. This screen height must be about 35 feet to avoid aircraft collision.

7. There are two parts of take-off distance.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: There are two parts of take-off distance. One is ground distance and the other one is the distance from which the aircraft leaves the ground. This screen height must be about 35 feet to avoid aircraft collision.

8. What is the use of minimum control speed airborne?
a) Maintain directional control
b) Maintain fuel ratio
c) Maintain constant thrust
d) Maintain constant power
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum control speed airborne is used to maintain the directional control during the climb of the aircraft. The minimum control speed airborne is always greater than the minimum control speed ground.

9. What is meant by take-off safety speed?
a) Airspeed at which only the safe climb gradient is attained
b) Airspeed at which only the directional control is attained
c) Airspeed at which only the directional control is kept constant
d) Airspeed at which both the safe climb gradient and directional control is attained
Answer: d
Clarification: The take-off safety speed is the airspeed at which both the safe climb gradient and directional control is attained. This condition is attained at the time of engine failure in the airborne state.

10. What is meant by decision speed?
a) The speed at the point where there is unequal distances on the take-off run
b) The slope at the point where there is unequal distances on the take-off run
c) The slope at the point where there is equal distances on the take-off run
d) The speed at the point where there is equal distances on the take-off run
Answer: d
Clarification: The decision speed is the speed at the point where there is equal distances on the take-off run. The decision speed determines the minimum safe length of the runway from which the aircraft can take-off.

11. Transition is known as the phase where both the safe climb gradient and directional control in the climb can be attained during the failure of an engine.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: Transition is known as the phase where both the safe climb gradient and directional control in the climb can be attained during the failure of an engine. This is an important phase of the aircraft take-off path.

12. What is meant by airborne distance?
a) The distance between take-off point and the point at which the screen height is cleared
b) The distance between lift-off point and the point at which the screen height is not cleared
c) The distance between lift-off point and the point at which the screen height is cleared
d) The distance between take-off point and the point at which the screen height is not cleared
Answer: c
Clarification: The airborne distance is the distance between lift-off point and the point at which the screen height is cleared. The total take-off distance is the sum of both airborne distance and ground run distance.

13. The total take-off distance is the sum of both airborne distance and ground run distance.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The airborne distance is the distance between lift-off point and the point at which the screen height is cleared. The total take-off distance is the sum of both airborne distance and ground run distance.

14. What is meant by minimum unstick speed?
a) The maximum speed at which the aircraft becomes airborne
b) The minimum speed at which the aircraft does not becomes airborne
c) The maximum speed at which the aircraft does not becomes airborne
d) The minimum speed at which the aircraft becomes airborne
Answer: d
Clarification: The minimum unstick speed is the minimum speed at which the aircraft becomes airborne. This occurs when the over rotation pitches up the aircraft to a geometry limited angle of attack with the tail touching the ground.

15. During the flight of the aircraft with minimum unstick speed the tail of aircraft is in contact with the runway.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimum unstick speed is the minimum speed at which the aircraft becomes airborne. This occurs when the over rotation pitches up the aircraft to a geometry limited angle of attack with the tail touching the ground.

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